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  • C++11智能指针 share_ptr,unique_ptr,weak_ptr用法

    0x01  智能指针简介

        所谓智能指针(smart pointer)就是智能/自动化的管理指针所指向的动态资源的释放。它是存储指向动态分配(堆)对象指针的类,用于生存期控制,能够确保自动正确的销毁动态分配的对象,防止内存泄露。它的一种通用实现技术是使用引用计数(reference count)。

        使用智能指针需要头文件 #include<memory> 。

         C++11从boost库中引入了unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr,并舍弃了c98的auto_ptr。

    0x02  auto_ptr

           C++11从boost库中引入了unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr,并舍弃了c98的auto_ptr。


       该指针的定义形式:auto_ptr<type> ptr(new type()); 其中 type 是指针指向的类型。

         例如:auto_ptr<int> ptr(new int(4));

       当然也可以先定义,后赋值:auto_ptr<int> ptr;ptr = auto_ptr<int>(new int (4));



    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <memory>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    struct MyStruct
    	MyStruct() { cout << "MyStruct()
    "; }
    	~MyStruct() { cout << "~MyStruct()
    "; }
    	int i;
    	int j;
    int main()
    	auto_ptr<MyStruct> ptr(new MyStruct);
    	ptr->i = 1;
    	ptr->j = 2;
    	(*ptr).i = 3;
    	(*ptr).j = 4;
        return 0;


    1. auto_ptr之间不能共享拥有权
    2. auto_ptr对象通过赋值或构造转移拥有权,一旦拥有权转移,此auto_ptr所拥有的将是一个原始指针
    3. auto_ptr不适用于array
    4. auto_ptr不满足STL对容器元素的要求,因此不适用于STL容器。因为在拷贝和赋值之后,新的auto_ptr和旧的auto_ptr对象并不相等。
    5. 如果要阻止拥有权的转移,则应该在停止转移之前,将auto_ptr声明为const
    6. 不要使用auto_ptr的引用作为实参:因为你不知道拥有权到底有没有转移。如果你不需要转移拥有权,请使用const auto_ptr<class> &

    0x03  shared_ptr





    void Shared_PtrTest()
    		//shared_ptr Test
    	//Test One
    	cout << "test shared_ptr base usage:" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<string> v1 = make_shared<string>("");
    	if (v1 && v1->empty())
    		*v1 = "Chronic";
    	auto v2 = make_shared<string>("LSH");
    	cout << *v1 << ' ' << *v2 << endl;
    	cout << "test shared_ptr use_count:" << endl;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << endl;
    	auto v3 = v2;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << "	v3 ReferenceCount:" << v3.use_count() << endl;
    	v2 = v1;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << "	v3 ReferenceCount:" << v3.use_count() << endl;
    	//Test Two
    	cout << "test shared_ptr and new:" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<int> p4(new int(1024));
    	//shared_ptr<int> p5 = new int(1024); // 错误
    	cout << *p4 << endl;
    	//Test Three
    	cout << "不可混用new和shared_ptr!" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<int> p5(new int(1024));
    	int v5 = *p5;
    	cout << "v5: " << v5 << endl;
    	int *p6 = new int(1024);
    	//shared_ptr<int> p6(new int(1024));  正确做法
    	int v6 = *p6;
    	cout << "v6: " << v6 << endl;
    	in process use_count:2
    	v5: 1024
    	in process use_count:1
    	v6: -572662307
    	//Test Four
    	//shared_ptr<string> v1 = make_shared<string>("LSH");
    	cout << "test shared_ptr reset:" << endl;
    	cout << "p1 cnt:" << v1.use_count() << endl;
    	v1.reset(new string("LSH Reset"));
    	cout << "p1 cnt:" << v1.use_count() << endl;


    0x04  unique_ptr




    void Unique_PtrTest()
    	//Test One
    	//unique_ptr对于所指向的对象,正如其名字所示,是 独占 的。
    	cout << "test unique_ptr base usage:" << endl;
    	unique_ptr<int> up1(new int(1024));
    	cout << "up1: " << *up1 << endl;
    	unique_ptr<int> up2(up1.release());
    	cout << "up2: " << *up2 << endl;
    	//unique_ptr<int> up3(up1); // 错误,不可进行拷贝操作
    	//up2 = up1;		        // 错误,不可进行拷贝操作
    	unique_ptr<int> up4(new int(1025));
    	cout << "up4: " << *up4 << endl;
    	//Test Two
    	cout << "test unique_ptr parameter and return value:" << endl;
    	auto up5 = CloneFunction(1024);
    	cout << "up5: " << *up5 << endl;
    	//cout<<"up5 after process: "<<*up5<<endl; //错误segmentfault


