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  • halcon学习笔记——(9)摄像机标定

    1.read_cam_par( : : CamParFile : CameraParam)
    2.disp_caltab( : : WindowHandle, CalTabDescrFile, CameraParam, CaltabPose, ScaleFac : )
    3.vector_to_pose( : : WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ, ImageRow, ImageColumn, CameraParam, Method, QualityType : Pose, Quality)
    世界坐标上的点如果在一个平面上,应该选择'planar_analytic' 作为Method的参数。输出位姿和位姿质量。
    4.write_pose( : : Pose, PoseFile : )
    5.get_mbutton( : : WindowHandle : Row, Column, Button)
    6.image_points_to_world_plane( : : CameraParam, WorldPose, Rows, Cols, Scale : X, Y)
    7.pose_to_hom_mat3d( : : Pose : HomMat3D)
    8.affine_trans_point_3d( : : HomMat3D, Px, Py, Pz : Qx, Qy, Qz)
           / Qx \             / Px \
    | Qy | = HomMat3D * | Py |
    | Qz | | Pz |
    \ 1 / \ 1 /
    9.project_3d_point( : : X, Y, Z, CameraParam : Row, Column)
    10.smallest_rectangle2(Regions : : : Row, Column, Phi, Length1, Length2)
    11.gen_measure_rectangle2( : : Row, Column, Phi, Length1, Length2, Width, Height, Interpolation : MeasureHandle)
    12.measure_pairs(Image : : MeasureHandle, Sigma, Threshold, Transition, Select : RowEdgeFirst, ColumnEdgeFirst, AmplitudeFirst, RowEdgeSecond, ColumnEdgeSecond, AmplitudeSecond, IntraDistance, InterDistance)
    13.close_measure( : : MeasureHandle : )
    14.gen_region_polygon_filled( : Region : Rows, Columns : )
    15.gen_region_polygon_filled( : Region : Rows, Columns : )
    16.hom_mat3d_compose( : : HomMat3DLeft, HomMat3DRight : HomMat3DCompose)
    17.hom_mat3d_translate_local( : : HomMat3D, Tx, Ty, Tz : HomMat3DTranslate)
    18.hom_mat3d_rotate_local( : : HomMat3D, Phi, Axis : HomMat3DRotate)
    17.contour_to_world_plane_xld(Contours : ContoursTrans : CameraParam, WorldPose, Scale : )
    转换XLD轮廓进入Z=0的世界坐标平面,输出形式为xld_cont(-array) → object
    18.get_contour_xld(Contour : : : Row, Col)
    19.tuple_mean( : : Tuple : Mean)
    20.map_image(Image, Map : ImageMapped : : )


       1: * Attention:
       2: * This program reads the interior camera parameters from the file
       3: * 'camera_parameters.dat', which, e.g., could be generated by the program
       4: * 'camera_calibration_interior.hdev'
       5: *
       6: ImgPath := '3d_machine_vision/calib/'
       7: dev_close_window ()
       8: dev_open_window (0, 0, 652, 494, 'black', WindowHandle)
       9: dev_update_off ()
      10: dev_set_draw ('margin')
      11: dev_set_line_width (1)
      12: set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'courier', 'true', 'false')
      13: * Read the interior camera parameters from file
      14: read_cam_par ('camera_parameters.dat', CamParam)
      15: *
      16: * Determine the exterior camera parameters and world coodinates from image points
      17: *
      18: * The exterior camera parameters can be determined from an image, where the
      19: * calibration plate is positioned directly on the measurement plane
      20: read_image (Image, ImgPath+'calib_11')
      21: dev_display (Image)
      22: * parameter settings for find_caltab and find_marks_and_pose
      23: SizeGauss := 3
      24: MarkThresh := 200
      25: MinDiamMarks := 10
      26: StartThresh := 128
      27: DeltaThresh := 10
      28: MinThresh := 18
      29: Alpha := 0.9
      30: MinContLength := 15
      31: MaxDiamMarks := 100
      32: CaltabName := 'caltab_30mm.descr'
      33: find_caltab (Image, Caltab, CaltabName, SizeGauss, MarkThresh, MinDiamMarks)
      34: dev_set_color ('green')
      35: dev_display (Caltab)
      36: * Here, the final camera parameters are already known and can be used instead of the starting values
      37: * used in the program 'camera_calibration_interior.hdev'
      38: find_marks_and_pose (Image, Caltab, CaltabName, CamParam, StartThresh, DeltaThresh, MinThresh, Alpha, MinContLength, MaxDiamMarks, RCoord, CCoord, PoseForCalibrationPlate)
      39: dev_set_color ('red')
      40: disp_caltab (WindowHandle, CaltabName, CamParam, PoseForCalibrationPlate, 1)
      41: dev_set_line_width (3)
      42: disp_circle (WindowHandle, RCoord, CCoord, gen_tuple_const(|RCoord|,1.5))
      43: * caltab_points (CaltabName, X, Y, Z)
      44: * camera_calibration (X, Y, Z, RCoord, CCoord, CamParam, InitialPoseForCalibrationPlate, 'pose', CamParamUnchanged, FinalPoseFromCalibrationPlate, Errors)
      45: * To take the thickness of the calibration plate into account, the z-value
      46: * of the origin given by the camera pose has to be translated by the
      47: * thickness of the calibration plate.
