
import requests # 定义一个common的类,它的父类是object class Common(object): # common的构造函数 def __init__(self): # 被测系统的根路由 self.url_root = 'http://localhost:3000' # 封装你自己的get请求,uri是访问路由,params是get请求的参数,如果没有默认为空 def get(self, uri, params=''): # 拼凑访问地址 url = self.url_root + uri + params # 通过get请求访问对应地址 res = requests.get(url) # 返回request的Response结果,类型为requests的Response类型 return res # 封装你自己的post方法,uri是访问路由,params是post请求需要传递的参数,如果没有参数这里为空 def post(self, uri, params=''): # 拼凑访问地址 url = self.url_root + uri if len(params) > 0: # 如果有参数,那么通过post方式访问对应的url,并将参数赋值给requests.post默认参数data # 返回request的Response结果,类型为requests的Response类型 res = requests.post(url, data=params) else: # 如果无参数,访问方式如下 # 返回request的Response结果,类型为requests的Response类型 res = requests.post(url) return res
Part2: java 对httpRequest封装 实现

package common; import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import java.util.Map; import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given; public class APIRunner { private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(APIRunner.class); private String baseURI=""; public static Response httpGet(String basePath, Map header) { log.info("base site is:"+ RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is:"+basePath+"and method is get"); RestAssured.baseURI=""; header.forEach((k,v)->log.info("header key="+k+"value="+v)); Response response=null; RequestSpecification state=given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size()>0){ state=state.headers(header); } response=baseRun("get",basePath,"",state); return response; } public static Response httpGet(String basePath, Map header,Map parmas){ log.info("base site is:"+ RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is:"+basePath+"and method is get"); RestAssured.baseURI=""; header.forEach((k,v)->log.info("header key="+k+"value="+v)); parmas.forEach((k,v)->log.info("parmas key="+k+"value="+v)); Response response=null; RequestSpecification state=given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size()>0){ state=state.headers(header); } if(parmas.size()>0) { state=state.params(parmas); } response=baseRun("get",basePath,"",state); return response; } public static Response httpGet(String basePath, Map pathParams,Map header,Map parmas){ log.info("base site is:"+ RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is:"+basePath+"and method is get"); RestAssured.baseURI=""; header.forEach((k,v)->log.info("header key="+k+"value="+v)); pathParams.forEach((k,v)->log.info("path parameters key="+k+"value="+v)); parmas.forEach((k,v)->log.info("parmas key="+k+"value="+v)); Response response=null; RequestSpecification state=given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size()>0){ state=state.headers(header); } if(parmas.size()>0) { state=state.params(parmas); } if(pathParams.size()>0) { state=state.pathParams(pathParams); } response=baseRun("get",basePath,"",state); return response; } public static Response httpPostFromData(String basePath,Map forms) { log.info("base site is:"+RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); RestAssured.baseURI=""; forms.forEach((k,v)->log.info("from data key="+k+"value="+v)); Response response=null; RequestSpecification state=given(); response=state .request() .formParams(forms) .post(basePath); return response; } public static Response httpPost(String basePath,String body) { log.info("base site is:"+RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); RestAssured.baseURI=""; Response response=null; RequestSpecification state=given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); response=baseRun("post",basePath,body,state); return response; } public static Response httpPostFormData(String basePath, Map header, Map forms){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); forms.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("form data key = " + k + " value = " + v)); Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } response = state .formParams(forms) .request() .post(basePath); return response; } public Response httpPostFormData(String basePath, Map header, Map params, Map forms){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); params.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("query parameters data key = " + k + " value = " + v)); forms.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("form data key = " + k + " value = " + v)); Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } response = state .params(params) .formParams(forms) .request() .post(basePath); return response; } public Response httpPost(String basePath, Map header, String body){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; if(body.length() > 0){ log.info("request body is: " + body); } Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } response = baseRun("post", basePath, body, state); return response; } public Response httpPost(String basePath, Map header, Map pathParams, String body){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: post"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); pathParams.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("path parameters key = "+ k + " value = " + v)); if(body.length() > 0){ log.info("request body is: " + body); } Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } if(pathParams.size() > 0){ state = state.pathParams(pathParams); } response = baseRun("post", basePath, body, state); return response; } public Response httpPut(String basePath, String body){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: put"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); response = baseRun("put", basePath, body, state); return response; } public static Response httpPut(String basePath, Map header, String body){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: put"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } response = baseRun("put", basePath, body, state); return response; } public Response httpPut(String basePath, Map header, Map pathParams, String body){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: put"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); pathParams.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("path parameters key = "+ k + " value = " + v)); Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } if(pathParams.size() > 0){ state = state.pathParams(pathParams); } response = baseRun("put", basePath, body, state); return response; } public Response httpDelete(String basePath, Map header){ log.info("base site is: " + RestAssured.baseURI); log.info("api path is: "+ basePath + " and method is: delete"); RestAssured.baseURI = ""; header.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("header key = " + k + " value = " + v)); Response response = null; RequestSpecification state = given().contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if(header.size() > 0){ state = state.headers(header); } response = baseRun("delete", basePath, "", state); return response; } private static Response baseRun(String requestMethod,String basePath,String bodyString,RequestSpecification state) { Response response; if(requestMethod.toLowerCase().equals("get")){ response =state .request() .get(basePath); }else if(requestMethod.toLowerCase().equals("put")){ response=state .request() .body(bodyString) .put(basePath); }else if(requestMethod.toLowerCase().equals("delete")){ response=state .request() .delete(basePath); }else if(requestMethod.toLowerCase().equals("post")){ response=state .request() .body(bodyString) .post(basePath); }else if(requestMethod.toLowerCase().equals("patch")){ response=state .request() .body(bodyString) .patch(basePath); }else { response = null; } return response; } }
测试类实现:Get Post Put

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject; import common.APIRunner; import io.restassured.response.Response; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class APIRunnerTest { Map<String,String> header=new HashMap<>(); @Test(description = "Test the search interface for douban", priority = 0) public void Get_PostMan_By_Key() throws IOException { Map<String,String> params=new HashMap<>(); params.put("test","123"); Response res= APIRunner.httpGet("https://postman-echo.com/get",header,params); Assert.assertTrue(res.statusCode()==200); JSONObject jobject= JSON.parseObject(res.asString()); JSONObject jobjectRes=(JSONObject)jobject.get("args"); Assert.assertEquals(jobjectRes.toJSONString(),JSONObject.toJSONString(params)); } @Test(description = "Test the search interface for douban", priority = 0) public void Post_PostMan_By_Key() throws IOException { Map<String,String> params=new HashMap<>(); params.put("test","abc"); params.put("autotest","def"); Response res= APIRunner.httpPostFormData("https://postman-echo.com/post",header,params); Assert.assertTrue(res.statusCode()==200); JSONObject jobject= JSON.parseObject(res.asString()); JSONObject jobjectRes=(JSONObject)jobject.get("form"); Assert.assertEquals(jobjectRes.toJSONString(),JSONObject.toJSONString(params)); } @Test(description = "Test the search interface for douban", priority = 0) public void Put_PostMan_By_Key() throws IOException { String params="Etiam mi lacus, cursus vitae felis et, blandit pellentesque neque. Vestibulum eget nisi a tortor commodo dignissim."; Response res= APIRunner.httpPut("https://postman-echo.com/put",header,params); Assert.assertTrue(res.statusCode()==200); JSONObject jobject= JSON.parseObject(res.asString()); String jobjectRes=jobject.get("data").toString(); Assert.assertEquals(jobjectRes,params); } }