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  • What's New in v2010 vol 2.5


    Release Notes

    To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:
    Known Issues - DXperience v2010 vol 2.5

    To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:
    Breaking Changes - DXperience v2010 vol 2.5

    To learn about documentation improvements in this version, please refer to the following page:
    What's New in Help - DXperience v2010 vol 2.5

    New Features/Changes

    All ASP.NET Components

    • S36377 - Documentation - Add a remark that the ASPxWebControl.DataBind method is not raised for child controls from v2010 vol 2
    • S33458 - Documentation - Add information about the used template container type to property topics that describe templates
    • S35066 - Documentation - Add information to all ASPx controls about the CssPostfix property
    • S35263 - Documentation - Extend "Deployment" topics so that they contain detailed information about deployment of a web site where DevExpress controls are used

    All Silverlight Products

    • S35921 - Implement a client event that allows renaming files before uploading them to the server

    ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

    • S35707 - Documentation - Add a remark that the ASPxClientLabel.SetText Method doesn't synchronize text with the server
    • S35644 - Documentation - Add a remark that the ASPxComboBox/ASPxListBox.Callback event is intended to work with an item collection only
    • S36656 - Documentation - Add a remark that the SetEnabled method doesn't synchronize its result with server-side objects
    • S30856 - Documentation - Add a sample describing how to use a hyperlink in a column template in the ASPxGridView
    • S35531 - Documentation - Add information about the difference between the SetIsValid method and the e.isValid argument in the Validation event handler
    • S35789 - Documentation - Add VB code to examples concerning the use of the ASPxGridView.RowUpdating Event
    • S34718 - Documentation - ASPxButton - Add a note about Click event behavior when button grouping is used
    • S34682 - Documentation - ASPxClientComboBox.GetText - Add description regarding the ASPxComboBox selection mechanism
    • S34543 - Documentation - ASPxGridView - Add information regarding Scrolling and Resizing
    • S31687 - Documentation - Explain why the ASPxGridView.HtmlRowPrepared event is raised twice, how to recognize its second raising, and how it can be used

    ASPxperience Suite

    • S34562 - Documentation - Add a list of supported object types stored in the ASPxHiddenField
    • S36375 - Documentation - Add a remark that the ShowSubMenuShadow property does not have effect in LightWeight mode
    • S34440 - Documentation - Add code sample to the ASPxClientCloudControl.ItemClick topic
    • S34493 - Documentation - ASPxPopupControl - Describe the control height behavior when the ContentUrl property is used
    • S35953 - Documentation - ASPxPopupControl - The CloseUp event is raised when a window is hidden programmatically


    • AS16555 - Create an online tutorial (walkthrogh) or a screencast about binding ASPxPivotGrid to OLAP Data Sources

    DXDocking for WPF

    • S36562 - Documentation - Describe limitations of using Dock Items and Layout Items within a single scope
    • S135295 - Undock single docked panel on double-clicking

    DXGrid for Silverlight

    • S32771 - Add an example on how to implement multi-row selection via an auxiliary check box column

    DXGrid for WPF

    • S134856 - Add the capability to display collapsed cards horizontally (for columns layout) and vertically (for rows layout)
    • S33960 - Column Header - Add the capability to change the alignment of a column header's caption
    • S36550 - Documentation - Add a note that the CustomColumnDisplayText event cannot be used to provide a custom display text to a column based on other cell values
    • S35994 - Implement the GridSummartyItem Tag property to differentiate one summary item from another
    • S36120 - Introduce the capability to create a GridColumn descendant, and use it with DXGrid
    • Q279325 - Provide a way to change column width with hidden column headers

    DXLayoutControl (XPF Common)

    • S20356 - Limit the size of collapsed LayoutGroup's children

    DXLayoutControl for WPF

    • S135255 - Customization - Ability to change a label/header, create/delete a new group, move tab forward/backward
    • S36488 - Design-Time - In "Customization Mode", allow assigning event handlers to control via double-click

    DXPrinting (XPF Common)

    • S36684 - DocumentPreview - Make it possible to customize the toolbar via XAML

    DXRibbon for WPF

    • S36556 - Documentation - add topics for the Ribbon's RowIndent and ColumnIndent properties

    DXSpellChecker for WPF

    • S36507 - Documentation - Expand the SpellChecker.SpellCheckMode property's description

    eXpress Persistent Objects

    • S36382 - Add support for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
    • S36725 - PostgreSqlConnectionProvider - Check compatibility with ADO.NET provider for PostgreSql 9.0 (Npgsql 2.0.11)
    • S135741 - Update XPO best practices for Web to include comments about Medium Trust environments

    eXpressApp Framework

    • S36541 - Documentation - Provide examples on using the Charts Module
    • S36327 - GridListEditor - Make the grid_KeyDown method virtual or introduce the GridKeyDown event

    MVC Extensions

    • S36595 - All MVC Extensions - Publish the Tooltip property
    • S35071 - Documentation - Create a new article on how to apply themes to DevExpress MVC Extensions
    • S36563 - GridView - Provide the AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize and AutoFilterCellEditorCreate events
    • S36320 - GridView - Provide the GridViewSettings.RenderBrick property

    PivotGrid Core

    • S36343 - If the RowTotalsLocation is set to Tree, the ShowTotalsForSingleValues property should affect only Column Fields

    XtraEditors Library

    • S36639 - CheckedComboBoxEdit: provide an event allowing you to dynamically enable or disable items within a pop-up form

    XtraGrid Suite

    • S36459 - Documentation - Add a note that XPInstantFeedbackSource is a read-only data source to the corresponding help article
    • S36453 - Documentation - Find Panel - describe the syntax and command characters
    • S36499 - Documentation - Please correct point 10 in the "How to: Bind a GridControl to a Database in Server Mode" help topic

