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  • 微信回复(二)

    /*echo $_GET['echostr'];
    $postStr = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'];
    $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr);
    $fromuserName = $postObj->FromUserName;
    $touserName = $postObj->ToUserName;
    $time = time();
    $msgType = $postObj->MsgType;
    $keywords = $postObj->Content;
    $textTpl = "<xml>
    if($postObj->MsgType == "text" ){
        if($postObj->Content == '1'){
            $content = '111!!!!';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
        }else if($postObj->Content == '2'){
            $content = '222!!!!';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
            $content = 'hello world!';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
    }else if ($postObj->MsgType == 'image'){
            $msgType = 'text';
            $content = 'output image';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
    }else if ($postObj->MsgType == 'voice'){
            $msgType = 'text';
            $content = 'output voice';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
    }else if ($postObj->MsgType == 'video'){
            $msgType = 'text';
            $content = 'output video';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
    }else if ($postObj->MsgType == 'music'){
            $msgType = 'text';
            $content = 'output music';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
    }else {
            $content = 'output tuwen';
            $resultful = sprintf($textTpl,$fromuserName,$touserName,$time,$msgType,$content);
            echo $resultful;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/healy/p/6735830.html
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