包含了关于当前 URL 的信息。
客户端对象 | |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 Navigator 3.0: 添加了 reload, replace 方法 |
Location 对象是预先定义的 JavaScript 对象,你可以通过一个 Window 对象的 location 属性访问。描述
location 对象描述了与一个给定的 Window 对象关联的完整 URL。location 对象的每个属性都描述了 URL 的不同特性。http://home.netscape.com/assist/extensions.html#topic1?x=7&y=2 这些部分是满足下列需求的:
- “协议”是 URL 的起始部分,直到包含到第一个冒号。
- “主机”描述了主机和域名,或者一个网络主机的 IP 地址。
- “端口”描述了服务器用于通讯的通讯端口。
- 路径名称描述了 URL 的路径方面的信息。
- “哈希标识”描述了 URL 中的锚名称,包括哈希掩码(#)。此属性只应用于 HTTP 的 URL。
- “搜索条件”描述了该 URL 中的任何查询信息,包括问号。此属性只应用于 HTTP 的 URL。“搜索条件”字符串包含变量和值的配对;每对之间由一个“&”连接。
window.location="http://home.netscape.com/" The location object is contained by the window object and is within its scope. If you refer to a location object without specifying a window, the location object represents the current location. If you refer to a location object and specify a window name, as in windowReference.location, the location object represents the location of the specified window.
How documents are loaded when location is set
When you set the location object or any of its properties except hash, whether a new document is loaded depends on which version of the browser you are running:- In Navigator 2.0, setting location does a conditional ("If-modified-since") HTTP GET operation, which returns no data from the server unless the document has been modified since the last version downloaded.
- In Navigator 3.0 and later, the effect of setting location depends on the user's setting for comparing a document to the original over the network. The user interface option for setting this preference differs in browser versions. The user decides whether to check a document in cache every time it is accessed, once per session, or never. The document is reloaded from cache if the user sets never or once per session; the document is reloaded from the server only if the user chooses every time.
语法 for common URL types
When you specify a URL, you can use standard URL formats and JavaScript statements. 表 6.2 shows the语法 for specifying some of the most common types of URLs.The view-source: protocol displays HTML code that was generated with JavaScript document.write and document.writeln methods. For information on printing and saving generated HTML, see write.
The about: protocol provides information on Navigator and has the following语法:
- about: by itself is the same as choosing About Communicator from the Navigator Help menu.
- about:cache displays disk-cache statistics.
- about:plugins displays information about plug-ins you have configured. This is the same as choosing About Plug-ins from the Navigator Help menu.
reload | Forces a reload of the window's current document. |
replace | Loads the specified URL over the current history entry. |
示例 1. The following two statements are equivalent and set the URL of the current window to the Netscape home page:window.location.href="http://home.netscape.com/"
window.location="http://home.netscape.com/" 示例 2. The following statement sets the URL of a frame named frame2 to the Sun home page:
parent.frame2.location.href="http://www.sun.com/" See also the示例 for Anchor.
History, document.URL属性
A string beginning with a hash mark (#) that specifies an anchor name in the URL.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The hash property specifies a portion of the URL. This property applies to HTTP URLs only.You can set the hash property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the hash that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
Setting the hash property navigates to the named anchor without reloading the document. This differs from the way a document is loaded when other location properties are set (see "How documents are loaded when location is set").
