Klimt (原名为SoftGL)是一个开源的3D图形库,主要针对的PDA和移动通信设备的应用。它的API和OpenGL和OpenGL|ES非常相像。开发 Klimt的组织并没有对其API的一致性进行声明。不过,Klimt可以兼容Coin3D的程序,Coin3D是建立在OpenGL之上的一种具有大量 场景图形的基础库。
Klimt 是基于公共的OpenGL和OpenGL|ES API,但是它并不是由SGI公司(Silicon Graphics)鉴定或授权实现的。OpenGL 和 OpenGL是SGI公司注册的商标,但Klimt并不受SGI的约束。Klimt在GPL(General Public License)授权下是自由的。
Windows (XP,2000,etc...)
PocketPC 2000 & 2003
MS Smartphone
Linux on iPAQ (使用 TinyPTC)
Linux on Shart Zaurus
Linux with X11
它可以以一个轻量的层次运行在OpenGL|ES实现上,提供OpenGL|ES从OpenGL裁剪的许多特性,比如Begin/End, primitive types, texture formats, index types, 等等;
Klimt 目前提供以下功能:
a. 完全的投影和试图模型矩阵支持
b. 完全纹理矩阵支持
c. 支持OpenGL中定义的所有原始的类型。
d. 支持顶点数组
e. 支持剔除和裁剪(Culling & clipping)
f. 支持顶点光照
g. 支持透视和仿射纹理
i. 支持视频背景(使用glDrawPixels函数)
j. 支持显示列表(Display lists)和属性堆栈(Attribute stacks)
Klimt 目前没有实现的特性:
a. 多边形刻画
b. 反锯齿
c. 积聚和alpha缓冲
d. 自动纹理坐标产生
e. 所有不适用于简单和快速软件实现的特性
Klimt is an open-source 3D library, targeted for PDAs and mobile phones. Its API is very similiar to that of OpenGL and OpenGL|ES. We do not claim conformance with these APIs. Nevertheless, Klimt is able to run Coin3D, a large scene-graph base library that builds on top of OpenGL.
This product is based on the published OpenGL® ES API, but is not an implementation which is certified or licensed by Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Klimt is targeted for hardware independence and speed. The only requirement for an actual device to to be able to run Klimt is a 16-bits (RGB565) linear framebuffer. Klimt compiles without any further dependencies. No additional libraries are required for a minimum version.
Currently Klimt runs on the following list of platforms:
* Windows (XP, 2000, etc...)
* PocketPC 2002 & 2003
* MS Smartphone
* Linux on iPAQ (using TinyPTC)
* Linux on Shart Zaurus
* Linux with X11
Upcoming platforms are
* SymbianOS (work in progress)
* PalmOS (planned)
Klimt currently provides the following functionality:
* Full projection and modelview matrix support
* Full texture matrix support
* All primitive types defined in OpenGL
* Vertex Arrays
* Culling & clipping
* Vertex lighting
* Perspective and affine texturing
* Video background (glDrawPixels)
* Display lists & Attribute stacks
Features currently not targeted by Klimt:
* Polygon stippling
* Antialiasing
* Accumulation & alpha buffer
* Automatic texture coordinates generation
* All kinds of features not suitable for a simple and fast software implementation...
| OpenGL | OpenGL|ES | Klimt | |
glBegin/glEnd | √ | × | √ | |
Prim Types | 全部 | 没有 Quads, Quad Strips & Polygons | 全部 | |
Vertex Arrays | √ | √ | √ | |
Vertex Lighting | √ | √ | √ | |
Data Types | float, double, int, etc... | float, fixed | float, double, int, fixed | |
Multisampling & AA | 可选的 | 可选的 | × | |
Polygon Stipple & Smooth | √ | × | × | |
glDraw/Read Pixels | √ | 只有 glReadPixels | 只有 glDrawPixels | |
Textures | 所有类型 | 2D | 2D | |
Texture wrap, repeat, etc.. | √ | wrap, clamp_to_edge | wrap | |
compressed Textures | √ | √ | × | |
Multitexture | √ | 可选的 | × | |
Fog | √ | √ | √ | |
Scissor Test | √ | √ | √ | |
Alpha Test | √ | √ | × | |
Stencil Test | √ | 可选的 | × | |
Depth Test | √ | √ | √ | |
Blending | √ | √ | √ | |
Clipplanes | √ | × | × | |
WGL Functions | √ | × | √ | |
EGL Functions | × | √ | √ | |