#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Li Rong Yang """ This Level 3 menu. """ #定义字典 dic = {"山东": {"青岛" : ['四方','黄岛','崂山','李沧','城阳'], '济南' : ['历城','槐荫','高新','长青','章丘'], '烟台' : ['龙口','莱山','牟平','蓬莱','招远']}, "江苏": {"苏州" : ['沧浪','相城','平江','吴中','昆山'], '南京' : ['白下','秦淮','浦口','栖霞','江宁'], '无锡' : ['崇安','南长','北塘','锡山','江阴']}, "安徽": {"安徽" : ['蜀山','庐阳','包河','经开','新站'], '芜湖' : ['镜湖','鸠江','无为','三山','南陵'], '蚌埠' : ['蚌山','蚌山','淮上','怀远','固镇']}, "广东": {"深圳" : ['罗湖','福田','南山','宝安','布吉'], '广州' : ['天河','珠海','越秀','白云','黄埔'], '东莞' : ['莞城','长安','虎门','万江','大朗']} } while True: print("----------- 中国省级地图 -----------") for _dic in dic.keys():#打印省份 print(_dic) province = input("Please enter the province you want to view.") if province in dic.keys():#打印市级城市 print("----------- 中国市级地图 -----------") for city in dic[province].keys(): print(city) county = input("Please enter the city you want to view.") if county in dic[province].keys():#打印县级城市 print("----------- 中国县级地图 -----------") for _county in dic[province][county]: print(_county) else: continue user_choose = input("Do you want to return to the home page? Y over N, choose N to exit the software") print("") if user_choose != "Y" and user_choose != "y": exit()