#创建并进入数据库: mysql> CREATE DATABASE `info`; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> USE `info`; Database changed #创建学院表: CREATE TABLE `department`( `id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ); #创建学生表: CREATE TABLE `student`( `s_id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, `dept_id` INT, FOREIGN KEY(`dept_id`) REFERENCES `department` (`id`) ); `age` INT, `sex` CHAR(1), FOREIGN KEY(`s_id`) REFERENCES `student` (`s_id`) ); #创建课程表: CREATE TABLE `course`( `id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ); #创csou建中间表: CREATE TABLE `select`( `s_id` INT, `c_id` INT, PRIMARY KEY (`s_id`,`c_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`s_id`) REFERENCES `student`(`s_id`), FOREIGN KEY (`c_id`) REFERENCES ins`course`(`id`) );showcreate; #查看当前存在的表: mysql> SHOW TABLES;
#往学院表中添加数据: mysql> INSERT INTO `department`(`name`) -> VALUES('外国语'),('艺术'),('计算机'),('化工'); #往学生表中添加数据: mysql> INSERT INTO `student`(`name`,`dept_id`) -> VALUES('小明',1),('小红',3),('小花',3),('小新',4),('张三',2),('刘三',3); #往学生详细信息表中添加数据: mysql> INSERT INTO stu_details -> VALUES(1,18,'男'),(4,20,'女'),(3,16,'女'),(2,19,'男'); #往课程表中添加数据: mysql> INSERT INTO `course`(`name`) -> VALUES ('心理学'),('佛学'),('近代史'), ('音乐鉴赏'); #查看中间表的结构: (select是关键字,要加反引号) mysql> DESC `select`; +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | s_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | c_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.03 sec) #往中间表中添加数据 mysql> INSERT INTO `select` -> VALUES(1,2),(1,4),(2,1),(2,4),(4,1),(4,2),(4,4);
SELECT * FROM tb_name; SELECT * FROM `department`; SELECT * FROM `student`; SELECT * FROM `stu_details`; SELECT * FROM `course`; SELECT * FROM `select`;
查询选中列记录 SELECT col_name1,col_name2 FROM tb_name; 查询指定条件下的记录 SELECT col_name FROM tb_name WHERE 条件 查询后为列取别名 SELECT col_name AS new_name FROM tab_name 模糊查询 SELECT 字段 FROM 表 WHERE 某字段 Like 条件
#查询所有记录: mysql> SELECT * FROM `student`; #查询选中列记录 mysql> SELECT name,dept_id FROM student; #查询指定条件下的记录 mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE `name`='小红'; #查询后为列取别名 SELECT name AS `姓名` ,dept_id AS 学院id FROM student WHERE s_id>=2; SELECT name ,dept_id FROM student WHERE s_id>=2; SELECT name `姓名` ,dept_id 学院id FROM student WHERE s_id>=2; #模糊查询 * mysql> select * from student where name like '小%'; mysql> select * from student where name like '小_'; mysql> select * from student where name like '%小%'; % 多个字(任意个)* _ 一个字 #逻辑运算符 or and # or select * from student where name like '小%' or name like '张%'; # and select * from student where name like '小%' and s_id >2; # 判断为null,不用 = ,只能用 is is not select * from student where dept_id is null; select * from student where dept_id is not null;
升序(默认) DESC
#查询学生的选修表(中间表) mysql> SELECT * FROM `select`; #按学生学号升序输出 mysql> SELECT * FROM `select` ORDER BY `s_id`; select s_id 学生,c_id 课程 from `select` order by s_id asc; #按课程id降序输出: mysql> SELECT * FROM `select` ORDER BY `c_id` DESC;
# 分页。 #按学生学号升序输出的前4条数据 mysql> SELECT * FROM `select` ORDER BY `s_id` LIMIT 4; # (0,4) 从 索引为0, 往后面拿4条 #指定的返回的数据的位置和数量 mysql> SELECT * FROM `select` ORDER BY `s_id` LIMIT 4,4; # (4,4) 从 索引为4, 往后面拿4条
## 一般跟聚合函数 #对学生表中学院栏进行分组,并统计学院的学生人数: mysql> SELECT dept_id AS 学院id,count(dept_id) AS 学生个数 FROM student GROUP BY `dept_id` ; +----------+--------------+ | 学院id | 学生个数 | +----------+--------------+ | 1 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | | 4 | 1 | +----------+--------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) select * from student order by dept_id; see ## 不能这么写 # select s_id , age ,sex from stu_details group by sex # group by 只能跟聚合函数一起用, 一般用 做统计 select sex , MAX(age) from stu_details group by sex # 装B select dept_id,group_concat(s_id,name separator ',') from student group by `dept_id`; 3 | 2小红,3小花,6刘三 select dept_id,group_concat(s_id,' ',name separator ',') from student group by `dept_id`; HAVING分组条件 HAVING 后的字段必须是SELECT后出现过的 mysql> SELECT dept_id AS 学院id,count(dept_id) AS 学生个数 FROM student GROUP BY `dept_id` HAVING 学生个数=1; +----------+--------------+ | 学院id | 学生个数 | +----------+--------------+ | 1 | 1 | | 4 | 1 | +----------+--------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) 区别: where 带着条件 去表里面,删选内容, (table) having :select 出来了结果,在进行一次删选。
