其中(mleft(a_1, a_2, cdots, a_n ight))为原始minmod函数,(M)为系数。
其中 ( ilde{u}_h(m_i, K_0)) 为边界中点处近似解与单元均值之差 (u_h(m_i, K_0) - ar{u}_{K_0}),(ar{u}_{K_0}) 为单元 (K_0) 的单元均值。而这个 (Deltaar{u}_h(m_i, K_0)) 则是根据几何坐标插值后得到的边界中心值 (u_h(m_1)) 与 (ar{u}_{K_0}) 之间差值,(v) 为大于1的系数,一般取1.5左右。
几何插值系数根据三个单元间坐标关系而定。如在计算边中点 (m_1) 的系数时,首先需确定除 (b_0) 和 (b_1) 外要取哪个单元进行插值((b_2) 或 (b_3)),其中选取原则为以下两点
- 单元 (b_1) 所占比例尽量大
- 中点 (m_1) 尽量在两条射线 (b_0 - b_1) 与 (b_0 - b_2) 之间
在确定第三个单元之后,我们便可以确定中点 (m_1) 插值系数。插值公式为
为解决此问题,需要对修正后的插值进行修正。假设 (Delta_i) 为限制器得到的解
由于 (Delta_i) 代表限制后边界中点值与单元均值之差,因此应当满足 (sum_{i=1}^3 Delta_i = 0)。若 (sum_{i=1}^3 Delta_i eq 0),计算修正系数 ( heta^+) 与 ( heta^-)
其中 (pos) 与 (neg) 分别是 (Delta_i) 中正系数与负系数总和。采用 ( heta^+) 与 ( heta^-) 修正后限制值为
此时满足 (sum_{i=1}^3 hat{Delta}_i = 0),根据 (hat{Delta}_i) 进行重构便可得到限制后的解。
subroutine cockburn_shu_setup_ele(ele, T, X)
integer, intent(in) :: ele
type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: T
type(vector_field), intent(in) :: X
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: neigh, x_neigh
real, dimension(X%dim) :: ele_centre, face_2_centre
real :: max_alpha, min_alpha, neg_alpha
integer :: ele_2, ni, nj, face, face_2, i, nk, ni_skip, info, nl
real, dimension(X%dim, ele_loc(X,ele)) :: X_val, X_val_2
real, dimension(X%dim, ele_face_count(T,ele)) :: neigh_centre,&
& face_centre
real, dimension(X%dim) :: alpha1, alpha2
real, dimension(X%dim,X%dim) :: alphamat
real, dimension(X%dim,X%dim+1) :: dx_f, dx_c
integer, dimension(mesh_dim(T)) :: face_nodes
X_val=ele_val(X, ele)
neigh=>ele_neigh(T, ele)
! x_neigh/=t_neigh only on periodic boundaries.
x_neigh=>ele_neigh(X, ele)
searchloop: do ni=1,size(neigh)
! Find the relevant faces.
! Note that although face is calculated on field U, it is in fact
! applicable to any field which shares the same mesh topology.
face=ele_face(T, ele, ele_2)
face_nodes=face_local_nodes(T, face)
face_centre(:,ni) = sum(X_val(:,face_nodes),2)/size(face_nodes)
if (ele_2<=0) then
! External face.
end if
X_val_2=ele_val(X, ele_2)
if (ele_2/=x_neigh(ni)) then
! Periodic boundary case. We have to cook up the coordinate by
! adding vectors to the face from each side.
