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  • 自定义echart图形----悬浮提示框的显示数据---随意加单位后者其他修饰----不会影响数据

    tooltip: { // 提示框组件
    trigger: 'item',
    formatter: function (params) {
    // console.log(params.data)
    var returnData = ''
    returnData += '睡眠:' + params.data.value[0] + 'h/8h' + '<br/>' + '训练:' + params.data.value[1] + 'h/6h' + '<br/>' + '累计步数:' + params.data.value[2] + '步/10000步' + '<br/>' + '运动量:' + params.data.value[3] + 'kcal/800kcal' + '<br/>' + '站立:' + params.data.value[4] + 'h/12h' + '<br/>'
    return returnData

    import myEcharts from 'echarts'
    const xAxisData = []
    const xAxisHeartData = []
    // let yAxisData = []
    export let heartRateData = []
    export const stepNumData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    export const trainTimeData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    export let sleepTimeData = []
    export const activityConsumptionData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    export const standTimeData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    export const distanceData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    export const climbData = [
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [2, 0],
      [3, 0],
      [4, 0],
      [5, 0],
      [6, 0],
      [7, 0],
      [8, 0],
      [9, 0],
      [10, 0],
      [11, 0],
      [12, 0],
      [13, 0],
      [14, 0],
      [15, 0],
      [16, 0],
      [17, 0],
      [18, 0],
      [19, 0],
      [20, 0],
      [21, 0],
      [22, 0],
      [23, 0]
    // export const radarData = [
    //   {
    //     value: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    //     name: '日生命体征'
    //   }
    // ]
    for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
      if (i < 10) {
        xAxisData.push('0' + i + ':00')
      } else {
        xAxisData.push(i + ':00')
    for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
      let hour = ''
      let min = ''
      let time
      for (let j = 0; j < 60; j++) {
        hour = i < 10 ? ('0' + i) : i
        min = j < 10 ? ('0' + j) : j
        time = hour.toString() + ':' + min.toString()
    const xHeartAxis = {
      data: xAxisHeartData,
      axisLabel: {
        interval: (index, value) => {
          switch (value) {
            case '00:00':
              return true
            case '06:00':
              return true
            case '12:00':
              return true
            case '18:00':
              return true
            case '23:59':
              return true
        textStyle: {
          color: '#78849E'
      axisLine: {
        show: false,
        lineStyle: {
          color: '#707070'
      axisTick: {
        lineStyle: {
    const xAxis = {
      data: xAxisData,
      axisLabel: {
        interval: (index, value) => {
          switch (value) {
            case '00:00':
              return true
            case '06:00':
              return true
            case '12:00':
              return true
            case '18:00':
              return true
            case '23:00':
              return true
        textStyle: {
          color: '#78849E'
      axisLine: {
        show: false,
        lineStyle: {
          color: '#707070'
      axisTick: {
        lineStyle: {
    export const setHeartData = (data) => {
      heartRateData = data
    export const resetSleepDate = () => {
      sleepTimeData = []
    export const heartRate = (id) => {
      var totalFlowRate = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
      var totalFlowRateOption = {
        animation: false,
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
            type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          formatter: (params) => {
            const tar = params[0]
            return tar.name + '<br/>' + tar.seriesName + ' : ' + tar.value[1]
        grid: {
          height: '70%',
          containLabel: true,
          bottom: '5%',
          left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
        xAxis: xHeartAxis,
        yAxis: {
          axisLabel: {
            textStyle: {
              color: '#78849E'
          axisLine: {
            show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#707070'
          splitLine: {
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#707070'
        series: {
          name: '心率',
          type: 'line',
          /* symbolSize: 3, */
          itemStyle: {
            color: 'rgba(254,210,208,0)'
          areaStyle: {
            color: new myEcharts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
              offset: 0,
              color: 'rgb(255,0,0)'
            }, {
              offset: 1,
              color: 'rgb(255,89,101)'
          data: heartRateData,
          showSymbol: false
          /* smooth:true//0-1之间的数字或true或false,显示为平滑的曲线 */
      if (JSON.stringify(heartRateData) === '[]') {
        totalFlowRateOption.yAxis.max = 200
        totalFlowRateOption.yAxis.min = 0
      window.addEventListener('resize', totalFlowRate.resize)
    // 设置雷达图指示
    export const indicator = [
      { text: '睡眠', max: 8 },
      { text: '训练', max: 6 },
      { text: '累计步数', max: 10000 },
      { text: '运动量', max: 800 },
      { text: '站立', max: 12 }
    // 设置雷达图目标
    export function setRadarTarget () {
      const target = {
        stepCountTarget: 10000,
        trainTimeTarget: 2,
        sleepTimeTarget: 8,
        activityConsumptionTarget: 800,
        standTimeTarget: 12,
        distanceRangeTarget: 3,
