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  • 移动端rem适配文件

    /* eslint-disable */
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            b = document.createElement("style"); if (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b), b.styleSheet) b.styleSheet.disabled || (b.styleSheet.cssText = a);
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    ! function(a, b) {
        function c() { var b = f.getBoundingClientRect().width;
            b / i > 540 && (b = 540 * i); var c = b / 7.5;
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                    o = m.match(/maximum-dpr=([d.]+)/);
                n && (i = parseFloat(n[1]), j = parseFloat((1 / i).toFixed(2))), o && (i = parseFloat(o[1]), j = parseFloat((1 / i).toFixed(2))) } } if (!i && !j) { var p = (a.navigator.appVersion.match(/android/gi), a.navigator.appVersion.match(/iphone/gi)),
                q = a.devicePixelRatio;
            i = p ? q >= 3 && (!i || i >= 3) ? 3 : q >= 2 && (!i || i >= 2) ? 2 : 1 : 1, j = 1 / i } if (f.setAttribute("data-dpr", i), !g)
            if (g = e.createElement("meta"), g.setAttribute("name", "viewport"), g.setAttribute("content", "initial-scale=" + j + ", maximum-scale=" + j + ", minimum-scale=" + j + ", user-scalable=no"), f.firstElementChild) f.firstElementChild.appendChild(g);
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        a.addEventListener("resize", function() { clearTimeout(d), d = setTimeout(c, 300) }, !1), a.addEventListener("pageshow", function(a) { a.persisted && (clearTimeout(d), d = setTimeout(c, 300)) }, !1), "complete" === e.readyState ? e.body.style.fontSize = 12 * i + "px" : e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { e.body.style.fontSize = 12 * i + "px" }, !1), c(), k.dpr = a.dpr = i, k.refreshRem = c, k.rem2px = function(a) { var b = parseFloat(a) * this.rem; return "string" == typeof a && a.match(/rem$/) && (b += "px"), b }, k.px2rem = function(a) { var b = parseFloat(a) / this.rem; return "string" == typeof a && a.match(/px$/) && (b += "rem"), b } }(window, window.lib || (window.lib = {}));

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dongdong1996/p/14061245.html
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