face_2=ele_face(T, ele_2, ele)
face_2_centre = &
neigh_centre(:,ni)=face_centre(:,ni) + &
(neigh_centre(:,ni) - face_2_centre)
end if
end do searchloop
do ni = 1, size(neigh)
dx_c(:,ni)=neigh_centre(:,ni)-ele_centre !Vectors from ni centres to
! !ele centre
dx_f(:,ni)=face_centre(:,ni)-ele_centre !Vectors from ni face centres
!to ele centre
end do
alpha_construction_loop: do ni = 1, size(neigh)
!Loop for constructing Delta v(m_i,K_0) as described in C&S
alphamat(:,1) = dx_c(:,ni)
max_alpha = -1.0
ni_skip = 0
choosing_best_other_face_loop: do nj = 1, size(neigh)
!Loop over the other faces to choose best one to use
!for linear basis across face
if(nj==ni) cycle
!Construct a linear basis using all faces except for nj
nl = 1
do nk = 1, size(neigh)
if(nk==nj.or.nk==ni) cycle
nl = nl + 1
alphamat(:,nl) = dx_c(:,nk)
end do
!Solve for basis coefficients alpha
alpha2 = dx_f(:,ni)
call solve(alphamat,alpha2,info)
if((.not.any(alpha2<0.0)).and.alpha2(1)/norm2(alpha2)>max_alpha) &
& then
alpha1 = alpha2
ni_skip = nj
max_alpha = alpha2(1)/norm2(alpha2)
end if
end do choosing_best_other_face_loop
if(max_alpha<0.0) then
if(tolerate_negative_weights) then
min_alpha = huge(0.0)
ni_skip = 0
choosing_best_other_face_neg_weights_loop: do nj = 1, size(neigh)
!Loop over the other faces to choose best one to use
!for linear basis across face
if(nj==ni) cycle
!Construct a linear basis using all faces except for nj
nl = 1
do nk = 1, size(neigh)
if(nk==nj.or.nk==ni) cycle
nl = nl + 1
alphamat(:,nl) = dx_c(:,nk)
end do
!Solve for basis coefficients alpha
alpha2 = dx_f(:,ni)
call solve(alphamat,alpha2,info)
neg_alpha = 0.0
do i = 1, size(alpha2)
if(alpha2(i)<0.0) then
neg_alpha = neg_alpha + alpha2(i)**2
end if
end do
neg_alpha = sqrt(neg_alpha)
if(min_alpha>neg_alpha) then
alpha1 = alpha2
ni_skip = nj
min_alpha = neg_alpha
end if
end do choosing_best_other_face_neg_weights_loop
FLAbort('solving for alpha failed')
end if
end if
alpha(ele,ni,:) = 0.0
alpha(ele,ni,ni) = alpha1(1)
nl = 1
do nj = 1, size(neigh)
if(nj==ni.or.nj==ni_skip) cycle
nl = nl + 1
alpha(ele,ni,nj) = alpha1(nl)
end do
dx2(ele,ni) = norm2(dx_c(:,ni))
end do alpha_construction_loop
end subroutine cockburn_shu_setup_ele
subroutine limit_slope_ele_cockburn_shu(ele, T, X)
!!< Slope limiter according to Cockburn and Shu (2001)
integer, intent(in) :: ele
type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: T
type(vector_field), intent(in) :: X
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: neigh, x_neigh, T_ele
real :: ele_mean
real :: pos, neg
integer :: ele_2, ni, face
real, dimension(ele_loc(T,ele)) :: T_val, T_val_2
real, dimension(ele_face_count(T,ele)) :: neigh_mean, face_mean
real, dimension(mesh_dim(T)+1) :: delta_v
real, dimension(mesh_dim(T)+1) :: Delta, new_val
integer, dimension(mesh_dim(T)) :: face_nodes
T_val=ele_val(T, ele)
neigh=>ele_neigh(T, ele)
! x_neigh/=t_neigh only on periodic boundaries.
x_neigh=>ele_neigh(X, ele)
searchloop: do ni=1,size(neigh)
! Find the relevant faces.
! Note that although face is calculated on field U, it is in fact
! applicable to any field which shares the same mesh topology.
face=ele_face(T, ele, ele_2)
face_nodes=face_local_nodes(T, face)
face_mean(ni) = sum(T_val(face_nodes))/size(face_nodes)
if (ele_2<=0) then
! External face.
end if
T_val_2=ele_val(T, ele_2)
end do searchloop
delta_v = matmul(alpha(ele,:,:),neigh_mean-ele_mean)
delta_loop: do ni=1,size(neigh)
Delta(ni)=TVB_minmod(face_mean(ni)-ele_mean, &
Limit_factor*delta_v(ni), dx2(ele,ni))
end do delta_loop
if (abs(sum(Delta))>1000.0*epsilon(0.0)) then
! Coefficients do not sum to 0.0
pos=sum(max(0.0, Delta))
neg=sum(max(0.0, -Delta))
Delta = min(1.0,neg/pos)*max(0.0,Delta) &
end if
! Success or non-boundary failure.
call set(T, T_ele, new_val)
end subroutine limit_slope_ele_cockburn_shu
[1] COCKBURN B, SHU C-W. TVB Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. II. General framework[J]. Mathematics of Computation, 1989, 52(186): 411–411.
[2] COCKBURN B, SHU C-W. The Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for conservation laws. V. Multidimensional systems[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 1998, 141(2): 199–224.