        climbRangeTarget: 50
      indicator[0].max = target.sleepTimeTarget
      indicator[1].max = target.trainTimeTarget
      indicator[2].max = target.stepCountTarget
      indicator[3].max = target.activityConsumptionTarget
      indicator[4].max = target.standTimeTarget
    // 制作雷达图数据
    export function setRadarData (input) {
      // console.log(trainTime)
      // const sleepRadar, trainRadar, stepRadar, calRadar, standRadar
      const sleepRadar = input.sleepTime > indicator[0].max ? (indicator[0].max + indicator[0].max * 0.2) : input.sleepTime
      const trainRadar = input.trainTime > indicator[1].max ? (indicator[1].max + indicator[1].max * 0.2) : input.trainTime
      const stepRadar = input.stepCount > indicator[2].max ? indicator[2].max + indicator[2].max * 0.2 : input.stepCount
      const calRadar = input.activityConsumption > indicator[3].max ? indicator[3].max + indicator[3].max * 0.2 : input.activityConsumption
      const standRadar = input.standTime > indicator[4].max ? indicator[4].max + indicator[4].max * 0.2 : input.standTime
      // radarData[0].value = [sleepRadar, trainRadar, stepRadar, calRadar, standRadar]
      const radarData = [sleepRadar, trainRadar, stepRadar, calRadar, standRadar]
      return radarData
    // 返回雷达图数据/options
    export function myRadar (input) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line // key: ['睡眠/实际', '训练/实际', '累计步数/实际', '运动量/实际', '']
      const radarData = [{
        value: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        name: '实际详情'
      console.log('myRadar input: ', input)
      if (input.stepCount) {
        console.log('setRadarData(input): ', setRadarData(input))
        radarData[0].value = setRadarData(input)
        radarData[0].value = [parseInt(radarData[0].value[0]), parseInt(radarData[0].value[1]), parseInt(radarData[0].value[2]), parseInt(radarData[0].value[3]), parseInt(radarData[0].value[4])]
        // console.log(radarData[0].value)
      const options = {
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis'
        radar: {
          indicator: indicator, // 雷达图的指示器
          splitNumber: 4,
          radius: 80,
          nameGap: 15,
          // shape: 'circle', // 雷达图绘制类型,圆形
          splitArea: { // 坐标轴在 grid 区域中的分隔区域,默认不显示。
            show: false
          axisLine: { // 坐标轴轴线相关设置
            show: false
          splitLine: { // 坐标轴在 grid 区域中的分隔线
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#707070'
          name: { // 雷达图每个指示器名称的配置项str.split("?")[0]
            formatter: '{value}', // 使用字符串模板,模板变量为指示器名称 {value}
            textStyle: {
              color: '#78849E'
            show: true
        series: {
          type: 'radar',
          tooltip: { // 提示框组件
            trigger: 'item',
            formatter: function (params) {
              // console.log(params.data)
              var returnData = ''
              returnData += '睡眠:' + params.data.value[0] + 'h/8h' + '<br/>' + '训练:' + params.data.value[1] + 'h/6h' + '<br/>' + '累计步数:' + params.data.value[2] + '步/10000步' + '<br/>' + '运动量:' + params.data.value[3] + 'kcal/800kcal' + '<br/>' + '站立:' + params.data.value[4] + 'h/12h' + '<br/>'
              return returnData
          itemStyle: {
            normal: {
              color: '#FF6B27'
          areaStyle: {
            normal: {
              opacity: 0.63
          data: radarData
      return options
      // window.addEventListener('resize', totalRadar.resize)
    /* 累计步数柱状图 */
    export const stepNum = (xaxis, data) => {
      // var totalStep = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
      console.log('@utils !stepNumData', !stepNumData)
      console.log('@utils stepNumData', stepNumData)
      if (!stepNumData) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
          stepNumData.push([i, 0])
      var stepNumOption = {
        backgroundColor: '#474751',
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'axis',
          axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
            type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
        grid: {
          height: '90%',
          containLabel: true,
          bottom: 0,
          left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
        xAxis: xaxis,
        yAxis: {
          axisLabel: {
            textStyle: {
              color: '#78849E'
            formatter: '{value}'
          axisLine: {
            show: false,
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#707070'
          splitLine: {
            lineStyle: {
              color: '#707070'
          nameTextStyle: {
            fontSize: 2
        series: [{
          name: '步数',
          type: 'bar',
          data: data,
          itemStyle: {
            normal: {
              color: '#ED7741',
              barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
      if (JSON.stringify(stepNumData) === JSON.stringify([
        [0, 0],
        [1, 0],
        [2, 0],
        [3, 0],
        [4, 0],
        [5, 0],
        [6, 0],
        [7, 0],
        [8, 0],
        [9, 0],
        [10, 0],
        [11, 0],
        [12, 0],
        [13, 0],
        [14, 0],
        [15, 0],
        [16, 0],
        [17, 0],
        [18, 0],
        [19, 0],
        [20, 0],
        [21, 0],
        [22, 0],
        [23, 0]
      ])) {
        stepNumOption.yAxis.max = 1000
        stepNumOption.yAxis.min = 0
      console.log('@utils stepNumOption', stepNumOption)
      return stepNumOption
      // totalStep.setOption(stepNumOption)
