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  • [中英对照]Device Drivers in User Space: A Case for Network Device Driver | 用户态设备驱动: 以网卡驱动为例

    前文初步介绍了Linux用户态设备驱动,本文将介绍一个典型的案例。Again, 如对Linux用户态设备驱动程序开发感兴趣,请阅读本文,否则请飘过

    Device Drivers in User Space: A Case for Network Device Driver | 用户态设备驱动:以网卡驱动为例

    Hemant Agrawal and Ravi Malhotra, Member, IACSIT

    Abstract -- Traditionally device drivers specially  the  network
    one's are implemented and used in Linux   Kernel   for   various
    reasons. However in recent trend, many network   stack   vendors
    are  moving  towards  the  user  space  based  drivers.     Open
    Source – 'GPL' is one of strong reason for such a move.  In  the
    absence of generic guidelines,  there  are  various  options  to
    implement  device  drivers  in  user  space.    Each  has  their
    advantage and disadvantage. In  this  paper,   we   will   cover
    multiple issues with user space device driver and will give more
    insight  about  the  Network  Device  Driver  implementation  in
    User Space.
    Index Terms -- Network drivers, user space, zero copy.

    摘要:基于各种原因,传统的设备驱动(特别是网卡驱动) 是在Linux内核中实现和使用的。然而,最近的趋势表明,很多网络栈供应商正在将设备驱动转移到用户态实现。为什么导致这样的转移?GPL是诸多原因中强有力的一个。逃离了通用指南的藩篱,在用户态实现设备驱动的可选方案就多了,当然,每一种解决方案都有其优缺点。在本文中,我们将首先讨论在用户态实现设备驱动面临的诸多问题,然后就如何在用户态实现一个网卡驱动做深入的讨论。



    However, in recent times, there  has  been  a  shift  towards
    running data path applications in  the  user  space  context.
    Linux   user   space   provides   several   advantages    for
    applications with  respect  to  a  more  robust  and flexible
    process  management,   standardized  system  call  interface,
    simpler resource management, availability of a  large  number
    of libraries for XML, regular expression parsing etc. It also
    makes  applications  easier  to  debug  by  providing  memory
    isolation and independent restart. At the  same  time,  while
    kernel space applications need to confirm to  GPL  guidelines,
    user space applications are not bound  by  such  restrictions.


    User  space  data  path  processing  comes   with   its   own
    overheads. Since the network drivers run  in  kernel  context
    and use kernel space memory for packet storage, there  is  an
    overhead of  copying  the  packet  data  from  user-space  to
    kernel  space  memory  and  vice-versa.                 Also,
    user/kernel-mode transitions usually  impose  a  considerable
    performance overhead, thereby violates the  low  latency  and
    high  throughput  requirements  of  data  path  applications.


    In the rest of this paper,  we shall explore  an  alternative
    approach to reduce these overheads for user space  data  path


    II. MAPPING MEMORY TO USER-SPACE | 将(设备)内存映射到用户空间

    As an alternative to the traditional I/O  model,  the  Linux
    kernel provides  a  user-space  application  with  means  to
    directly map the memory available to kernel to a user  space
    address range. In the context of device  drivers,  this  can
    provide user space applications direct access to the  device
    memory  which  includes  register  configuration   and   I/O
    descriptors. All accesses by the application to the assigned
    address range ends up directly accessing the device memory.


    There are several Linux system calls which  allow  this  kind
    of memory mapping, the simplest being the  mmap()  call.  The
    mmap() call allows the user application  to  map  a  physical
    device address range one page at a time or a contiguous range
    of physical memory in multiples of page size.


    Other  Linux  system  calls   for   mapping   memory   include
    splice()/vmsplice() which allows an arbitrary kernel buffer to
    be read or written to from user space, while  tee()  allows  a
    copy between  2  kernel  space  buffers  without  access  from
    user space[1].


    The task of mapping  between  the  physical  memories  to  the
    user  space  memory  is  typically  done   using   Translation
    Look-aside Buffers or TLB. The number  of  TLB  entries  in  a
    given processor is typically limited and as such they are used
    as a cache by Linux kernel. The  size  of  the  memory  region
    mapped by each entry is typically restricted  to  the  minimum
    page size supported by the processor, which is 4k bytes.


