class Solution: def isPair(self,s1,s2): if (s1=='(' and s2==')')or (s2=='(' and s1==')'): return True if (s1=='[' and s2==']')or (s2=='[' and s1==']'): return True if (s1=='{' and s2=='}')or (s2=='{' and s1=='}'): return True else : return False def isValid(self, s): if s=="": return True pair_right=set([')',']','}']) if s[0] in pair_right : return False len_s=len(s) if len_s%2==1: return False i=1; stack=[s[0]] while(i<len_s): stack.append(s[i]) len_stack=len(stack) if len_stack>1: if self.isPair(stack[len_stack-1],stack[len_stack-2]): stack.pop() stack.pop() else: pass i+=1 len_stack=len(stack) if len(stack)==0: return True else: return False