    0x05  weak_ptr



    void Weak_PtrTest()
    	cout << "test weak_ptr basic usage:" << endl;
    	auto p10 = make_shared<int>(1024);
    	weak_ptr<int> wp1(p10);
    	assert(p10.use_count() == 1);
    	cout << "p10 use_count: " << p10.use_count() << endl;
    	//p10.reset(new int(1025)); // this will cause wp1.lock() return a false obj
    	shared_ptr<int> p11 = wp1.lock();
    	assert(p11.use_count() == 2);
    	if (p11) cout << "wp1: " << *p11 << " use count: " << p11.use_count() << endl;


    0x06   小结






    // 智能指针.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    void Shared_PtrTest();
    void Unique_PtrTest();
    void Weak_PtrTest();
    int main()
    void process(shared_ptr<int> ptr)
    	cout << "in process use_count:" << ptr.use_count() << endl;
    void Shared_PtrTest()
    		//shared_ptr Test
    	//Test One
    	cout << "test shared_ptr base usage:" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<string> v1 = make_shared<string>("");
    	if (v1 && v1->empty())
    		*v1 = "Chronic";
    	auto v2 = make_shared<string>("LSH");
    	cout << *v1 << ' ' << *v2 << endl;
    	cout << "test shared_ptr use_count:" << endl;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << endl;
    	auto v3 = v2;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << "	v3 ReferenceCount:" << v3.use_count() << endl;
    	v2 = v1;
    	cout << "v1 ReferenceCount:" << v1.use_count() << "	v2 ReferenceCount:" << v2.use_count() << "	v3 ReferenceCount:" << v3.use_count() << endl;
    	//Test Two
    	cout << "test shared_ptr and new:" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<int> p4(new int(1024));
    	//shared_ptr<int> p5 = new int(1024); // 错误
    	cout << *p4 << endl;
    	//Test Three
    	cout << "不可混用new和shared_ptr!" << endl;
    	shared_ptr<int> p5(new int(1024));
    	int v5 = *p5;
    	cout << "v5: " << v5 << endl;
    	int *p6 = new int(1024);
    	//shared_ptr<int> p6(new int(1024));  正确做法
    	int v6 = *p6;
    	cout << "v6: " << v6 << endl;
    	in process use_count:2
    	v5: 1024
    	in process use_count:1
    	v6: -572662307
    	//Test Four
    	//shared_ptr<string> v1 = make_shared<string>("LSH");
    	cout << "test shared_ptr reset:" << endl;
    	cout << "p1 cnt:" << v1.use_count() << endl;
    	v1.reset(new string("LSH Reset"));
    	cout << "p1 cnt:" << v1.use_count() << endl;
    unique_ptr<int> CloneFunction(int p)
    	return unique_ptr<int>(new int(p));
    void process_unique_ptr(unique_ptr<int> up)
    	cout << "process unique ptr: " << *up << endl;
    void Unique_PtrTest()
    	//Test One
    	//unique_ptr对于所指向的对象,正如其名字所示,是 独占 的。
    	cout << "test unique_ptr base usage:" << endl;
    	unique_ptr<int> up1(new int(1024));
    	cout << "up1: " << *up1 << endl;
    	unique_ptr<int> up2(up1.release());
    	cout << "up2: " << *up2 << endl;
    	//unique_ptr<int> up3(up1); // 错误,不可进行拷贝操作
    	//up2 = up1;		        // 错误,不可进行拷贝操作
    	unique_ptr<int> up4(new int(1025));
    	cout << "up4: " << *up4 << endl;
    	//Test Two
    	cout << "test unique_ptr parameter and return value:" << endl;
    	auto up5 = CloneFunction(1024);
    	cout << "up5: " << *up5 << endl;
    	//cout<<"up5 after process: "<<*up5<<endl; //错误segmentfault
    void Weak_PtrTest()
    	cout << "test weak_ptr basic usage:" << endl;
    	auto p10 = make_shared<int>(1024);
    	weak_ptr<int> wp1(p10);
    	assert(p10.use_count() == 1);
    	cout << "p10 use_count: " << p10.use_count() << endl;
    	//p10.reset(new int(1025)); // this will cause wp1.lock() return a false obj
    	shared_ptr<int> p11 = wp1.lock();
    	assert(p11.use_count() == 2);
    	if (p11) cout << "wp1: " << *p11 << " use count: " << p11.use_count() << endl;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsh123/p/8036959.html
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