    XtraPivotGrid Suite

    • S33663 - Documentation - Add a page, illustrating pivot grid elements with print representation that can be customized via appearances

    XtraReports Suite

    • S36420 - Report Wizard - Add support for the Avery 6579 label (5" x 8-1/8" (2 per page))

    Resolved Issues

    All .NET WinForms Components

    • B194711 - The "Unable to find an entry point in named DisableProcessWindowsGhosting in dll User32.dll" error occurs when starting an application under Windows 2000

    All ASP.NET Components

    • B182536 - ASP.NET components do not register required assemblies when dragging them from toolbox at design time within the WebApplication

    All IDE Productivity Tools

    • B195773 - Unhandled Exception in Unit Test Runner

    All Silverlight Products

    • B181788 - WPF/Silverlight demos: In some cases, a module description close button is placed outside of the window bounds

    All WPF Products

    • B195076 - Bug in DXWindow with DeepBlue theme
    • B195062 - DevExpress.Xpf.Core.Commands.DelegateCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged fails if command was created in a separate thread
    • B190932 - DocumentPreview - Export Document dialog is not shown correctly when using non-standard DPI
    • B195761 - DXCore/Theme, Standard ComboBox do not honor MaxDropDownHeight when ThemeManager is used in view
    • B182418 - DXWindow - Invalid centering by the owner window
    • B195490 - DXWindow is oversized when shown on a dual monitor system with high dpi
    • B157708 - DXWindow not maximized correctly when SizeToContent=SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight
    • B195414 - DXWindow not resized correctly when its content shrinks its size
    • S136277 - DXWpfApplication - Typo in BarManagerCategory name -"Build-in" should be "Built-in"
    • B190043 - Theme Bug when using the SizeToContent Property
    • B181438 - Themes - The standard ComboBox control is not fully themed
    • B182023 - Unbound Expressions Demo - buttons trimmed in DeepBlue theme on Windows XP
    • Q301415 - WPF - Report Viewer for WPF is not included into the installation
    • B195749 - WPF GridControl hosted in ElementHost crashes applications
    • B193258 - WPF Wizard generates main window in wrong namespace

    ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

    • B195338 - ASPxButton - JavaScript error occurs when the EnableDefaultAppearance property is set to False
    • B194818 - ASPxComboBox - FilterMinLength has no effect when the editor's DropDownStyle property is set to DropDownList
    • B182299 - ASPxComboBox - Left padding appears when the ShowImageInEditBox property is set to true although item has no image
    • B195018 - ASPxDateEdit - The default date in a popup calendar is not picked within the range specified via the MinDate and MaxDate properties
    • Q303762 - ASPxFilterControl - In a FilterControlCheckColumn, assigning the ValueChecked and ValueUnchecked properties has no effect
    • Q297282 - ASPxGridLookup - A dropdown grid is not automatically scrolled to display a selected value if the value is set in code
    • B195238 - ASPxGridLookup - Calling the client GridView's SelectAllRowsOnPage() method does not display selected values in the edit box
    • B195100 - ASPxGridLookup - GridView rows are not displayed if the GridViewProperties.Settings.ShowHorizontalScrollBar property is set to true
    • B195239 - ASPxGridLookup - In IE7, the "Can't move focus to the control" error occurs when clicking the Create Filter command in the Filter Bar
    • Q298282 - ASPxGridLookup fails when selecting all GridView's rows and any GridView's row is already selected
    • B182369 - ASPxGridLookup should raise the DataBound event when bound to a datasource
    • B194690 - ASPxGridLookup used in the ASPxGridView's EditFormTemplate returns no value after its rows have been filtered
    • Q300850 - ASPxGridView - Handling a client-side CallbackError event and setting e.handled to true does not hide the Loading Panel
    • B195701 - ASPxGridView - In IE, the capability to select text on a page is disabled after a column has been resized
    • B195244 - ASPxGridView - Opening the header filter popup window of the rightmost column causes the browser horizontal scrollbar to temporarily appear
    • B182234 - ASPxGridView - Right-to-Left layout issues when both scrollbars are on and there are fixed columns
    • B182410 - ASPxGridView - The last empty service DataCell has unnecessary background image if there's Fixed Columns
    • B195235 - ASPxGridView - With fixed columns, the last column may be truncated even if the grid is scrolled to the rightmost position
    • B195593 - ASPxSpinEdit - It is not possible to send a postback when AllowMouseWheel is disabled
    • B182358 - ASPxSplitter - The SplitterSeparatorButtonStyle.Paddings property has no effect
    • B182395 - ASPxValidationSummary - If the control is marked as invalid via the editor.IsValid property in a button's Click event handler, the error is not displayed in a validation summary
    • B182394 - Calling the ASPxClientEdit.ClearGroup method for a validation group with a disabled ASPxComboBox causes a JavaScript error
    • B195193 - Customization Window - Data is not retrieved via Eval used within HeaderCaption templates
    • B182300 - Dragging an ASPxGridLookup from a toolbox does not register the ASPxGridView namespace
    • B195162 - GridViewDataComboBoxColumn does not display a value during editing if a combo box contains an empty item


    • B182319 - A reference to SpellChecker.Core is not registered when an ASPxHtmlEditor is placed to a form, in WebApplication
    • B195447 - An image surrounded by the A tag removes the A tag, if image properties are changed
    • Q223699 - Enhanced Rich Text Editor in SharePoint - It is impossible to create tables
    • B182348 - Insert Image form does not work if forms are copied locally inside a VB.NET Web Application
    • B182221 - Select Image dialog - In IE8 and Firefox, creating a folder and clicking its parent folder does not remove the created folder from the tree
    • B182217 - Select Image dialog - Just opened dialog has no focus while toolbar buttons are enabled, as if it's focused
    • B195495 - The IMG tag is always forced to have the ALIGN attribute

