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  • Quartz定时器中的misfire指定解析

    原文作者:Posted 8th April 2012 by Tomasz Nurkiewicz 

    1. 全部的线程都执行其它任务(可能是具有高优先级的任务);
    2. scheduler(调度器)down掉了;
    3. 任务被调度从过去的某个时间开始执行(也许是编码错误)。




    根据不同的trigger,有不同的配置选项(misfire instruction)可以选择。根据quartz配置的触发策略不同,quartz展现的行为也不同(就是所谓的smart policy)

    在进入细节之前,还有一个关于配置上的问题说明。那就是org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold (in milliseconds),其默认值是60000毫秒(1分钟)。它定义了trigger被延迟多久才算是misfire。根据默认值,如果30秒前应该触发,那么quartz会正常的执行任务。对于延时的30秒,quartz不认为其misfired。相反,如果发现trigger比预期晚了61秒-那么被指定的misfire handler会处理这次misfire,并遵从指定的misfire instruction。出于测试的目的,我们设置misfireThreadshold为1000ms(1秒),可以快速测试misfiring。

    不重复的simple trigger


    val trigger = newTrigger().
            startAt(DateUtils.addSeconds(new Date(), -10)).

    同样trigger,是被显示的设置了misfire instruction的处理:

    val trigger = newTrigger().
            startAt(DateUtils.addSeconds(new Date(), -10)).
                    withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow()  //MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_NOW

    为了测试,设置trigger在10秒前触发(当trigger被创建时已晚了10秒)。在现实中是不可能像上面那样调度tigger的。不要考虑trigger设置的正确性,相反要考虑scheduler已down掉了或者无多余的线程执行的情况。然而,quartz是如何处理这些意外的情况呢?在上面的第一段代码片断中,没有设置任何misfire instruction,所以采用的是默认的smart policy(智能的策略)。上面的第二个代码片断显示的指定了当misfire发生时我们期望的行为。来看下面的表格:

    smart policy - default 参考withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow 当发现misfire的时候,Job被立即执行。这就是smart policy。
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires(QTZ-283) 参见withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithExistingCount 参见withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount 什么也不做,忽略misfired,这次被忽略的trigger也不会再次执行。
    例如:trigger被指定用来录一个电视节目,但是当trigger misfired两小时,那就没有有开始录制点了(因为节止播完了,适用于使用此策略)。
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithExistingCount 参考withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount 参考 withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow

    Simple trigger 重复固定次数


    val trigger = newTrigger().
        startAt(dateOf(9, 0, 0)).
                WithMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow()  //or other

    在这个例子中,从今天上午9点开始(startAt(dateOf(9, 0, 0)),trigger被每隔一小时触发,共8次(第一次执行+7次重复)。就是说,最后的一次执行要在下午4点时完成。然尔假设由于某些原因scheduler在上午9点到10点无法运行,但是发现的时候在上午的10:15,就是说有两个fire被misfired。这种情况下,scheduler如何调度呢?

    smart policy - default 参见withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithExistingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow 参见withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount
    MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_FIRE_NOW 参见 withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires(QTZ-283) 尽快触发发生misfire的trigger,然后回归正常调度。
    1 JobExecutionContext .getScheduledFireTime():
    2 def execute(context: JobExecutionContext) {
    3 val date = context.getScheduledFireTime
    4 //…
    5 }
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithExistingCount scheduler什么也不会做。相反,要等到下次调度时刻,运行所有的trigger。参见withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount。
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount Scheduler抛弃misfired的任务,并等待下一个调度时间继续执行。导致整个的执行次数会少于预期。也就是说执行6次,而不是8次。
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithExistingCount 第一个被misfire的trigger立即执行(不等下一次的触发条件),然后余下的就基于当前第一个misfire的任务的执行时间,以固定的时间间隔继续执行。这里改变的只是任务的调度执行时间,别的都没有改变。
    Example scenario: at 10:15 the scheduler runs the first misfired execution. Then it waits 1 hour and fires the second one at 11:15 AM. All 8 executions are performed, the last one at 5:15 PM
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount 第一个misfired的立即执行,其它misfired的抛弃。没有被misfired的继续按固定间隔执行。
    Example scenario: at 10:15 the scheduler runs the first misfired execution (from 9 AM). It discards remaining misfired executions (the one from 10 AM) and waits 1 hour to execute six more triggers: 11:15, 12:15, … 4:15 PM