### 把别人的结果,当成数据,直接拿过来用。 # 求出学生的平均年龄 SELECT AVG(`age`) FROM `stu_details`; #查找出大于平均年龄的数据 mysql> SELECT * FROM `stu_details` WHERE `age`>18.25; #将平均数的SQL语句作为子查询放入上一条语句中 mysql> SELECT * FROM `stu_details` WHERE `age`>(SELECT AVG(`age`) FROM `stu_details`); ##需求: 要查找,计算机和外国语 的学生 select id from department where name in ('计算机','外国语'); select * from student where dept_id in (select id from department where name in ('计算机','外国语') ); # in , not in select * from student where dept_id not in (1,3); select * from student where dept_id in (1,3);
#无条件内连接: mysql> SELECT * FROM `student` INNER JOIN `department`; +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | id | name | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 1 | 外国语 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 1 | 外国语 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 1 | 外国语 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 1 | 外国语 | | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 2 | 艺术 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 2 | 艺术 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 2 | 艺术 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 2 | 艺术 | | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 3 | 计算机 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 3 | 计算机 | | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 4 | 化工 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 4 | 化工 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 4 | 化工 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 4 | 化工 | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ 16 rows in set (0.04 sec) #有条件内连接: mysql> SELECT * FROM `student` INNER JOIN `department` -> ON dept_id=id; +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | id | name | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 1 | 外国语 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 4 | 化工 | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ 4 rows in set (0.03 sec) #需求: 查询出 学生姓名,和对应学院名 mysql> SELECT s.name 姓名, d.name 学院 FROM `student` s -> INNER JOIN `department` d -> ON dept_id=id;
左外连接: (以左表为基准) in两张表做连接的时候,在连接条件不匹配的时候留下左表中的数据,而右表中的数据以NULL填充
右外连接: (以右表为基准)对两张表做连接的时候,在连接条件不匹配的时候留下右表中的数据,而左表中的数据以NULL填充
#往学生表中添加数据,只添加名字 mysql> INSERT INTO student(name) -> VALUES('xixi'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec) #查看所有学生表数据 mysql> SELECT * FROM student; +------+--------+------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | +------+--------+------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | | 5 | xixi | NULL | +------+--------+------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) #使用内连接加条件只能看到有分配好学院的学生的信息; mysql> SELECT * FROM student INNER JOIN departmentjoin -> ON dept_id=id; +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | id | name | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 1 | 外国语 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 4 | 化工 | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ 4 rows in set (0.02 sec) #使用左连接把学生的数据全取出来,该学生没有学院信息的用NULL填充 mysql> SELECT * FROM student LEFT JOIN department -> ON dept_id=id; +------+--------+------+------+-----------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | id | name | +------+--------+------+------+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 1 | 外国语 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 4 | 化工 | | 5 | xixi | NULL | NULL | NULL | +------+--------+------+------+-----------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) #使用右外连接把目前还没有学生的学院的数据也显示出来 mysql> SELECT * FROM student RIGHT JOIN department -> ON dept_id=id; +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | s_id | name | dept_id | id | name | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ | 1 | 小明 | 1 | 1 | 外国语 | | 2 | 小红 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 3 | 小花 | 3 | 3 | 计算机 | | 4 | 小新 | 4 | 4 | 化工 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 艺术 | +------+--------+------+----+-----------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>s