    ASPxperience Suite

    • B195248 - ASPxFileManager - An ASPxFileManager placed inside an ASPxPageControl causes an invalid argument error in IE8 compatibility mode
    • B194568 - ASPxMenu - In Lightweight rendering mode, SubmenuItemStyle-Paddings is applied incorrectly
    • B195311 - ASPxPageControl/ASPxTabControl - A combination of setting the RenderMode to Lightweight and enabling the EnableCallbacks prevents data from being loaded into newly activated tabs
    • B182117 - ASPxPopupControl - The CloseAction property set to "MouseOut" does not work, if a popup control (whose PopupElementID property is not defined) is invoked via the ShowAtElement method without calling the SetPopupElementID method beforehand
    • B194425 - ASPxSplitter - A JavaScript error occurs in IE7 (and IE8 Compatibility View) browser when the Border property is specified
    • B195589 - ASPxSplitter - If the ContentUrl is set, the pane's content doesn't fill the pane by height (in IE6 browser)
    • Q301753 - ASPxSplitter - RefreshContentUrl method reloads the currently opened URL instead of the previously set one by SetContentUrl (in IE browser)
    • B195264 - ASPxUploadControl - A wrong file name typed into a file input element causes a JavaScript exception (in IE6)


    • B195288 - ASPxPivotGrid throws NullReferenceException
    • Q223895 - ASPxPivotGrid v2010 vol 2 cannot load reports designed with v2008 vol 1
    • Q224004 - CreateOLAPDrillDownDataSource raises an exception when called from another page
    • B181780 - Exception thrown when data header is displayed in the Row Area, and a custom totals collection of a lower-level Row Field has is not empty
    • B193911 - Exception thrown when horizontal scroll bar is set to be hidden and the specified pivot grid width is small enough to display the scroll bar
    • B181700 - Field Filter empty value is always selected (ShowBlanks is always true)
    • B182307 - FieldFilterChanging method in ASPxPivotGrid
    • Q303261 - Filter drop-down shows values of another field when subsequently invoking two filter drop-downs
    • B182389 - Filter drop-down's scrollbar has an incorrect alignment
    • B182138 - Incorrect filter popup item text is shown when the PivotGridField.ValueFormat.FormatString is used to set the format of field values
    • B182179 - The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception is thrown when sorting column field values by the row area’s grand total values
    • B182545 - The WebPrintAppearance class contains unused public members: FilterSeparator and HeaderGroupLine
    • B182509 - When exported, cell sizes are calculated incorrectly, if a large font is applied to a cell

    ASPxScheduler Suite

    • Q303768 - Demos containing ObjectDataSource - Recurring appointments are saved incorrectly
    • B195203 - Example E1717 - Error _aspxArrayPush is not defined when creating an appointment
    • Q277984 - JavaScript error when calling the RaiseCallback method in the client-side SelectionChanged event handler
    • B194995 - LINQ to SQL binding update/delete fails with: "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" UNDER .Net 4.0
    • B182532 - Script error occurs when ASPScheduler has a floating width, and the last appointment is deleted
    • B195319 - Script error 'this.cachedCells is null'


    • Q299098 - Export - An exception occurs when using the CompositeLink class (from XtraPrinting)
    • B195214 - Export - In exported reports, original field names are displayed as headers, without inserting blank spaces between words

    CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET

    • B194856 - Code Creation - "Declare Local" doesn't consider array specifiers
    • B194855 - Code Creation - Typecast confuses Declare Local
    • B194788 - Code Issues - "Add missing constructors" code issue fails to resolve generic arguments
    • B195717 - Code Issues - "Field can be read-only" code isses icorrectly works with fields used in PostIncrement expressions
    • B194859 - Code Issues - "Field can be read-only" code issue incorrectly works with Unary '++' and '--' operators
    • Q301369 - Code Issues - "Undeclared element" code issue shows incorrect warning in a VB code snippet with a call of an indexer property
    • B181695 - Code Issues - "Unused parameter" and "Member can be static" code issues are displayed for Web projects erroneously
    • B195336 - Code Issues - CodeRush makes an incorrect suggestion for mismatched class and file name for VB.NET when the class has an escaped name
    • B195722 - Code Issues - recommend removing type qualifier and cause a compilation error
    • B194717 - Code Issues - Wrong "Implicit variables can be used" suggestion in foreach statements
    • B195714 - Code Issues incorrectly identify enum parameters with [Flag] attribute as boolean
    • B195456 - Color picker - Incorrect code is generated in Silverlight projects
    • Q302854 - CR_XmlDocCommentPainter unnecessarily paints a single-line comment on multiple strings
    • B194791 - Improper placement of ; in single line delegate statements
    • B195834 - IntellAssist corrupts code during incremental search
    • B195105 - Refactoring - "Convert to auto implemented property" refactoring is available when backing variable has WithEvents keyword
    • S136119 - Selection embedding should be disabled when incremental search is enabled
    • B195887 - Templates - "fe" template generates non-compilable code
    • B195575 - Templates - "p?Type?" and "xp?Type?" templates are expanded incorrectly
    • B194926 - Templates - 'while' template should not be expanded if completing a do statement
    • B195572 - Templates prevent intellisense item selection
    • B142921 - Unit Test Runner - Run Test Action on TestFixture should read "Run Tests" and run all tests in TestFixture
    • B182291 - Unit Test Runner - When running tests, the current working directory should point to the directory where assemblies are located
    • B195368 - Unit Test Runner cannot find tests after installing VS 2010 SP 1 Beta

