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    Genymotion Player ready

    This is the window where the virtual device is running and where you can interact with it

    • Genymotion widget buttons
      • Genymotion widget Battery button (CTRL + 1)
      • Genymotion widget GPS button (CTRL + 2)
    • Control buttons
      • Virtual device rotation button (CTRL + F11)
      • Volume up button (CTRL + +)
      • Volume down button (CTRL + -)
      • Recent applications button(CTRL + SPACE)
      • Back button (CTRL + BACKSPACE)
      • Home button (CTRL + HOME)
      • Power button (CTRL + ESCAP)

    Multi-touch Gestures

    Because in most cases, virtual devices are controlled with mouse and keyboard, some shortcuts have been implemented to help simulate common gestures:

    • Right click + Move mouse to the Left: Zoom In
    • Right click + Move mouse to the Right: Zoom Out
    • Right click + Move mouse Up: Tilt Forth
    • Right click + Move mouse Down: Tilt Back
    • SHIFT + Right click + Move mouse to the Left: Counterclockwise Rotation
    • SHIFT + Right click + Move mouse to the Right: Clockwise Rotation

    Note: on Apple OS X, you can replace Right click by using CTRL + click

    Battery widget

    Genymotion battery widget

    The battery widget allows modifications of the battery level, power status and power mode of the Genymotion virtual device.

    First, open the widget using the correponding panel button

    • Activate the simulated battery mode

      By default, the Genymotion virtual device simulates the same battery as the one present in your computer. This button activate the simulation of a battery with custom values that you can adjust to test your application.

      When your computer does not have a battery (desktop computer for example), the simulated is automatically activated.

    • Modify the battery power level

      When the simulated battery is activated, you can specify the Genymotion current battery level using the slider or by entering manually the value in the corresponding field.

    • Modify the status

      When the simulated battery is activated, you can also modify the current status of the battery with the corresponding button:

      • Charging: the AC is plugged in and the battery is currently in charging state
      • Discharging: the AC is unplugged and the battery is currently in discharging state

    GPS widget

    Genymotion GPS widget

    The GPS widget allows *real time* activation and modifications of the position,accuracy and orientation.

    • Activate the GPS

      When you activate the GPS with the corresponding button, you enable the reception of generated GPS frames in the Genymotion virtual device. When it is not activated, the GPS is not able to refresh the position, and the last known location is used.

    • Modify position

      Using the latitude and longitude field, you can specify the current position you want to simulated. They must be specified in degrees: the latitude from -90.0° to 90.0°, and the longitude from -180 to 180°

    • Modify the altitude

      You can specify a custom altitude from -10000 m to 10000 m

    • Modify accuracy

      You can specify a custom accuracy value using the slider or by entering the desired value from 0 to 200 m.

    • Modify bearing

      You can modify the bearing using the corresponding dial, or by entering the desired value form 0 to 359,99°

      Note than many applications do not rely on the GPS orientation, but use the device accelerometer or gyroscope to determine the bearing of the device, which are not yet supported.

    Camera widget

    Genymotion Camera widget

    The Camera widget allows you to send a video stream to the Android system from a Genymotion virtual device.

    With this feature you can test your Android application that requires the use of Android device builtin camera (eg, the development of an application such as a camera or video editing application type, ...).

    The video stream can come from a dummy camera or a real physical webcam connected (or integrated) in your workstation. So you can send a real-time streaming.

      • Activate the Camera widget

        When you activate the widget with the corresponding button, the Genymotion software tries to detect the available webcam on your workstation.

      • Front and rear cameras:
        • Front camera allows to send data to the Android front camera
        • Back camera allows to send data to the Android back camera
        For the front camera or for the back camera or for both, you can choose the source of data :
        • Dummy webcam: data are images generated by the widget
        • Physical (real) webcam: data are images sent by the selected webcam
      • Preview:

        The preview allows you to see the video stream which will be sent to the Android system, as the front or as the back camera.
        With this preview, you know if webcam is operational.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ligen/p/3343849.html
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