# 需求: 作为班主任,我想看到,学生的 ( 姓名,选的课程名,所属学院 ) select s.name, c.name,d.name from `student` s left join `select` se on se.s_id = s.s_id left join course c on se.c_id = c.id left join department d on s.dept_id = d.id; ##1. select s.name,d.name from student s left join department d on s.dept_id=d.id; ##2.学生选的课(名称) select se.s_id ,c.name from `select` se left join course c on se.c_id = c.id; select s.name, d.name, c.name from student s left join department d on s.dept_id = d.id left join `select` se on s.s_id = se.s_id left join course c on se.c_id = c.id; select s.name ,GROUP_CONCAT(c.name SEPARATOR ',') 课程,d.name from `student` s left join `select` se on s.s_id = se.s_id left join `course` c on se.c_id = c.id left join `department` d on s.dept_id = d.id group by s.name,d.name ; +--------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | name | 课程 | name | +--------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | xixi | NULL | NULL | | 小新 | 心理学,佛学,音乐鉴赏 | 化工 | | 小明 | 佛学,音乐鉴赏 | 外国语 | | 小红 | 音乐鉴赏,心理学 | 计算机 | | 小花 | NULL | 计算机 | +--------+-------------------------------+-----------+ #需求: 作为宿管, 学生的 ( 姓名, 年龄,性别,所属学院) select s.name, stu.age,stu.sex,d.name from student s left join `stu_details` stu on s.s_id = stu.s_id left join `department` d on s.dept_id = d.id; +--------+------+------+-----------+ | name | age | sex | name | +--------+------+------+-----------+ | 小明 | 18 | 男 | 外国语 | | 小红 | 19 | 男 | 计算机 | | 小花 | 16 | 女 | 计算机 | | 小新 | 20 | 女 | 化工 | | xixi | NULL | NULL | NULL | +--------+------+------+-----------+
事务: 是数据库运行中的一个逻辑工作单位。
例: 创建一张银行账户的表 mysql> CREATE TABLE `account`( -> `id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -> `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> `balance` INT -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.52 sec) 添加两个用户及用户的存款的信息 mysql> INSERT INTO `account`(`name`,`balance`) -> VALUES('张三',10000), -> ('小明',2000) -> ; Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.09 sec) Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 假设现在用户小明在商店买了500元东西,现在要转账给商店,那么就需要从小明的账户上减去500,
是要么同时修改成功,要么同时修改失败,所以这就需要用事务来进行出来。 START TRANSACTION:开始一个新的事务 COMMIT:提交当前事务,做出永久改变 ROLLBACK:回滚当前事务,放弃修改 mysql> START TRANSACTION; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> UPDATE `account` -> SET `balance`= `balance`-500 -> WHERE `name` ='小明' -> ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 使用ROLLBACK;使数据的修改不生效,回到事务前的状态: mysql> ROLLBACK; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec) 做一次正确的操作: mysql> START TRANSACTION; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> UPDATE `account` -> SET `balance`=`balance`-500 -> WHERE `name`='小明' -> ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> UPDATE `account` -> SET `balance`=`balance`+500 -> WHERE `name`='张三' -> ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> SELECT * FROM `account`; mysql> COMMIT; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec) 当COMMIT后,数据修改成功,ROLLBACK也没法回到之前了。 mysql> ROLLBACK; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
### 把别人的结果,当成数据,直接拿过来用。
# 求出学生的平均年龄
SELECT AVG(`age`) FROM `stu_details`;
mysql> SELECT * FROM `stu_details` WHERE `age`>18.25;
mysql> SELECT * FROM `stu_details` WHERE `age`>(SELECT AVG(`age`) FROM `stu_details`);
##需求: 要查找,计算机和外国语 的学生
select id from department where name in ('计算机','外国语');
select * from student where dept_id in (select id from department where name in ('计算机','外国语') );
# in , not in
select * from student where dept_id not in (1,3);
select * from student where dept_id in (1,3);