- Code review
- includes unit test review
- includes design
- includes comments
- at most 5 people
- may include one tester to review the unit test and learn how to use the library or UI, to see if it's easy to use, easy to test.
- Unit test
- we cannot mark the work item as done until all the unit test are finished
- unit test makes devs not to block others. because when they want to check in the code, they need to run the unit test. if any test fails, they should not check in the code until they fix the failed unit tests.
- Scrum meeting (daily)
- it drives devs to work a little bit hard everyday, otherwise, you don't have enough to tell others what you have done yesterday
- it makes managers know more details on the project. Managers can control the schedule on the real time.
- it makes all project members know about the project status. who is doing what? any blocking issues? what features will be done in this sprint?
- it also shows that who is working proactively, who is working negatively. it drives people work harder.