    Linux maps the  kernel  memory  using  a  small  set  of  TLB
    entries which are fixed during initialization time. For  user
    space applications however, the number  of  TLB  entries  are
    limited and each TLB miss can result in a performance hit. To
    avoid such penalties, Linux provides concept of  a  Huge-TLB,
    which allows user space  applications  to  map  pages  larger
    than  the  default  minimum  page  size  of  4k  bytes.  This
    mapping can be used not only for application  data  but  text
    segment as well.


    Several  efficient   mechanisms   have   been   developed   in
    Linux to support zero copy  mechanisms  between   user   space
    and  kernel  space  based  on   memory   mapping   and   other
    techniques [2]-[4].         These can be used by the data path
    applications while continuing the leverage the existing kernel
    space  network  driver  implementation.   However  they  still
    consume the precious CPU  cycles  and  per  packet  processing
    cost still remain moderately higher.    Having a direct access
    to the hardware from the user space can  eliminates  the  need
    for  any  mechanisms  to  transfer  packets  back  and   forth
    between user space and kernel space,    and thus it can reduce
    the per packet processing cost to a minimum.

    基于内存映射和其他技术,Linux已经开发了几种有效的机制来支持在内核空间与用户空间之间保持零拷贝(zero copy)。这些机制可以为数据通路应用程序所使用,在继续使用现有的内核态网卡驱动实现的情况下。然后,弥足珍贵的CPU周期仍然被消耗掉,而且单个数据包处理的成本仍旧比较高(虽然在可接受的范围内)。从用户态直接访问硬件,就有效地规避了在用户态与内核态之间来来回回地传输数据包,因此能够最小化单个数据包的处理成本。


    Linux   provides  a  standard  UIO  framework[4]   for
    developing user space based device drivers.    The UIO
    framework defines a small kernel space component which
    performs 2 key tasks:
    o Indicate device memory regions to user space.
    o Register for device interrupts and provide interrupt
      indication to user space.

    Linux为基于用户态的设备驱动开发提供一个标准的Userspace I/O(UIO)框架。UIO框架定义了一个小的内核态组件,该组件负责执行两个核心任务:

    • 给用户态指明设备内存区域的起始位置。
    • 注册设备中断并向用户态提供中断服务。
    The kernel space  UIO  component  then  exposes  the  device
    via a set of sysfs entries like /dev/uioXX.   The user space
    component searches for these entries,       reads the device
    address ranges and maps  them  to  user  space  memory.  The
    user space  component  can  perform  all  device  management
    tasks including I/O from the device. For interrupts however,
    it needs to perform a blocking read() on  the  device entry,
    which results in the kernel component putting the user space
    application to sleep and wakes it up once  an  interrupt  is



    The memory required by a  network  device  driver  can  be  of
    three types:
    o Configuration space: this refers to the common configuration 
      registers of the device.
    o I/O descriptor space: this refers to the descriptors used by
      the device to access data from the device.
    o I/O data space: this refers to the actual I/O data  accessed
      from the device.


    • 配置空间:设备的公共的配置寄存器。
    • I/O描述符空间:被设备用来访问设备中的数据的描述符。
    • I/O数据空间:被设备访问的实际的I/O数据。
    Taking the case of a typical Ethernet device, the above can
    refer to the common  device  configuration  (including  MAC
    configuration), buffer-descriptor rings,  and  packet  data


    In case of  kernel  space  network  drivers,  all  3  regions  are
    mapped  to  kernel  space,  and  any  access  to  these  from  the
    user-space is typically abstracted out via either ioctl() calls or
    read()/write() calls, from where a copy of the  data  is  provided
    to the user space application.


    User space network  drivers  on  the  other  hand,  map  all   3
    regions directly to user space memory.  This  allows  the   user
    space application to directly drive the buffer descriptor  rings
    from user space. Data  buffers  can  be  managed  and   accessed
    directly by the application without overhead of a copy.


    Taking the specific example  of  an  implementation  of  a  user
    space   network  driver  for  eTSEC  Ethernet  controller  on  a
    Freescale QorIQ P1020 platform,     the configuration space is a
    single region of 4k size,        which is page boundary aligned.
    This  contains  all  the  device  specific  registers  including
    controller settings, MAC settings, interrupts etc. Besides this,
    the   MDIO   region   also   needs   to  be   mapped   to  allow
    configuration of   the   Ethernet   Phy   devices.   The   eTSEC
    provides for up to  8  different  individual  buffer  descriptor
    rings,  each  of  which  are  mapped  onto  a  separate   memory
    region, to   allow   for   simultaneous   access   by   multiple
    applications. The data  buffers  referenced  by  the  descriptor
    rings are allocated  from  a  single  contagious  memory  block,
    which  is  allocated   and   mapped   to   user   space   during
    initialization time.