      48: * Deactivate the following line if you do not want to add the correction.
      49: set_origin_pose (PoseForCalibrationPlate, 0, 0, 0.00075, PoseForCalibrationPlate)
      50: disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
      51: stop ()
      52: * Alternatively, the exterior camera parameters can  be determined from
      53: * at least three point correspondances between the WCS and the pixel coordinate system
      54: read_image (Image, ImgPath+'caliper_01')
      55: dev_display (Image)
      56: * Set the world coordinates of three points on the rule
      57: X := [0,50,100,80]
      58: Y := [5,0,5,0]
      59: Z := [0,0,0,0]
      60: * Set the respective image plane coordinates of the three points
      61: RCoord := [414,227,85,128]
      62: CCoord := [119,318,550,448]
      63: *
      64: disp_cross (WindowHandle, RCoord, CCoord, 6, 0)
      65: * create_pose (-50, 25, 400, 0, 0, -30, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', InitialPose)
      66: vector_to_pose (X, Y, Z, RCoord, CCoord, CamParam, 'iterative', 'error', FinalPose, Errors)
      67: * camera_calibration (X, Y, Z, RCoord, CCoord, CamParam, InitialPose, 'pose', CamParamUnchanged, FinalPose, Errors)
      68: write_pose (FinalPose, 'pose_from_three_points.dat')
      69: * Now, transform a point measured interactively into the WCS
      70: dev_update_window ('on')
      71: dev_display (Image)
      72: while (1)
      73:     disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Measure one point: left mouse button', 'window', 12, 12, 'red', 'false')
      74:     disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Exit measure mode: right mouse button', 'window', 36, 12, 'red', 'false')
      75:     get_mbutton (WindowHandle, Row, Column, Button)
      76:     if (Button = 4)
      77:         break
      78:     endif
      79:     dev_display (Image)
      80:     dev_set_color ('green')
      81:     disp_cross (WindowHandle, Row, Column, 6, 0)
      82:     image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam, FinalPose, Row, Column, 1, X1, Y1)
      83:     disp_message (WindowHandle, 'X = '+X1, 'window', 320, 400, 'red', 'false')
      84:     disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Y = '+Y1, 'window', 340, 400, 'red', 'false')
      85: endwhile
      86: * Apply the measure tool and transform the resulting point coordinates
      87: * into the WCS
      88: dev_set_color ('red')
      89: dev_display (Image)
      90: * Set the world coordinates of four points defining a ROI for the measure tool
      91: ROI_X_WCS := [-2,-2,112,112]
      92: ROI_Y_WCS := [0,0.5,0.5,0]
      93: ROI_Z_WCS := [0,0,0,0]
      94: * Determine the transformation matrix from the WCS into the CCS
      95: pose_to_hom_mat3d (FinalPose, CCS_HomMat_WCS)
      96: * Transform the point coordintes into the image coordinate system
      97: affine_trans_point_3d (CCS_HomMat_WCS, ROI_X_WCS, ROI_Y_WCS, ROI_Z_WCS, CCS_RectangleX, CCS_RectangleY, CCS_RectangleZ)
      98: project_3d_point (CCS_RectangleX, CCS_RectangleY, CCS_RectangleZ, CamParam, RectangleRow, RectangleCol)
      99: gen_region_polygon_filled (ROI, RectangleRow, RectangleCol)
     100: smallest_rectangle2 (ROI, RowCenterROI, ColCenterROI, PhiROI, Length1ROI, Length2ROI)
     101: * Create a measure
     102: gen_measure_rectangle2 (RowCenterROI, ColCenterROI, PhiROI, Length1ROI, Length2ROI, 652, 494, 'bilinear', MeasureHandle)
     103: measure_pairs (Image, MeasureHandle, 0.4, 5, 'all_strongest', 'all', RowEdgeFirst, ColumnEdgeFirst, AmplitudeFirst, RowEdgeSecond, ColumnEdgeSecond, AmplitudeSecond, IntraDistance, InterDistance)
     104: close_measure (MeasureHandle)
     105: dev_display (Image)
     106: disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Measuring the position of the pitch lines', 'window', 450, 25, 'red', 'false')
     107: dev_set_color ('green')
     108: RowPitchLine := (RowEdgeFirst+RowEdgeSecond)/2.0
     109: ColPitchLine := (ColumnEdgeFirst+ColumnEdgeSecond)/2.0
     110: disp_cross (WindowHandle, RowPitchLine, ColPitchLine, 6, 0)
     111: image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam, FinalPose, RowPitchLine, ColPitchLine, 1, X1, Y1)
     112: for i := 1 to |X1| by 1
     113:     set_tposition (WindowHandle, RowEdgeFirst[i-1]+5, ColumnEdgeFirst[i-1]-20)
     114:     if (i=|X1|)
     115:         set_tposition (WindowHandle, RowEdgeFirst[i-1], ColumnEdgeFirst[i-2])
     116:     endif
     117:     write_string (WindowHandle, X1[i-1]$'.3f'+'mm')
     118: endfor
     119: disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