    CodeRush with Refactor! Pro

    • B195090 - Refactoring - "Extract to XAML Template (XAML)" refactoring is not available for DataTemplates
    • B182290 - Unit Test Runner skips the [Ignore] attribute and thus tests marked with it are run instead of being ignored

    DXBars (XPF Common)

    • Q303975 - Highlighting for nested menus doesn't work

    DXBars for Silverlight

    • Q300683 - BarItem hints are unreadable in LightGray theme
    • B182452 - DXRibbon for Silverlight - The popup is cut off if the browser size is smaller than it is necessary to show a popup
    • Q299575 - If ThemeManager.ApplicationTheme property is set after a page is loaded, the browser crashes on being closed
    • Q301333 - It is impossible to reference items in a BarManager added by TemplatedBarManagerController in a DXContextMenu
    • B194604 - RowCellMenuCustomizations.Add method gives error "Element is already the child of another element"
    • B181978 - Setting the bar item's SuperTip property value has no effect if the hint property value is not specified

    DXBars for WPF

    • B182317 - Bar's collapsed button disappears when making a window smaller
    • Q261853 - Collapsed bar items cannot be accessed through the quick customization menu
    • B195137 - Exception thrown while data is loaded into the DXPrinting export/print preview
    • B195124 - RowCellMenuCustomizations - A RoutedCommand linked to a BarButtonItem is not invoked
    • B182476 - The content of the BarStaticItem, placed inside a ButtonGroup, is invisible in "Office2007" themes

    DXCharts for WPF

    • B181548 - Binding for the LineStyle.Thickness property doesn't work
    • B196119 - Data Binding - Incorrect series points arguments when binding to double values in the Dutch culture
    • B195410 - Design Time - Excessive warning in the Output window when using PieSeries3D
    • B182159 - Design Time - When trying to set the Style property for a PieSeries2D via the Property Grid, an error occurs

    DXControls for Silverlight

    • B194574 - Element should not return PositiveInfinity as its DesiredSize, even if Infinity is passed in as available size
    • B195728 - UploadControl - The OurOfMemory exception is raised when uploading a large image if the ShowPreviewImage method is used
    • B182049 - UploadControl - The OutOfMemory exception is raised when attempting to upload a large file
    • B195144 - UploadControl can't be placed inside DXTabItem

    DXCore for Visual Studio

    • B195211 - Code Issues - "Undeclared element" false positive with extension methods
    • B195314 - Graphical error during region painting
    • B194835 - NullReferenceException in DXCore.MefComponents when creating a VS plugin
    • B195318 - Refactoring - "Make explicit" refactoring removes shared keyword
    • B182246 - Refactorings generate identifiers conflicting with already declared code

    DXDocking for Silverlight

    • B194667 - Performance Issue when dragging non-empty dock panels

    DXDocking for WPF

    • B182231 - An Unhandled ArgumentException occurs when the mouse cursor is moving over DocumentPreview inside DocumentPanel
    • B195798 - Context menu is executed on a wrong grid control
    • Q303103 - DocumentPanel.Caption is not changed
    • B195550 - Focus rectangle is painted around splitters
    • B193659 - Memory leak when using nested DockLayoutManager controls
    • B195885 - Restoring Layout - after restoring the layout old panels are inaccessible

    DXEditors for Silverlight

    • B182475 - "Object must implement IConvertible" error after selecting a value from the dropdown list of LookUpEdit column
    • B180904 - CheckedListBoxControl in DXRichEdit SL demo (Document Protection) - incorrect behavior
    • B182039 - ComboBoxEdit - SelectedValue is not displayed in the editor when bound to DomainDataSource
    • S136063 - DateEdit's Popup window is displayed in a wrong place and with long delay
    • B195146 - EditorsDemo - System.InvalidOperationException is raised when attempting to open ValidationModule.SL.xaml module
    • B180307 - Lookup selects a wrong item if new items are added dynamically
    • Q303681 - LookUpEdit - Popup grid control is not resized when the editor's PopupWidth is modified

    DXEditors for WPF

    • B157113 - Can't wrap text in in-place editor tooltip
    • B195807 - Checked ComboBoxEdit - The GetValue method of the PropertyDescriptor is called if no items are selected
    • Q303343 - CheckEdit - Setting the FocusVisualStyle property value has no effect
    • B195586 - ComboBoxEdit - Unable to select items with null value
    • B193150 - ComboBoxEdit does not show EditValue when DisplayMember is set
    • B195730 - ComboBoxEdit validation (IDataErrorInfo) ToolTip not refreshed when a bound property changes from one error state to another
    • Q300865 - DXMessageBox - "defaultResult" parameter value is not highlighted, and not taken into account if the "button" is set to MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel
    • B195911 - Error using ComboBoxEditor AutoComplete property
    • Q303503 - ImageEdit - It is impossible to change the position of a built-in menu
    • B159427 - It is impossible to change the ToolTip style for Grid Cells by overriding styles
    • B159857 - Lookup Demo - AutoFilterComboBox of the Category column does not work