See RFC 1738 (http://www.cnblogs.com/gyxdbk/admin/javascript:if(confirm('http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html \n\n文件并未依 Teleport Pro 取回,因为 它的域或路径超过开始网址中设置的范围。 \n\n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html') for complete information about the hash.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.hash = " +
newWindow.location.hash + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.hash = #checkbox_object
Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.protocol, Location.searchhost
A string specifying the server name, subdomain, and domain name.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The host property specifies a portion of a URL. The host property is a substring of the hostname property. The hostname property is the concatenation of the host and port properties, separated by a colon. When the port property is null, the host property is the same as the hostname property.You can set the host property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the host that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cnblogs.com/gyxdbk/admin/javascript:if(confirm('http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html \n\n文件并未依 Teleport Pro 取回,因为 它的域或路径超过开始网址中设置的范围。 \n\n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html') for complete information about the hostname and port.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.host = " +
newWindow.location.host + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.host = home.netscape.com
Location.hash, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.protocol, Location.searchhostname
A string containing the full hostname of the server, including the server name, subdomain, domain, and port number.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The hostname property specifies a portion of a URL. The hostname property is the concatenation of the host and port properties, separated by a colon. When the port property is 80 (the default), the host property is the same as the hostname property.You can set the hostname property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the hostname that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cnblogs.com/gyxdbk/admin/javascript:if(confirm('http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html \n\n文件并未依 Teleport Pro 取回,因为 它的域或路径超过开始网址中设置的范围。 \n\n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html') for complete information about the hostname.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.hostName = " +
newWindow.location.hostName + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.hostName = home.netscape.com
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.protocol, Location.searchhref
A string specifying the entire URL.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The href property specifies the entire URL. Other location object properties are substrings of the href property. If you want to change the URL associated with a window, you should do so by changing the href property; this correctly updates all of the other properties.You can set the href property at any time.
window.location="http://home.netscape.com/" See RFC 1738 (http://www.cnblogs.com/gyxdbk/admin/javascript:if(confirm('http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html \n\n文件并未依 Teleport Pro 取回,因为 它的域或路径超过开始网址中设置的范围。 \n\n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html') for complete information about the URL.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display all the properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.protocol = " +
newWindow.location.protocol + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.host = " +
newWindow.location.host + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.hostName = " +
newWindow.location.hostName + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.port = " +
newWindow.location.port + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.pathname = " +
newWindow.location.pathname + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.hash = " +
newWindow.location.hash + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.search = " +
newWindow.location.search + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.protocol = http:
newWindow.location.host = home.netscape.com
newWindow.location.hostName = home.netscape.com
newWindow.location.port =
newWindow.location.pathname =
newWindow.location.hash = #checkbox_object
newWindow.location.search =
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.protocol, Location.searchpathname
A string specifying the URL-path portion of the URL.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The pathname property specifies a portion of the URL. The pathname supplies the details of how the specified resource can be accessed.You can set the pathname property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the pathname that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html
) for complete information about the pathname.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.pathname = " +
newWindow.location.pathname + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.pathname =
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.port, Location.protocol, Location.searchport
A string specifying the communications port that the server uses.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The port property specifies a portion of the URL. The port property is a substring of the hostname property. The hostname property is the concatenation of the host and port properties, separated by a colon.You can set the port property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the port that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error. If the port property is not specified, it defaults to 80.
See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html
) for complete information about the port.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.port = " +
newWindow.location.port + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.port =
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.protocol, Location.searchprotocol
A string specifying the beginning of the URL, up to and including the first colon.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The protocol property specifies a portion of the URL. The protocol indicates the access method of the URL. For example, the value "http:" specifies HyperText Transfer Protocol, and the value "javascript:" specifies JavaScript code.You can set the protocol property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the protocol that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
The protocol property represents the scheme name of the URL. See Section 2.1 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html
) for complete information about the protocol.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
version_2.0/script/script_info/objects.html#checkbox_object") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.protocol = " +
newWindow.location.protocol + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays output such as the following:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.protocol = http:
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.searchsearch
A string beginning with a question mark that specifies any query information in the URL.
属性源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 2.0 |
Navigator 3.0:该属性默认是带有污点的。有关数据污点的更多信息,请看“JavaScript 的安全性”。描述
The search property specifies a portion of the URL. This property applies to HTTP URLs only.The search property contains variable and value pairs; each pair is separated by an ampersand. For example, two pairs in a search string could look as follows:
?x=7&y=5 You can set the search property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the search that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you get an error.
