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  • Linux CentOS6.5下安装Oracle ASM

    Oracle版本:Oracle 11g


    [root@localhost ~]#uname -r


     2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64,即Linux 6

    2、安装Oracleasm Kernel:

    [root@localhost ~]# yum install kmod-oracleasm


    [root@localhost ~]#wget http://oss.oracle.com/projects/oracleasm-support/dist/files/RPMS/rhel6/amd64/2.1.8/oracleasm-support-2.1.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

    [root@localhost ~]#wget http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/asmlib/oracleasmlib-2.0.4-1.el6.x86_64.rpm


    [root@localhost ~]#rpm -ivh oracleasm*


    [root@localhost ~]#su oracle

    [root@localhost ~]#/etc/init.d/oracleasm configure

    Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.

    This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library

    driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is

    loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current values

    will be shown in brackets ('[]'). Hitting without typing an

    answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.

    Default user to own the driver interface []: oracle

    Default group to own the driver interface []: dba

    Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]: y

    Fix permissions of Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: y

    Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration [ OK ]

    Creating /dev/oracleasm mount point [ OK ]

    Loading module "oracleasm" [ OK ]

    Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem [ OK ]

    Scanning system for ASM disks [ OK ]


    [root@ca-test1 /]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm disable

    Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration [ OK ]

    Unmounting ASMlib driver filesystem [ OK ]

    Unloading module "oracleasm" [ OK ]

    [root@ca-test1 /]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm enable

    Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration [ OK ]

    Loading module "oracleasm" [ OK ]

    Mounting ASMlib driver filesystem [ OK ]

    Scanning system for ASM disks [ OK ]


    首先可以使用fdisk -l命令查看分区,


    使用fdisk -l命令看到这块硬盘叫sdc,然后我们开始给这块硬盘分区:

    [root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sdc

    Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel

    Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x3c1761b2.

    Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.

    After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

    Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

    WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to

    switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to

    sectors (command 'u').

    Command (m for help): m

    Command action

    a toggle a bootable flag

    b edit bsd disklabel

    c toggle the dos compatibility flag

    d delete a partition

    l list known partition types

    m print this menu

    n add a new partition(创建新分区)

    o create a new empty DOS partition table

    p print the partition table

    q quit without saving changes

    s create a new empty Sun disklabel

    t change a partition's system id

    u change display/entry units

    v verify the partition table

    w write table to disk and exit

    x extra functionality (experts only)

    Command (m for help): n

    Command action

    e extended

    p primary partition (1-4)


    Command (m for help): p

    Partition number (1-4): 2

    First cylinder (1-121601, default 1):

    Using default value 1

    Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-121601, default 121601):

    Using default value 121601

    再次执行fdisk -l命令查看分区:

    Disk /dev/sdc: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes

    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders

    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disk identifier: 0x881f3ea8


    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

    /dev/sdc2 1 121601 976760001 83 Linux




    [root@ca-test1 /]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks



    [root@ca-test1 /]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL2 /dev/sdc2

    Creating Oracle ASM disk "VOL2" [ OK ]

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ivychang/p/5651569.html
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