    DXGrid for Silverlight

    • B195706 - "Columns chooser" dialog does not fully appear in the browser
    • B182856 - Animation type selector in the Expand/Collapse group demo module not working
    • B182885 - Arg_InvalidCastException exception is thrown when trying to change a cell value via the spin button editor
    • B182093 - Auto Filter Row Demo - column filter popup does shown after first click on filter button in columns header
    • B195759 - DataAnnotations doesn't work in DXGrid
    • Q302608 - Group Summary Sort strings cannot be fully localized
    • B194644 - It is impossible to bind a column to a dictionary item
    • B182229 - Localization - It is not possible to localize the "Up" and "Down" button captions in the Group Summaries dialog
    • B182472 - New Row Item row is not activated when clicking beyond the last grid cell
    • B180842 - SL - Unhandled exceptions wrapped with the "Element in another visual child" Exception if controls from Core assembly are used

    DXGrid for WPF

    • B195154 - LayoutTransform isn't applied to DXGrid context menu
    • B191222 - BarSplitButtonItem in RowCellMenuCustomizations GridView not working
    • B195116 - Binding to the FocusedRow does not work when the GridControl's DataContext is changed
    • B192879 - Checking the DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode option causes performance issues
    • Q293410 - Column headers do not support text trimming
    • S136099 - Design time - The grid's width keeps growing endlessly if its Width is set to "Auto", and the MaxHeight value is specified
    • B192916 - DXGridControl.TableView - ExportToXls - MemoEdit column data isn't exported
    • B193562 - FocusedRow databinding does not work when a GroupValueRow is selected
    • Q299512 - GridControl incorrectly calculates column header width after hiding the vertical scrollbar in ScrollViewer ControlTemplate
    • B180858 - LookupEdit - A column header that is dragged by an end-user is incorrectly rendered (XBAP)
    • B194570 - LookUpEdit - casting error if ItemsSource contains derived objects
    • B194769 - LookUpEdit - FilterEditor is closed when attempting to change criteria operator
    • B182122 - LookupEdit generates exceptions if its DataSource does not have an object from the EditValue
    • B195502 - Pressing Ctrl+Delete on a GridControl with ShowFilterRow set to True and no Focusable column causes an unhandled exception
    • B190464 - Row focus changing due to editing
    • Q302366 - Stop MaskType="RegEx" texteditsetting causing automatic cell commits
    • B182454 - System.NullReferenceException is raised when expanding a group if the "{dxgt:GridRowThemeKey ResourceKey=CellContentPresenterTemplate}" ControlTemplate is defined
    • Q303078 - Use of different datatypes in grid leads to Casting exception upon changing a value
    • B194572 - Using a grid feature that pops up as a dialog from a grid that is in a popup freezes application
    • B195179 - When dynamically creating BarButtonItems for the GridMenu, new BarButtonItems are not used

    DXLayoutControl for WPF

    • Q223885 - An exception occurs when deleting selected elements in Customization Mode
    • B182531 - GroupBox.Header and LayoutItem.Label are not placed in the logical tree
    • B194990 - LayoutGroup's children IsEnabled property stops inheriting its value from LayoutGroup after a tab switch

    DXNavBar for Silverlight

    • B182315 - Documentation - "Binding to Data" (CustomDocument5086.htm) topic contains an incorrect example
    • B195666 - NavBarGroup.ItemTemplateSelector works incorrectly

    DXNavBar for WPF

    • B182270 - The group's content is not correctly displayed

    DXperience Enterprise

    • Q301864 - The DevExpress.CodeParser assembly cannot be built from source files on a system with Korean locale

    DXPrinting for Silverlight

    • Q302058 - Printing - The KeyNotFoundException is raised when attempting to set VisualDataNodeLink's PageHeaderDataContext

    DXPrinting for WPF

    • B182327 - DocumentPreview - document content might look blurry (after scrolling)

    DXRibbon for Silverlight

    • Q300514 - Demo - It is not possible to open the designer for the RibbonSamplePad.SL.XAML page
    • B182450 - DXRibbon for Silverlight - The IsSizeGripVisible property is not applied
    • B182451 - DXRibbon for Silverlight - Tooltips/hints are not shown for bar items
    • Q299335 - If a user expands the Gallery and clicks an item, the Click event fires twice
    • B21094 - RibbonControl - The application menu is broken

    DXRibbon for WPF

    • B195596 - "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it" exception is raised if a DXRibbonWindow is created in a seperate thread
    • B194417 - BarCheckItem - the GroupIndex property does not work
    • Q273954 - DXRibbonWindow is incorrectly displayed in full screen mode
    • B195755 - Errors when RibbonGalleryBarItem.IsVisible property is False and Ribbon Pages are changed
    • B195758 - Images in the Ribbon are shown in low quality
    • B194550 - It is impossible to enable/ disable bar items
    • Q304484 - NullReferenceException when inheriting from BarButtonItem
    • Q294337 - Ribbon Application Menu - the ButtonItem's text isn't centered vertically
    • Q304196 - RibbonControl should be non focusable
    • B195404 - The ribbon control doesn’t hide and stays on the top if a dialog window is opened from a button handler
    • B195526 - When ribbon group is hidden at runtime, BarManager is set to Null

    DXRichEdit for Silverlight

    • Q297701 - An exception is thrown when trying to type in DXRichEdit using the Korean and Japanese languages in IME mode
    • B182449 - RichEdit control is not refreshed when the SpellCheckMode (SpellCheckerHelper.SpellChecker.SpellCheckMode) is changed

    DXRichEdit for WPF

    • Q301262 - Cannot set the RichEditControl.SpellChecker property - NullReference exception occurs
    • Q303555 - FontComboBoxEditSettings font names are not sorted
    • B195181 - NullReferenceException occurs when DXRichEdit gets focus within a UserControl's Loaded event handler
    • B195114 - NullReferenceException occurs when DXRichEdit is placed in an auto hidden LayoutPanel