    Simple trigger repeating infinitely


    val trigger = newTrigger().
        startAt(dateOf(9, 0, 0)).
                WithMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow()  //or other

    Once again trigger should fire on every hour, beginning at 9 AM today (startAt(dateOf(9, 0, 0)). However the scheduler was not capable of running jobs at 9 and 10 AM and it discovered that fact at 10:15 AM, i.e. 2 firings misfired. This is a more general situation compared to simple trigger running fixed number of times.

    smart policy - default See: withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow See: withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires(QTZ-283) The scheduler will immediately run all misfired triggers, then continue on schedule.
    Example scenario: the triggers scheduled at 9 and 10 AM are executed immediately. Future invocations (next scheduled at 11 AM) are executed according to the plan.
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithExistingCount See: withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNextWithRemainingCount Does nothing, misfired executions are discarded. Then the scheduler waits for next scheduled interval and goes back to schedule.
    Example scenario: Misfired execution at 9 and 10 AM are discarded. The first execution occurs at 11 AM.
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithExistingCount See: withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionNowWithRemainingCount The first misfired execution is run immediately, remaining are discarded. Next execution happens after desired interval. Effectively the first execution time is moved to current time.
    Example scenario: the scheduler fires misfired trigger immediately at 10:15 AM. Then waits an hour and runs the second one at 11:15 AM and continues with 1 hour interval.

    CRON triggers

    CRON triggers are the most popular ones amongst Quartz users. However there are also two other available triggers: DailyTimeIntervalTrigger (e.g. fire every 25 minutes) and CalendarIntervalTrigger (e.g. fire every 5 months). They support triggering policies not possible in both CRON and simple triggers. However they understand the same misfire handling instructions as CRON trigger.

    val trigger = newTrigger().
      cronSchedule("0 0 9-17 ? * MON-FRI").
       withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed()  //or other

    In this example the trigger should fire every hour between 9 AM and 5 PM, from Monday to Friday. But once again first two invocations were missed (so the trigger misfired) and this situation was discovered at 10:15 AM. Note that available misfire instructions are different compared to simple triggers:

    smart policy - default See: withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires All misfired executions are immediately executed, then the trigger runs back on schedule.
    Example scenario: the executions scheduled at 9 and 10 AM are executed immediately. The next scheduled execution (at 11 AM) runs on time.
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed(QTZ-283) Immediately executes first misfired execution and discards other (i.e. all misfired executions are merged together). Then back to schedule. No matter how many trigger executions were missed, only single immediate execution is performed.
    Example scenario: the executions scheduled at 9 and 10 AM are merged and executed only once (in other words: the execution scheduled at 10 AM is discarded). The next scheduled execution (at 11 AM) runs on time.
    withMisfireHandlingInstructionDoNothing All misfired executions are discarded, the scheduler simply waits for next scheduled time.
    Example scenario: the executions scheduled at 9 and 10 AM are discarded, so basically nothing happens. The next scheduled execution (at 11 AM) runs on time.

    Note: QTZ-283: MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE_MISFIRE_POLICY not working with JDBCJobStore - apparently there is a bug when JDBCJobStore is used, keep an eye on that issue.

    As you can see various triggers behave differently based on the actual setup. Moreover, even though the so called smart policy is provided, often the decision is based on business requirements. Essentially there are three major strategies: ignore, run immediately and continue and discard and wait for next. They all have different use-cases:

    Use ignore policies when you want to make sure all scheduled executions were triggered, even if it means multiple misfired triggers will fire. Think about a job that generates report every hour based on orders placed during that last hour. If the server was down for 8 hours, you still want to have that reports generated, as soon as you can. In this case the ignore policies will simply run all triggers scheduled during that 8 hour as fast as scheduler can. They will be several hours late, but will eventually be executed.

    Use now* policies when there are jobs executing periodically and upon misfire situation they should run as soon as possible, but only once. Think of a job that cleans /tmp directory every minute. If the scheduler was busy for 20 minutes and finally can run this job, you don’t want to run in 20 times! One is enough, but make sure it runs as fast it can. Then back to your normal one-minute intervals.

    Finally next* policies are good when you want to make sure your job runs at particular points in time. For example you need to fetch stock prices quarter past every hour. They change rapidly so if your job misfired and it is already 20 minutes past full hour, don’t bother. You missed the correct time by 5 minutes and now you don’t really care. It is better to have a gap rather than an inaccurate value. In this case Quartz will skip all misfired executions and simply wait for the next one.

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