import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from osmnx import settings, config from osmnx import geocoder, graph_from_point, graph_from_place, graph_from_address, graph_from_polygon, graph_from_xml, plot_graph from osmnx import save_graph_shapefile, save_graphml, save_graph_xml, geometries_from_xml from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LinearRing # import osmnx as ox # city = ox.geometries_from_place(query='东城区,北京,中国', tags={'building': True}) # city.plot() # # # geocode the address string to a (lat, lng) point # point = geocoder.geocode(query='景山街道,东城区,北京,中国') # print('(lat, lng) -->', point) # address = 'Ceramstraat, Delft, Netherlands' # address = 'Ceramstraat' # address = '逸群道路' # M = graph_from_address(address=address, # dist=1000, # dist_type='network', # network_type='drive',# network_type : string {"all_private", "all", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"} # simplify=False, # truncate_by_edge=True)# 按边截断 center_point = (39.790973, 116.5113173) distance = 400 M = graph_from_point( center_point, dist=distance,# bounding box distance in meters from the center point dist_type="bbox",# string {"bbox", "network"} if dist_type is network, find node in graph nearest to center point then truncate graph by network dist from it network_type="all",# string {"all_private", "all", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"} simplify=False,# if True, simplify graph topology with the `simplify_graph` function retain_all=False,# False: retain only the largest weakly connected component. truncate_by_edge=False,# if True, retain nodes outside boundary polygon if at least one of node's neighbors is within the polygon clean_periphery=False,# if True, buffer 500m to get a graph larger than requested, then simplify, then truncate it to requested spatial boundaries custom_filter=None) plot_graph(M, figsize=(32, 32), bgcolor="none",# "#E1E1E1", node_size=120, node_color="#FF0000", node_alpha=None,# float node_edgecolor="none", node_zorder=1, edge_color="#000000", edge_linewidth=5, edge_alpha=None,# float dpi=600, save=True, filepath='./images/graph_all.png') save_graph_xml(M, filepath='./osm/graph_all.osm') save_graph_shapefile(M, 'shpdata_all') # save_graphml(M, 'graph_simp.graphml', gephi=True, encoding="utf-8") # M = graph_from_xml('./osm/graph_simp.osm', simplify=False) # plot_graph(M, figsize=(32, 32), node_size=20, dpi=600, save=True, filepath='./images/graph_all.png') print('number_of_nodes:', M.number_of_nodes(), 'number_of_edges:', M.number_of_edges()) # 计算机HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settingss M = graph_from_point( center_point, dist=distance,# bounding box distance in meters from the center point dist_type="bbox",# string {"bbox", "network"} if dist_type is network, find node in graph nearest to center point then truncate graph by network dist from it network_type="all",# string {"all_private", "all", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"} simplify=True,# if True, simplify graph topology with the `simplify_graph` function retain_all=False,# False: retain only the largest weakly connected component. truncate_by_edge=False,# if True, retain nodes outside boundary polygon if at least one of node's neighbors is within the polygon clean_periphery=False,# if True, buffer 500m to get a graph larger than requested, then simplify, then truncate it to requested spatial boundaries custom_filter=None) plot_graph(M, figsize=(32, 32), bgcolor="none",# "#E1E1E1", node_size=120, node_color="#FF0000", node_alpha=None,# float node_edgecolor="none", node_zorder=1, edge_color="#000000", edge_linewidth=5, edge_alpha=None,# float dpi=600, save=True, filepath='./images/graph_simp.png') save_graph_xml(M, filepath='./osm/graph_simp.osm') save_graph_shapefile(M, 'shpdata_simp') print('number_of_nodes:', M.number_of_nodes(), 'number_of_edges:', M.number_of_edges())