    DXScheduler for WPF

    • B195895 - Allday flag is lost when creating a recurrent appointment
    • B182289 - Bar interface - "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" buttons are disabled by default
    • B182440 - Custom Appointment Form - AppointmentResourcesEdit not working correctly when its attributes are set in a certain order
    • B182428 - Localization - Appointment Form is not fully localized
    • S136234 - Localization - MonthlyRecurrenceControl is not fully localized
    • B195894 - Start day of recurrence is disregarded if Start of Recurrence editor value is different from the Start Date editor value on the form

    eXpress Persistent Objects

    • B182582 - Documentation - Session-specific constructor is missing in the Location and Department persistent class' definitions
    • B195029 - LINQ "is" operator works incorrectly with a persistent type that has descendants
    • B195584 - MySqlConnectionProvider - Using ConstantOperand with Guid value twice or more in one criteria throws an exception
    • B195431 - OracleException when using Concat-CriteriaOperator
    • B195343 - SqlConnectionProvider - ICommandChannel.Do method execution is not synchronized with other provider methods

    eXpressApp Framework

    • B194907 - Actions - A NullReference exception occurs when using SingleChoiceAction under certain circumstances
    • B195660 - Application Model - Unable to clone nodes under certain circumstances
    • B182323 - ButtonsContainer.Win - ButtonsContainerParametrizedActionItemControl's Editor does not fill the whole control if the ButtonsContainerParametrizedActionItem's ShowExecuteButton property value is set to false
    • B194776 - Conditional Appearance - Appearance rules cause "Non-static method requires a target" exception when using Cancel Action
    • B195948 - Core - Actions created in ViewController designer do not always appear in the toolbar
    • B182321 - DC - Domain logic defined for the setter of a non-persistent property does not work correctly
    • Q300630 - DC - The "Cannot find the associated member for..." error occurs when deleting a record from a collection, which has a custom domain logic
    • B195016 - EasyTest - The New command fails when the TabbedMDI is used in conjunction with Ribbon UI
    • B182402 - GridListEditor - The context menu is not displayed after calling the View.SetInfo method
    • B195851 - GridListEditor - When using inline editing, pressing the ESCAPE key deletes previously created objects
    • Q303137 - KPI - Exceptions occur when a filter criteria includes non-persistent properties
    • B195605 - KPI - LockingException occurs after refreshing an indicator
    • B182194 - KPI - Sparklines cannot be exported and are not displayed in the grid's print preview
    • B195092 - KPI - Start point for the ThisWeekToDate range is incorrect
    • B182275 - Layout - A layout group's TextAlignMode property is changed, when the ShowCaption property of its items is set to false
    • B195068 - Layout - EmptySpaceItem in a platform-agnostic module results in unusable nodes under certain circumstances
    • B182274 - Layout - It is impossible to lock the size of the Label layout item
    • B195224 - Localization - Accented characters are encoded incorrectly
    • B195603 - Localization - Enumeration types properties are not localized in report parameters
    • B195504 - Localization - Enumeration values are not localized in report parameters
    • Q279465 - Localization - Unable to switch a language context at runtime without restarting the web browser
    • B195467 - Mode Editor - Standalone Model Editor, invoked for a web application saves changes into the Model.xafml within the Bin folder
    • Q301368 - Model Editor - Cannot add a new member to the OwnMembers node of a business class
    • B196137 - Model Editor - Deleting UnusableNodes.xml causes designer failure
    • B195180 - Model Editor - When a List View is cloned, the original columns sort order is lost
    • B182312 - Persistent.BaseImpl - Base objects should be created when corresponding fields are defined
    • B181759 - Reports - Certain strings in the report designer are not localizable
    • B195899 - Reports - NotSupportedException occur when using the Reporting module with .NET 4.0
    • B181690 - SchedulerListEditor - NullReferenceException when an appointment is resized too much
    • B194909 - TabbedMDI - Incorrect tab is focused when closing a View
    • B182002 - Templates - Duplicate Actions in Ribbon UI under certain circumstances
    • B182283 - Templates - Toolbars in nested frames are lost, under certain circumstances
    • Q272046 - TreeListEditor - Nodes are rebuilt and focus is lost during the Save operation
    • B195233 - Web - Captions of enumeration properties contain an additional space character


    • B182611 - Installation - Some xml files with assembly descriptions are missing
    • B195918 - Sources - The DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar.SL project is not included
    • Q300527 - The 10.2.4 Installer displays a blank page, and buttons cannot be clicked under some locales
    • B193835 - The text of checkboxes on the Finish-screen are truncated when using the HighDPI setting

    MVC Extensions

    • Q302558 - DevExpressEditorsBinder model binder fills data model fields bound to a DateEdit incorrectly, if culture isn't invariant
    • B195720 - GridView - ComboBox type columns sometimes display values instead of TextField strings
    • Q297835 - MVC Extensions cannot resolve relative paths
    • B195991 - MVC3/Razor - A JavaScript error occurs under IE8, when quickly refreshing a page that contains a call to the ExtesionFactory.GetScripts method

    PivotGrid Core

    • B182135 - Impossible to enable GroupFilterMode mode for a single pivot grid field
    • B194932 - Incorrect FieldValueCell.DataField property value
    • B181785 - OLAP - The hierarchy group filter works incorrectly when some neighboring fields in the group are bound to non-neighboring levels in the hierarchy


    • B182372 - Confirmation dialog is not displayed when closing the application during conversion
    • Q300611 - Project Converter - Solution files are processed twice
    • B195128 - ProjectConverter - An exception occurs if a solution contains .exclude-files for XAFML files for Russian localization