    举个具体的例子,在飞思卡尔的QorIQ P1020平台上实现的eTSEC以太网控制器的用户态网卡驱动,配置空间是一个页边对齐的大小为4K的独立的区域,包括所有的设备相关的寄存器(控制器设置,MAC地址设置和中断等)。除此之外, MDIO区域也需要被映射,以允许对以太网物理设备进行配置。eTESC提供多达8个独立的缓冲区描述符环,每一个环都被映射到一个单独的内存区域中,从而允许多个应用程序对设备同时进行访问。被描述符环引用的数据缓冲区是从一个单一的(具有传染性?)的内存块分配的,该内存块在初始化阶段被分配/映射到用户空间。


    Direct  access  to  network  devices  brings  its  own  set  of
    complications for user space applications,  which  were  hidden
    by several layers of kernel stack and system calls.
    o Sharing a single network device across multiple applications.
    o Blocking access to network data.
    o Lack of network stack services like TCP/IP.
    o Memory management for packet buffers.
    o Resource management across application restarts.
    o Lack of a standardized driver interface for applications.


    • 跨多个应用程序共享单个网络设备。
    • 阻塞对网络数据的访问。
    • 缺少网络栈服务,例如TCP/IP。
    • 对数据包缓冲区的内存管理。
    • 横跨多个应用程序重启的资源管理。
    • 对应用程序来说,缺乏标准的驱动程序接口。

    Figure 1: Kernel space network driver 内核态网卡驱动

    Figure 2: User space network driver 用户态网卡驱动

    A. Sharing Devices
    Unlike  the  Linux  socket   layer   which   allows   multiple
    applications to open sockets – TCP, UDP or raw  IP,  the  user
    space network drivers  allow  only  a  single  application  to
    access the data  from  an  interface.  However,  most  network
    interfaces nowadays provide multiple buffer  descriptor  rings
    in  both  receive  and  transmit  direction.   Further,  these
    interfaces also provide some kind of  hardware  classification
    mechanism to divert incoming traffic to these multiple  rings.
    Such  a  mechanism  can  be  used  to  map  individual  buffer
    descriptor rings to different applications. This again  limits
    the number of applications on a single interface to the number
    of rings supported by the hardware device.     An alternate to
    this is to develop a dispatcher framework over the user  space
    driver, which will deal with multiple applications.

    A. 设备共享。

    Linux套接字层允许多个应用程序打开socket(TCP, UDP或raw IP), 用户态网卡驱动则不然,它只允许单个应用程序从接口中访问数据。然而,现如今,大多数网络接口在接收(rx)和发送(tx)方向上提供多个缓冲描述符环。此外,这些接口还提供某种硬件分类机制,该机制将传入的流量转移到多个缓冲描述符环。这种机制可用于映射单个缓冲区描述符环到多个不同的应用程序。这又限制了在单个接口上为硬件设备所支持的应用程序的数量。一个替代方案就是在用户态设备驱动上开发分发器框架,用以处理多个应用程序。

    B. Blocking Access to Data
    Unlike  traditional  socket  based  access   which   allows   user
    space applications to  block  until  data  was  available  on  the
    socket, or to do a select()/poll() to wait on multiple inputs, the
    user  space application  has  to  constantly   poll   the   buffer
    descriptor ring for an indication  for  incoming  data.  This  can
    be addressed by the use of a  blocking  read()  call  on  the  UIO
    device entry, which would allow  the  user  space  application  to
    block  on  receive  interrupts  from  the  Ethernet  device.  This
    also  provides  the  application  with  the  freedom  of  when  it
    wants  to  be  notified  of  interrupts – i.e.  instead  of  being
    interrupted  for  each  packet,  it  can  choose  to  implement  a
    polling  mechanism  to  consume  a  certain   number   of   buffer
    descriptor entries before  returning  to  other processing  tasks.
    When   all   buffer   descriptor   entries   are   consumed,   the
    application can again perform a  read()  to  block  until  further
    data arrives.

