你要是看过basic_stream_socket的文档,里面提到async_write_some不能保证将所有要发送的数据都发出去。并且提到如果想这样做,需要使用boost asio的async_write
Remarks The write operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer. Consider using the async_write function if you need to ensure that all data is written before the asynchronous operation completes.
void Sign::AfterWriteMessage(error_code const& ec, size_t bytes_transferred, size_t expected_size, size_t offset) { if (ec) { BOOSTER_ERROR("AfterWriteMessage") << "write message failed, error code:" << ec.value() << " category name:" << ec.category().name() << " id_:" << id_ << " address:" << address << " message:" << ec.message(); Close(); return; } BOOSTER_DEBUG("AfterWriteMessage") << "thread id: " << this_thread::get_id() << " send_buffer: " << PrintBytesAsHexString(send_buffer, bytes_transferred) << " sent size:" << bytes_transferred; BOOSTER_DEBUG("AfterWriteMessage") << "thread id: " << this_thread::get_id() << " send_buffer: " << PrintBytesAsHexString(send_buffer, expected_size) << " expected size:" << expected_size; size_t resend_size = expected_size - bytes_transferred; if (resend_size > 0) { size_t new_offset = offset + bytes_transferred; async_write(socket, buffer((void*)&send_buffer[new_offset], resend_size), strand_.wrap(bind(&Sign::AfterWriteMessage, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, resend_size, new_offset))); return; } // do your business after send succeeds } void Sign::SendMessage(size_t size) { // BOOSTER_DEBUG("SendMessage") << "thread id: " << this_thread::get_id() << " send_buffer: " << PrintBytesAsHexString(send_buffer, size) << " size:" << size; async_write(socket, buffer(send_buffer, size), strand_.wrap(bind(&Sign::AfterWriteMessage, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, size, 0))); }
但是为什么呢?难道真的是bug. 请看下一篇。