C# 调用 python脚本
1 // Executes a shell command synchronously.
2 // Example of command parameter value is
3 // "python " + @"".
4 //
5 public static void ExecuteCommand(object command)
6 {
7 try
8 {
9 // Create the ProcessStartInfo using "cmd" as the program to be run,
10 // and "/c " as the parameters.
11 // "/c" tells cmd that you want it to execute the command that follows,
12 // then exit.
13 System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new
14 System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/c " + command);
16 // The following commands are needed to redirect the standard output.
17 // This means that it will be redirected to the Process.StandardOutput StreamReader.
18 procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
19 procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
21 // Do not create the black window.
22 procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
24 // Now you create a process, assign its ProcessStartInfo, and start it.
25 System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
26 proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
27 proc.Start();
29 // Get the output into a string.
30 string result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
32 // Display the command output.
33 Console.WriteLine(result);
34 }
35 catch (Exception objException)
36 {
37 Console.WriteLine(objException.Message);
38 // Log the exception and errors.
39 }
40 }