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  • vivado对task和function的可综合支持





     1 Filename: functions_1.v
     2 //
     3 // An example of a function in Verilog
     4 //
     5 // File: functions_1.v
     6 //
     7 module functions_1 (A, B, CIN, S, COUT);
     8   input [3:0] A, B;
     9   input CIN;
    10   output [3:0] S;
    11   output COUT;
    12   wire [1:0] S0, S1, S2, S3;
    13      function signed [1:0] ADD;
    14       input A, B, CIN;
    15       reg S, COUT;
    16       begin
    17           S    = A ^ B ^ CIN;
    18           COUT = (A&B) | (A&CIN) | (B&CIN);
    19           ADD  = {COUT, S};
    20       end
    21     endfunction
    23 assign S0 = ADD (A[0], B[0], CIN),
    24        S1 = ADD (A[1], B[1], S0[1]),
    25        S2 = ADD (A[2], B[2], S1[1]),
    26        S3 = ADD (A[3], B[3], S2[1]),
    27        S  = {S3[0], S2[0], S1[0], S0[0]},
    28        COUT = S3[1];
    29 endmodule
    View Code
     1 Filename: task_1.v
     2 // Verilog tasks
     3 // tasks_1.v
     4 //
     5 module tasks_1 (A, B, CIN, S, COUT);
     6    input [3:0] A, B;
     7    input CIN;
     8    output [3:0] S;
     9    output COUT;
    10    reg [3:0] S;
    11    reg COUT;
    12    reg [1:0] S0, S1, S2, S3;
    14   task ADD;
    15       input A, B, CIN;
    16       output [1:0] C;
    17       reg [1:0] C;
    18       reg S, COUT;
    19         begin
    20            S    = A ^ B ^ CIN;
    21            COUT = (A&B) | (A&CIN) | (B&CIN);
    22            C    = {COUT, S};
    23         end
    24   endtask
    26 always @(A or B or CIN)
    27    begin
    28        ADD (A[0], B[0], CIN, S0);
    29        ADD (A[1], B[1], S0[1], S1);
    30        ADD (A[2], B[2], S1[1], S2);
    31        ADD (A[3], B[3], S2[1], S3);
    32        S    = {S3[0], S2[0], S1[0], S0[0]};
    33        COUT = S3[1];
    34    end
    36 endmodule
    View Code
     1 Filename: asym_ram_tdp_read_first.v
     2 // Asymetric RAM - TDP
     3 // READ_FIRST MODE.
     4 // asym_ram_tdp_read_first.v
     6 module asym_ram_tdp_read_first 
     7         (clkA, clkB, enaA, weA, enaB, weB, addrA, addrB, diA, doA, diB, doB);
     9 parameter WIDTHB     = 4;
    10 parameter SIZEB      = 1024;
    11 parameter ADDRWIDTHB = 10;
    12 parameter WIDTHA     = 16;
    13 parameter SIZEA      = 256;
    14 parameter ADDRWIDTHA = 8;
    16    input                  clkA;
    17    input                  clkB;
    18    input                  weA, weB;
    19    input                  enaA, enaB;
    20    input [ADDRWIDTHA-1:0] addrA;
    21    input [ADDRWIDTHB-1:0] addrB;
    22    input [WIDTHA-1:0]     diA;
    23    input [WIDTHB-1:0]     diB;
    24    output [WIDTHA-1:0]     doA;
    25    output [WIDTHB-1:0]     doB;
    27 `define max(a,b) {(a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)}
    28 `define min(a,b) {(a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)}
    30 function integer log2;
    31   input integer value;
    32   reg [31:0] shifted;
    33   integer res;
    34      begin
    35         if (value < 2)
    36            log2 = value;
    37         else
    38            begin
    39               shifted = value-1;
    40               for (res=0; shifted>0; res=res+1)
    41                  shifted = shifted>>1;
    42                  log2    = res;
    43            end
    44      end
    45 endfunction
    49 localparam maxSIZE = `max(SIZEA, SIZEB);
    50 localparam maxWIDTH = `max(WIDTHA, WIDTHB);
    51 localparam minWIDTH = `min(WIDTHA, WIDTHB);
    52 localparam RATIO = maxWIDTH / minWIDTH;
    53 localparam log2RATIO = log2(RATIO);
    54 reg [minWIDTH-1:0] RAM [0:maxSIZE-1];
    55 reg [WIDTHA-1:0] readA;
    56 reg [WIDTHB-1:0] readB;
    58   always @(posedge clkB)
    59     begin
    60       if (enaB) begin
    61         readB <= RAM[addrB] ;
    62         if (weB)
    63           RAM[addrB] <= diB;
    64         end
    65     end
    67 always @(posedge clkA)
    68    begin : portA
    69         integer i;
    70         reg [log2RATIO-1:0] lsbaddr ;
    71         for (i=0; i< RATIO; i= i+ 1) begin
    72            lsbaddr = i;
    73            if (enaA) begin
    74                  readA[(i+1)*minWIDTH -1 -: minWIDTH] <= RAM[{addrA, lsbaddr}];
    75                if (weA)
    76                  RAM[{addrA, lsbaddr}] <= diA[(i+1)*minWIDTH-1 -: minWIDTH];
    77            end
    78         end
    79    end
    81 assign doA = readA;
    82 assign doB = readB;
    83 endmodule
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    Verilog constant  
    force Unsupported
    release Unsupported
    forever statements Unsupported
    repeat statements Supported, but repeat value must be
    for statements Supported, but bounds must be static
    delay (#) Ignored
    event (@) Unsupported
    wait Unsupported
    named events Unsupported
    parallel blocks Unsupported
    specify blocks Ignored
    disable Supported except in For and Repeat
    Loop statements
    Verilog Design Hierarchies
    module definition Supported
    macromodule definition Unsupported
    hierarchical names Supported
    defparam Supported
    array of instances Supported
    Verilog Compiler Directives
    `celldefine `endcelldefine Ignored
    `default_nettype Supported
    `define Supported
    `ifdef `else `endif Supported
    `undef, `ifndef, `elsif Supported
    `include Supported
    `resetall Ignored
    `timescale Ignored
    `uselib Unsupported
    `file, `line Supported

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/limanjihe/p/9780797.html
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