      // window.addEventListener('resize', totalStep.resize)
    /* 训练时间柱状图 */
    export const myTrainTime = (id) => {
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        var totalTrain = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        var trainTimeOption = {
          backgroundColor: '#474751',
          tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
              type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          grid: {
            height: '90%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
          xAxis: xAxis,
          yAxis: {
            max: 60,
            min: 0,
            axisLabel: {
              textStyle: {
                color: '#78849E'
              formatter: '{value}分钟'
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            nameTextStyle: {
              fontSize: 5
          series: [{
            name: '训练时间',
            type: 'bar',
            data: trainTimeData,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#ED7741',
                barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalTrain.resize)
    /* 睡觉时间柱状图 */
    export const mySleepTime = (id) => {
      const categories = ['']
      function renderItem (params, api) {
        const categoryIndex = 0
        const start = api.coord([api.value(0), categoryIndex])
        const end = api.coord([api.value(1), categoryIndex])
        const height = api.size([0, 1])[1] * 0.4
        const rectShape = myEcharts.graphic.clipRectByRect({
          x: start[0],
          y: start[1] - height / 2,
           end[0] - start[0],
          height: height
        }, {
          x: params.coordSys.x,
          y: params.coordSys.y,
          height: params.coordSys.height
        return rectShape && {
          type: 'rect',
          shape: rectShape,
          style: api.style()
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        const totalSleep = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        const sleepTimeOption = {
          tooltip: {
            formatter: function (params) {
              return params.marker + params.name + ': ' + params.value[2] + ' 分钟<br />开始时间: ' +
                new Date(params.value[0]).toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + new Date(params.value[0]).toTimeString().split(' ')[0] +
                '<br />结束时间: ' + new Date(params.value[1]).toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + new Date(params.value[1]).toTimeString().split(' ')[0]
            confine: true
          grid: {
            height: '100%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '4%'
          xAxis: {
            type: 'time',
            scale: true,
            splitLine: {
              show: false
            axisLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            axisTick: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
          yAxis: {
            name: '睡眠',
            data: categories,
            axisLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            nameGap: 5,
            nameRotate: 90,
            nameLocation: 'middle'
          series: [{
            type: 'custom',
            renderItem: renderItem,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                opacity: 1
            encode: {
              x: [0, 1]
            data: sleepTimeData
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalSleep.resize)
      /*  if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
        } else {
          var totalSleep = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id));
          var sleepTimeOption = {
            backgroundColor: '#474751',
            tooltip: {
              trigger: 'axis',
              axisPointer: {            // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
                type: 'shadow'        // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
            grid: {
              height: '90%',
              containLabel: true,
              bottom: 0,
              left: '1%'/!*"单位px"*!/
            xAxis: xAxis,
            yAxis: {
              max: 60,
              min: 0,
              axisLabel: {
                textStyle: {
                  color: '#78849E'
                formatter: '{value}分钟'
              axisLine: {
                show: false,
                lineStyle: {
                  color: '#707070'
              splitLine: {
                lineStyle: {
                  color: '#707070'
            series: [{
              name: '睡眠时间',
              type: 'bar',
              data: sleepTimeData,
              itemStyle: {
                normal: {
                  color: '#ED7741',
                  barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
          window.addEventListener("resize", totalSleep.resize);
        } */
    /* 活动消耗柱状图 */
    export const myActivityConsumption = (id) => {
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        var totalActivity = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        var activityConsumptionOption = {
          backgroundColor: '#474751',
          tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
              type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          grid: {
            height: '90%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
          xAxis: xAxis,
          yAxis: {
            axisLabel: {
              textStyle: {
                color: '#78849E'
              formatter: '{value}cal'