     120: stop ()
     121: dev_display (Image)
     122: * Apply a line extraction and transform the resulting xld contours
     123: * into the WCS
     124: * Set the world coordinates of four points defining a ROI
     125: ROI_X_WCS := [11,11,13,13]
     126: ROI_Y_WCS := [4,6,6,4]
     127: ROI_Z_WCS := [0,0,0,0]
     128: * Transform the point coordinates into the image coordinate system
     129: affine_trans_point_3d (CCS_HomMat_WCS, ROI_X_WCS, ROI_Y_WCS, ROI_Z_WCS, CCS_RectangleX, CCS_RectangleY, CCS_RectangleZ)
     130: project_3d_point (CCS_RectangleX, CCS_RectangleY, CCS_RectangleZ, CamParam, RectangleRow, RectangleCol)
     131: * Visualize the square in the original image
     132: disp_polygon (WindowHandle, [RectangleRow,RectangleRow[0]], [RectangleCol,RectangleCol[0]])
     133: dev_display (Image)
     134: * create the ROI
     135: gen_region_polygon_filled (ROI, RectangleRow, RectangleCol)
     136: reduce_domain (Image, ROI, ImageReduced)
     137: * Extract the lines
     138: lines_gauss (ImageReduced, Lines, 1, 3, 8, 'dark', 'true', 'bar-shaped', 'true')
     139: * Adapt the pose of the measurement plane to the tilted plane of the vernier
     140: RelPose := [0,3.2,0,-14,0,0,0]
     141: pose_to_hom_mat3d (FinalPose, HomMat3D)
     142: pose_to_hom_mat3d (RelPose, HomMat3DRel)
     143: hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3D, HomMat3DRel, HomMat3DAdapted)
     144: * Alternatively, the adaption can be done using the operators
     145: * hom_mat3d_translate_local and hom_mat3d_rotate_local
     146: * as shown in the following to lines
     147: hom_mat3d_translate_local (HomMat3D, 0, 3.2, 0, HomMat3DTranslate)
     148: hom_mat3d_rotate_local (HomMat3DTranslate, rad(-14), 'x', HomMat3DAdapted)
     149: hom_mat3d_to_pose (HomMat3DAdapted, PoseAdapted)
     150: * Transform the xld contour to the WCS using the adapted pose
     151: contour_to_world_plane_xld (Lines, ContoursTrans, CamParam, PoseAdapted, 1)
     152: get_contour_xld (ContoursTrans, YOfContour, XOfContour)
     153: tuple_mean (XOfContour, MeterReading)
     154: dev_display (Lines)
     155: disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Meter reading: '+MeterReading$'.3f'+'mm', 'window', 400, 180, 'green', 'false')
     156: disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
     157: stop ()
     158: dev_close_inspect_ctrl (YOfContour)
     159: dev_close_inspect_ctrl (XOfContour)
     160: * Now, transform the whole image
     161: WidthMappedImage := 652
     162: HeightMappedImage := 494
     163: dev_display (Image)
     164: * First, determine the scale for the mapping
     165: * (here, the scale is determined such that in the
     166: *   surroundings of the points P0 and P1,  the image scale of the
     167: *   mapped image is similar to the image scale of the original image)
     168: distance_pp (X[0], Y[0], X[1], Y[1], DistP0P1WCS)
     169: distance_pp (RCoord[0], CCoord[0], RCoord[1], CCoord[1], DistP0P1PCS)
     170: Scale := DistP0P1WCS/DistP0P1PCS
     171: * Then, determine the parameter settings for set_origin_pose such
     172: * that the point given via get_mbutton will be in the center of the
     173: * mapped image
     174: dev_display (Image)
     175: disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Define the center of the mapped image', 'window', 12, 12, 'red', 'false')
     176: get_mbutton (WindowHandle, CenterRow, CenterColumn, Button1)
     177: image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam, FinalPose, CenterRow, CenterColumn, 1, CenterX, CenterY)
     178: set_origin_pose (FinalPose, CenterX-Scale*WidthMappedImage/2.0, CenterY-Scale*HeightMappedImage/2.0, 0, PoseNewOrigin)
     179: gen_image_to_world_plane_map (Map, CamParam, PoseNewOrigin, 652, 494, WidthMappedImage, HeightMappedImage, Scale, 'bilinear')
     180: map_image (Image, Map, ImageMapped)
     181: dev_clear_window ()
     182: dev_display (ImageMapped)
     183: * In case, only one image has to be mapped, the operator
     184: * image_to_world_plane can be used instead of the operators
     185: * gen_image_to_world_plane_map together with map_image.
     186: image_to_world_plane (Image, ImageMapped, CamParam, PoseNewOrigin, WidthMappedImage, HeightMappedImage, Scale, 'bilinear')
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    Calling Matlab function from python: “initializer must be a rectangular nested sequence”
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hanzhaoxin/p/2847133.html
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