    Refactor! Pro

    • B194781 - Refactoring - "Collapse Conditional (VB)" refactoring does not take code comments into account
    • B194944 - Refactoring - "Collapse Getter" refactoring deletes code if setter has no block
    • B194853 - Refactoring - "Compress to Ternary Expression" results in compiler error when literals require type casts
    • B194854 - Refactoring - "Inline Temp" and "Inline Recent Assignment" refactorings should be identical if the temp variable is used only once
    • B194857 - Refactoring - "Introduce Local" refactoring generates a name conflict when references exist in a different part of a partial class
    • B194777 - Refactoring - "Make Implicit" refactoring corrupts definitions with initializers (the closing brace is lost)
    • B195493 - Refactoring - "Make Implicit" refactoring makes the code less clear
    • B194898 - Refactoring -"Make implicit" refactoring produces a compiler error on variables that are upcast to superclasses

    XtraBars Suite

    • B195591 - An ampersand in a ribbon page caption is drawn differently when using Offce 2007 or Office 2010 mode
    • B195260 - Backstage View Overlaps Ribbon Tabs
    • B195250 - BarButtonItem Not Always Clicking
    • B194984 - BarStaticItem does not show a border
    • B194498 - DockPanel.DockVertical property is not working properly when a floating dock panel is docked to another floating dock panel
    • B194347 - DockPanel's location is automatically changed to show its bottom part
    • B195745 - Documentation - AppMenuFileLabel.LabelImageClick is not raised when the label's Glyph is clicked
    • B195850 - It is not possible to localize the WhitePrint skin caption
    • B195136 - Maximized MDI Child's title bar is displayed incorrectly
    • B195741 - NullReferenceException in the ShowToolTip method
    • B182686 - PhotoViewer Demo - Exception when applying image filter
    • B182737 - PhotoViewer Demo - Filter customize trackbar roller disappears when applying image filter
    • B194682 - Ribbon caption does not become inactive
    • B195157 - Ribbon paint issue
    • B195050 - RibbonControl painting issues when using ApplicationButtonDropDownControl
    • B193356 - ShowCaptionOnMouseHover - A dock panel's caption is shown even when the mouse pointer is hovering over another window
    • B195197 - Undocking and then docking the second of 2 tabbed dock panels with a double click does not make the panel active
    • B193834 - When docked vertically Bar is displayed incorrectly

    XtraCharts Suite

    • B181939 - Annotation Editor - Text for selected annotation is not readable
    • B182202 - Demo - A typo in the 3DBar&Area demo description
    • Q223969 - Documentation - Irrelevant code snippet in the 'ScaleType Members' topic (XtraCharts:DevExpressXtraChartsScaleTypeEnumtopic.htm)
    • B182596 - Documentation - SummaryFunction topics do not cover compatibility with series views
    • B182356 - PivotGrid integration - PivotGrid.OptionsChartDataSource.FieldValuesProvideMode property is corrupted regardless of the AutoBindingSettingsEnabled property value
    • B195920 - PointToDiagram - Incorrect work on right and bottom pane edges
    • B182095 - Wizard - the Chart Titles page does not have a selected Title when displayed for the first time

    XtraEditors Library

    • B195423 - CheckedListBox - Items are added very slowly
    • B195450 - ListBoxControl Horizontal Scrollbar doesn't appear
    • B195391 - Problem with focused font
    • B195901 - SplitContainerControl is not shown correctly on an inherited form
    • B182152 - The E2297 example does not work in version 10.2.3

    XtraGauges Suite

    • Q303808 - CircularScale ranges are calculated incorrectly if RaidusX does not equal RadiusY (elliptical geometry)

    XtraGrid Suite

    • B181830 - A close button residing within a Find Panel is incorrectly aligned when using 120DPI
    • B194834 - Appearance for FieldValue in LayoutView not working properly
    • B195481 - Context menu of findpanel's textbox isn't skinned (does not have an associated barmanager)
    • B182485 - Documentation: ColumnView.ValidateRow help topic is not quite correct
    • B182244 - Find Panel - a filter should be applied to a grid if a filter string is not changed, while the GridView.OptionsFind.FindFilterColumns property has been changed
    • B195032 - Find Panel is not working properly
    • B195363 - LayoutVew Customization - Renaming field caption does not activate Apply button
    • B194893 - LayoutView - The NullReferenceException exception
    • B195882 - LayoutView truncates FieldCaptions when font is Bold
    • Q299686 - View caption is not printed correctly

    XtraLayout Suite

    • B194040 - CalcBestSize returns a wrong size for a LabelControl with AllowHTMLString=True contained in a LayoutControl
    • B182385 - ExpandButtonMode property cannot be saved using SaveLayoutTo~ methods
    • B182349 - It is impossible to disable decoding ampersands as shortcut characters in item captions
    • B195292 - Items are not painted properly when a form is resized
    • B195914 - LayoutControl crashes when catching double click on closing form

    XtraPivotGrid Suite

    • B183023 - An exception is raised when an end user opens the Field Filter pop-up if a pivot grid's data source is empty
    • B195056 - An exception is raised when clicking the filter button in the column header
    • B195122 - Default members are not chosen when filter conditions of all filter fields are set
    • B181808 - Group Filter works incorrectly if a group field has its field filter set
    • Q223687 - Impossible to enable radio mode for a single pivot grid field
    • B181880 - Unhandled Exception thrown in Olap Drill Down Demo if no OleDb provider installed
    • B182241 - With certain pivot grid layouts, collapsing a field value can move focus to another position, and scroll out of the collapsed item