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
          series: [{
            name: '活动消耗',
            type: 'bar',
            data: activityConsumptionData,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#ED7741',
                barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
        if (JSON.stringify(activityConsumptionData) === JSON.stringify([
          [0, 0],
          [1, 0],
          [2, 0],
          [3, 0],
          [4, 0],
          [5, 0],
          [6, 0],
          [7, 0],
          [8, 0],
          [9, 0],
          [10, 0],
          [11, 0],
          [12, 0],
          [13, 0],
          [14, 0],
          [15, 0],
          [16, 0],
          [17, 0],
          [18, 0],
          [19, 0],
          [20, 0],
          [21, 0],
          [22, 0],
          [23, 0]
        ])) {
          activityConsumptionOption.yAxis.max = 100
          activityConsumptionOption.yAxis.min = 0
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalActivity.resize)
    /* 站立时间柱状图 */
    export const myStandTime = (id) => {
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        var totalStand = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        var standTimeOption = {
          backgroundColor: '#474751',
          tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
              type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          grid: {
            height: '90%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
          xAxis: xAxis,
          yAxis: {
            max: 60,
            min: 0,
            axisLabel: {
              textStyle: {
                color: '#78849E'
              formatter: '{value}分钟'
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
          series: [{
            name: '站立时间',
            type: 'bar',
            data: standTimeData,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#ED7741',
                barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalStand.resize)
    /* 距离柱状图 */
    export const myDistance = (id) => {
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        var totalDistance = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        var distanceOption = {
          backgroundColor: '#474751',
          tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
              type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          grid: {
            height: '90%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
          xAxis: xAxis,
          yAxis: {
            axisLabel: {
              textStyle: {
                color: '#78849E'
              formatter: '{value}米'
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
          series: [{
            name: '距离',
            type: 'bar',
            data: distanceData,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#ED7741',
                barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
        if (JSON.stringify(distanceData) === JSON.stringify([
          [0, 0],
          [1, 0],
          [2, 0],
          [3, 0],
          [4, 0],
          [5, 0],
          [6, 0],
          [7, 0],
          [8, 0],
          [9, 0],
          [10, 0],
          [11, 0],
          [12, 0],
          [13, 0],
          [14, 0],
          [15, 0],
          [16, 0],
          [17, 0],
          [18, 0],
          [19, 0],
          [20, 0],
          [21, 0],
          [22, 0],
          [23, 0]
        ])) {
          distanceOption.yAxis.max = 1000
          distanceOption.yAxis.min = 0
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalDistance.resize)
    /* 爬高 */
    export const myClimb = (id) => {
      if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
      } else {
        var totalClimb = myEcharts.init(document.getElementById(id))
        var climbOption = {
          backgroundColor: '#474751',
          tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
              type: 'shadow' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
          grid: {
            height: '90%',
            containLabel: true,
            bottom: 0,
            left: '1%'/* "单位px" */
          xAxis: xAxis,
          yAxis: {
            axisLabel: {
              textStyle: {
                color: '#78849E'
              formatter: '{value}米'
            axisLine: {
              show: false,
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
            splitLine: {
              lineStyle: {
                color: '#707070'
          series: [{
            name: '爬高',
            type: 'bar',
            data: climbData,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                color: '#ED7741',
                barBorderRadius: [2, 2, 2, 2]
        if (JSON.stringify(climbData) === JSON.stringify([
          [0, 0],
          [1, 0],
          [2, 0],
          [3, 0],
          [4, 0],
          [5, 0],
          [6, 0],
          [7, 0],
          [8, 0],
          [9, 0],
          [10, 0],
          [11, 0],
          [12, 0],
          [13, 0],
          [14, 0],
          [15, 0],
          [16, 0],
          [17, 0],
          [18, 0],
          [19, 0],
          [20, 0],
          [21, 0],
          [22, 0],
          [23, 0]
        ])) {
          climbOption.yAxis.max = 10
          climbOption.yAxis.min = 0
        window.addEventListener('resize', totalClimb.resize)
    export const padDate = (value) => {
      return value < 10 ? '0' + value : value


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