There is no function like String.Split(C# does have) in Delphi.
So if you need to split a string, you can use TStringList to finish this work.
With the code bellow, we can does split a string with a char.
1: function Split(aStrInput: string; aChrDelimiter: char): array of string;
2: var
3: lstSplit: TStringList;
4: arrResult: array of string;
5: begin
6: lstSplit := TStringList.Create;
7: SetLength(arrResult, 3);
8: lstSplit.Delimiter := ':';
9: lstSplit.DelimitedText := aStrInput;
10: arrResult[0] := lstSplit.Strings[0];
11: arrResult[1] := lstSplit.Strings[1];
12: arrResult[2] := lstSplit.Strings[2];
13: Result := arrResult;
14: FreeAndNil(lstSplit);
15: end;