See Section 3.3 of RFC 1738 (http://www.cnblogs.com/gyxdbk/admin/javascript:if(confirm('http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.htm \n\n文件并未依 Teleport Pro 取回,因为 它的域或路径超过开始网址中设置的范围。 \n\n你要从服务器上打开它吗?'))window.location='http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.htm') for complete information about the search.
In the following example, the window.open statement creates a window called newWindow and loads the specified URL into it. The document.write statements display properties of newWindow.location in a window called msgWindow.newWindow=window.open
("http://guide-p.infoseek.com/WW/NS/Titles?qt=RFC+1738+&col=WW") msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.href = " +
newWindow.location.href + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.write("newWindow.location.search = " +
newWindow.location.search + "<P>")
msgWindow.document.close() The previous example displays the following output:
newWindow.location.href =
newWindow.location.search = ?qt=RFC+1738+&col=WW
Location.hash, Location.host, Location.hostname, Location.href, Location.pathname, Location.port, Location.protocol方法
Forces a reload of the window's current document (the document specified by the Location.href property).
方法源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 3.0 |
This method uses the same policy that the browser's Reload button uses. The user interface for setting the default value of this policy varies for different browser versions.By default, the reload method does not force a transaction with the server. However, if the user has set the preference to check every time, the method does a "conditional GET" request using an If-modified-since HTTP header, to ask the server to return the document only if its last-modified time is newer than the time the client keeps in its cache. In other words, reload reloads from the cache, unless the user has specified to check every time and the document has changed on the server since it was last loaded and saved in the cache.
The following example displays an image and three radio buttons. The user can click the radio buttons to choose which image is displayed. Clicking another button lets the user reload the document.<SCRIPT>
function displayImage(theImage) {
</SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="imageForm">
<B>Choose an image:</B>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image1" CHECKED
onClick="displayImage('seaotter.gif')">Sea otter
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image2"
onClick="displayImage('orca.gif')">Killer whale
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="imageChoice" VALUE="image3"
onClick="displayImage('humpback.gif')">Humpback whale <BR>
<IMG NAME="marineMammal" SRC="seaotter.gif" ALIGN="left" VSPACE="10"> <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Click here to reload"
Loads the specified URL over the current history entry.
方法源 | Location |
实现版本 | Navigator 3.0 |
URL | Specifies the URL to load. |
The replace method loads the specified URL over the current history entry. After calling the replace method, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL by using browser's Back button.If your program will be run with JavaScript in Navigator 2.0, you could put the following line in a SCRIPT tag early in your program. This emulates replace, which was introduced in Navigator 3.0:
if (location.replace == null)
location.replace = location.assign The replace method does not create a new entry in the history list. To create an entry in the history list while loading a URL, use the History.go method.
The following example lets the user choose among several catalogs to display. The example displays two sets of radio buttons which let the user choose a season and a category, for example the Spring/Summer Clothing catalog or the Fall/Winter Home & Garden catalog. When the user clicks the Go button, the displayCatalog function executes the replace method, replacing the current URL with the URL appropriate for the catalog the user has chosen. After invoking displayCatalog, the user cannot navigate to the previous URL (the list of catalogs) by using browser's Back button.<SCRIPT>
function displayCatalog() {
var seaName=""
var catName="" for (var i=0; i < document.catalogForm.season.length; i++) {
if (document.catalogForm.season[i].checked) {
} for (var i in document.catalogForm.category) {
if (document.catalogForm.category[i].checked) {
fileName=seaName + catName + ".html"
</SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="catalogForm">
<B>Which catalog do you want to see?</B> <P><B>Season</B>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="season" VALUE="q1" CHECKED>Spring/Summer
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="season" VALUE="q3">Fall/Winter <P><B>Category</B>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="clo" CHECKED>Clothing
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="lin">Linens
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="hom">Home & Garden <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="displayCatalog()">