    B. 阻塞数据访问。

    传统的基于socket的访问允许用户空间应用程序阻塞,直到数据在socket上变得可用;或用户空间应用程序使用select()/poll()等待多个输入,但是必须不断地轮询缓冲区,该缓冲区用于指示有数据到达。 这可以在UIO设备条目上用一个阻塞read()调用来实现,它允许用户空间应用程序阻塞住以接收来自以太设备的中断。这还给应用程序提供了自由,当它希望被通知有中断发生,而不是对于每个数据包都去响应中断。应用程序可以有选择地区实现一种轮询机制,该机制在返回到其他处理任务之前消耗掉一定数量的缓冲区描述符条目。当所有的缓冲区描述符条目都被消耗掉的时候,应用程序再进行一次read()阻塞操作,等待新的数据到达。

    C. Lack of Network Stack Services
    The Linux network stack and  socket  interface  also  abstract
    basic  networking  services  from  applications   like   route
    lookup,  ARP  etc.  In  the  absence  of  such  services,  the
    application has to either runs its own equivalent of a network
    stack or maintain a local copy of  the  routing  and  neighbor
    databases in the kernel.

    C. 缺乏网络栈服务。


    D. Memory Management for Buffers
    The user  space  application  also  needs  to  deal  with  the
    buffers  provided  to  the  network  device   for   storing  &
    retrieving data.  Besides  allocation  and  freeing  of  these
    buffers, it also needs to perform the translation of the  user
    space virtual address to the physical address before providing
    them to the device. Doing this translation for each buffer  at
    runtime can be very costly. Also, since  the  number  of  TLBs
    in the processor may be limited, performance may be  hit.  The
    alternative is to use  Huge-TLB to  allocate  a  single  large
    chunk of memory, and carve out the data buffers  out  of  this
    memory chunk.

    D. 缓冲区的内存管理。


    E. Application Restart
    The application is  responsible  for  allocating  and  managing
    device resources and current state of the device. In  case  the
    application crashes or is restarted without being given control
    to perform cleanup,   the device may be left in an inconsistent
    state. One way to resolve this could be to use the kernel space
    UIO component to keep track of application  process  state  and
    on restart, to reset the device and reset any  memory  mappings
    created by the application.

    E. 应用程序重启。

    应用程序负责分配和管理设备资源和设备的当前状态。当应用程序崩溃或重新启动时,如没有执行cleanup, 那么设备的状态可能会不一致。解决这个问题的一种方法就是使用内核态的UIO组件。UIO组件跟踪应用程序的状态, 在应用重启时重置设备,并重置被应用程序创建的所有内存映射。

    F. Standardized User Interface
    The  current  generation  of   user   space   network   drivers
    provide a set of low level API which are often very specific to
    the device implementation,  rather  than  confirm  to  standard
    system  call  API    like   open()/close(),  read()/write()  or
    send()/receive(). This implies that the application needs to be
    ported to use each specific network device.

    F. 标准的用户接口。

    用户空间网络驱动程序提供一组通常非常低级别API,这些API与设备实现密切相关,而不是标准的系统调用API例如open/close, read/write或send/receive。那么,当应用程序需要使用另一个特定的网络设备的话,就意味着需要进行移植。 


    While    the    UIO    framework    provides    user    space
    applications with the freedom  of  having  direct  access  to
    network devices, it brings its own share  of  limitations  in
    terms of sharing across  applications,  resource  and  memory
    management. The current  generation  of  user  space  network
    drivers works well in a constrained use case environment of a
    single application  tightly  coupled  to  a  network  device.
    However,   further  work  on  such  drivers  must  take  into
    account addressing some of these limitations.


    REFERENCES | 参考文献

    [1] M. Welsh et al., “Memory Management For User-Level Network
        Interfaces,” IEEE Micro, pp. 77-82, Mar.-Apr. 1998.
    [2] D. Stancevic, “Zero Copy I: User-Mode Perspective,” Linux Journal,
        pp. 105, Jan. 2003.
    [3] N. M. Thadani et al., “ An Efficient Zero-Copy I/O Framework for
        UNIX,” Sun Microsystem Inc, May 1995.
    [4] H. Koch, The Userspace I/O HOWTO, [Online]. Available:
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