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  • 9.3 表达式树

    9.3.2 将表达式树编译成委托

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             Expression firstArg = Expression.Constant(2);
     6             Expression secondArg = Expression.Constant(3);
     7             Expression add = Expression.Add(firstArg, secondArg);
     9             Func<int> compiled = Expression.Lambda<Func<int>>(add).Compile();
    10             Console.WriteLine(compiled());
    12             Console.ReadKey();
    13         }
    14     }

     9.3.3 将C# Lambda表达式转换成表达式树

     1    class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             Expression<Func<int>> return5 = () => 5;
     6             Func<int> compiled1 = return5.Compile();
     7             Console.WriteLine(compiled1());
     9             //=====================================
    11             Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> expression = (x, y) => x.StartsWith(y);
    12             var compield2 = expression.Compile();
    13             Console.WriteLine(compield2("First", "Second"));
    14             Console.WriteLine(compield2("First", "Fir"));
    16             //=====================================
    18             MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) });
    19             var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "x");
    20             var methodArg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "y");
    21             Expression[] methodArgs = new[] { methodArg }; 
    23             Expression call = Expression.Call(target, method, methodArgs);
    25             var lambdaParameters = new[] { target, methodArg };
    26             var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<string, string, bool>>(call, lambdaParameters);
    28             var compild3 = lambda.Compile();
    29             Console.WriteLine(compild3("First", "Second"));
    30             Console.WriteLine(compild3("First", "Fir"));
    32             Console.ReadKey();
    33         }
    34     }

     9.4.1 改变的起因:精简泛型方法调用

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             PrintConvert("I'm a string", x => x.Length);
     7             Console.ReadKey();
     8         }
     9         static void PrintConvert<TInput, TOutPut>(TInput inPut, Converter<TInput, TOutPut> convert)
    10         {
    11             Console.WriteLine(convert(inPut));
    12         }
    13     }

    9.4.2 推断匿名函数的返回类型

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         delegate T MyFunc<T>();
     4         static void Main(string[] args)
     5         {
     6             WriteResult(() => 5);
     8             WriteResult(delegate
     9             {
    10                 if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 12)
    11                 {
    12                     return 10;
    13                 }
    14                 else
    15                 {
    16                     return new object();
    17                 }
    18             });
    19             Console.ReadKey();
    20         }
    21         static void WriteResult<T>(MyFunc<T> func)
    22         {
    23             Console.WriteLine(func());
    24         }
    25     }

     9.4.3 分两个阶段进行的类型推断

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             ConvertTwice("I'm a string", x => x.Length, y => Math.Sqrt(y));
     7             Console.ReadKey();
     8         }
     9         static void ConvertTwice<TInput, TMiddle, TOutPut>(TInput inPut, Converter<TInput, TMiddle> firstConversion, Converter<TMiddle, TOutPut> secondConversion)
    10         {
    11             TMiddle middle = firstConversion(inPut);
    12             TOutPut outPut = secondConversion(middle);
    13             Console.WriteLine(outPut);
    14         }
    15     }

     9.4.4 选择正确的被重载的方法

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             Write(1);
     6             Write(1d);
     7             Write((double)1);
     9             Console.ReadKey();
    10             /*
    11             int 1
    12             double 1
    13             double 1
    14              */
    15         }
    16         static void Write(int x)
    17         {
    18             Console.WriteLine("int " + x);
    19         }
    20         static void Write(double x)
    21         {
    22             Console.WriteLine("double " + x);
    23         }
    24     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kikyoqiang/p/10050193.html
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