    XtraPrinting Library

    • B195033 - Error in Danish Language File for PrintRibbonController

    XtraReports Suite

    • B181767 - End-User Designer - MDI - It is impossible to save all reports at once (there is no "Save All" toolbar button)
    • B182548 - End-User Designer - When switching to the Preview tab from the Designer tab, the document creation progress is not reflected in the status bar
    • Q302086 - Export to XLSX - indentation disappears in exported files
    • B195607 - NotSupportedExceptions with .NET 4.0
    • B195126 - NullReferenceException in XRControl.ValidateName(string name) when called from XRControl.InitializeScripts()
    • Q302357 - PageBuilder - Report hangs in some cases
    • B195435 - Report Group Band "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
    • B181578 - Report Wizard - Exception occurs after changing one selected table to another
    • B195168 - ReportLibrary Demo not working
    • B195407 - Reportwizard - Creating a tabular report ignores selected fields' "DisplayName" property
    • B195360 - ReportWizard with option "Tabular" creates wrong report elements
    • Q303844 - Serialization - Subreports are serialized incorrectly in VS 2010 IDE (missing BeginInit/EndInit method calls)
    • B182362 - The XtraReport.DetailPrintCount property does not work in label reports created using the Wizard
    • Q302555 - XRCrossBandLine leaves a blank space between group bands
    • Q300580 - XRDesignPanel - incorrect filename when opening a report


    • B195386 - An attempt to load a document in incorrect format (specifying format other than a correct format or if document data are corrupted and not comply with indicated format) results in unhandled exception and brings down the entire application
    • B195313 - Bar UI - When you select 'none' for line style, the combo 'line weight' is filled with empty values
    • B181708 - Bulleted List - Bullet becomes smaller than other bullets when Enter is hit to create a new bullet point line
    • B181710 - Bulleted List - Bullets are actually in the margin so they are visible in the PrintLayout view only
    • B181705 - Bulleted List - Extra line-spacing issues when saving Bullets
    • B181709 - Bulleted List - Saving multi-level bullet points loses second level bullets "style"
    • B195690 - Calling ClearUndo after inserting Image causes internal exception
    • Q303109 - Drag&drop of a picture file does not work
    • B195312 - Entering Tab in a table cell results in selecting cell content
    • B194540 - Errors on Copy/Paste - "Invalid RTF file" and "Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed" errors
    • B196001 - Exception - Unable to cast object of type 'DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.Parser.IntPosition' to type 'DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.SpellChecker.DocumentPosition'
    • B194747 - Exception on pasting text from Clipboard into XtraRichEdit
    • B194779 - Exception when saving a RichEditControl.Document in Rtf format, if a style has been deleted
    • B195817 - HTML import - an exception is thrown on pasting HTML content into XtraRichEdit
    • Q303212 - Hyperlinks with href="#" are not displayed
    • B195296 - If the caret is under the table, pressing Enter moves the caret to a table cell
    • Q300181 - Import DOCX - XtraRichEdit does not load a docx file containing AlternativeFormatImportPart correctly
    • B195379 - Incorrect underline in RTF documents with tables
    • B195695 - Insert Cells dialog form has too short captions and thus localized text is not shown completely
    • B195831 - Internal errors occur in RichEditControl Demos in Draft view
    • B194694 - Lists - cannot create multi-level list within the table
    • B195246 - Localization - incorrect german translation (Ribbon)
    • Q301619 - MailMergeOptions.СopyTemplateStyles property does not work
    • Q303325 - Multilevel list - unexpected behavior
    • B194698 - Numbered and bullet list indenting and unindenting bug
    • B195921 - Read-only mode doesn't prevent table resizing
    • Q302335 - ReadOnly mode still allows manipulation with tables
    • B195267 - Replace- if a text to replace is longer than the text being replaced, an exception occurs
    • B182409 - Right border of the table is not displayed
    • Q300505 - SimpleView - Indentation is turned on by pressing the Tab key
    • Q302771 - System.InvalidOperationException occurs when an end-user specifies the Document.RtfText property
    • B195052 - Underline in the XRRichText control is drawn through the entire page
    • B182276 - Undo/Redo with Bullets Throws an Exception (not a valid value for 'FirstRunIndex')
    • B195865 - When the cursor is adjacent to hidden text, typing hides text that has been typed
    • B196024 - XtraRichEdit doesn't display the "„" character correctly
    • B195928 - XtraRichEdit.Design.RepositoryItemRichEditStyleEdit.Sorted=True doesn't work

    XtraScheduler Suite

    • B195303 - Monthly Recurrence Control problem when using with the Wizard
    • B182340 - Zooming - executing the TimelineView.ZoomOut command raises an exception if the Schedulercontrol.LimitInterval property is set (10.2.4 version)

    XtraTreeList Suite

    • B195685 - BestFit does not respect indents
    • B195718 - CheckBox drawn incorrectly when the column width is too small to show the entire CheckBox
    • Q302437 - ExportToPdf method doesn't work
    • B149619 - Slow scrolling when there are too many rows and columns
    • B195256 - TreeList.ExpandAll method is very slow when using IVirtualTreeListData with a large number of rows
    • B195925 - When a node's level is greater than 0, MemoEdit's autoheight in the first column isn't correct

    XtraVerticalGrid Suite

    • B182190 - A tooltip, explicitly defined using the RowProperties.ToolTip property is displayed only when the row caption is trimmed
    • Q303609 - BandView - An exception is thrown when a window with the VerticalGridControl is maximized
    • B182055 - Clearing the ExternalRepository property results in disposing of its items
    • B195269 - In Customization Form, Disabled Rows are painted incorrectly
    • B194596 - The RowProperties.ReadOnly property is not updated in Properties window after the RowProperties.FieldName property is changed
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/itelite/p/2240347.html
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