(赴日-东京-涩谷)寻求数据挖掘工程师,希望大家踊跃报名。环境好,氛围轻松,工资待遇好。 - V2EX
By skillupjapan at 1 小时前, 223 次点击
SkillupJapan Inc. is looking for a Research & Development engineer with experience on data mining, pattern recognition and machine learning to join its R&D team.
Interested candidates should meet the following requirements:
- The applicant should have at least 2 years of experience in Data Mining projects at industrial or academic level
- She or he should hold a Master or Ph.D. degree in computer science, electrical engineering or related fields
- She or he should have a strong background in statistics or applied mathematics, optimization, linear algebra and machine learning
- The applicant should have strong programming skills and be familiar with C/C++, scripting languages such as Python, Ruby and with the Linux environment
- The applicant should have experience working with Relational Databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL
- Experience with no-SQL databases such as Redis or MongoDB is considered a plus
- Experience developing Web Services on Ruby on Rails is considered a plus
m.he@skillupjapan.co.jp8 回复 | 直到 2012-06-12 20:11:19 PM
skillupjapan 1 小时前
skillupjapan 1 小时前
语言要求方面,希望你英语一定要非常好,起码说话沟通和书写阅读都没问题。日语没有要求,你日语好,生活泡妞非常方便。研究开发部他们都说西班牙语,如果你会说那也非常不错。但是都不是required, 英语是required.