function [ha, pos] = tight_subplot(Nh, Nw, gap, marg_h, marg_w) % tight_subplot creates "subplot" axes with adjustable gaps and margins % % [ha, pos] = tight_subplot(Nh, Nw, gap, marg_h, marg_w) % ha 是坐标轴句柄,pos是每个坐标轴的原点与长宽 % Nh,Nw 可以认为是几行几列 % gap是子图的纵向和横向间距,gap(1)为纵向,gap(2)为横向 % marg_h是图件与上下边缘的距离,marg_h(1)为距下边缘的距离,marg_h(2)是距上边缘的距离 % marg_w 是图件与左右边缘的距离,marg_w(1)为距左边缘的距离,marg_w(2)是距右边缘的距离。 % in: Nh number of axes in hight (vertical direction) % Nw number of axes in width (horizontaldirection) % gap gaps between the axes in normalized units (0...1) % or [gap_h gap_w] for different gaps in height and width % marg_h margins in height in normalized units (0...1) % or [lower upper] for different lower and upper margins % marg_w margins in width in normalized units (0...1) % or [left right] for different left and right margins % % out: ha array of handles of the axes objects % starting from upper left corner, going row-wise as in % subplot % pos positions of the axes objects % % Example: ha = tight_subplot(3,2,[.01 .03],[.1 .01],[.01 .01]) % for ii = 1:6; axes(ha(ii)); plot(randn(10,ii)); end % set(ha(1:4),'XTickLabel',''); set(ha,'YTickLabel','') % Pekka Kumpulainen 21.5.2012 @tut.fi % Tampere University of Technology / Automation Science and Engineering if nargin<3; gap = .02; end if nargin<4 || isempty(marg_h); marg_h = .05; end if nargin<5; marg_w = .05; end if numel(gap)==1 gap = [gap gap]; end if numel(marg_w)==1 marg_w = [marg_w marg_w]; end if numel(marg_h)==1 marg_h = [marg_h marg_h]; end axh = (1-sum(marg_h)-(Nh-1)*gap(1))/Nh; axw = (1-sum(marg_w)-(Nw-1)*gap(2))/Nw; py = 1-marg_h(2)-axh; % ha = zeros(Nh*Nw,1); ii = 0; for ih = 1:Nh px = marg_w(1); for ix = 1:Nw ii = ii+1; ha(ii) = axes('Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[px py axw axh], ... 'XTickLabel','', ... 'YTickLabel',''); px = px+axw+gap(2); end py = py-axh-gap(1); end if nargout > 1 pos = get(ha,'Position'); end ha = ha(:);