2.1 OGG MGR占用什么端口?
Mgr参数配置中 PORT 7809 这个就是MGR进程占用的端口
1.目标库OGG MGR进程stop 情况下,源端投递进程abend,提示无法tcp传输!
2.2 MGR 动态端口干啥用的?
GoldenGate 如何在源提取泵和目标服务器/收集器之间分配端口?(文档 ID 965270.1)
Configuration: An Extract pump will have the RMTHOST parameter which is generally configured simply as: RMTHOST <target IP>, MGRPORT <target manager port number> Example: RMTHOST REMOTESERVER, MGRPORT 7809 To control port usage on a machine (the target in this case) generally most sites have the Manager DYNAMICPORTLIST parameter that
restricts OGG into using a range of ports. Please refer to the reference manual for the RMTHOST,PORT and DYNAMICPORTLIST parameterS for more details. Example of manager parameters: PORT 7809 DYNAMICPORTLIST 8000-8010
也就是说,OGG在指定的动态端口列表中,对OGG进行分配端口! 并且通过这个参数限制了OGG能使用的端口范围,及端口数量!!!
2.3 OGG是如何分配这些动态端口的?
How does GoldenGate allocates ports between Source Extract pump and Target Server/collector? When an Extract pump starts it requests a link to the target node using the port number as specified in RMTHOST. RMTHOST REMOTESERVER, MGRPORT 7809 The manager process would be running in node REMOTESERVER and listening on port 7809. The target manager will start a collector and pass to the collector if configured the DYAMICPORTLIST range of ports. If this is
not configured random ports will be used. The target manager tend goes back to listening on port 7809. The collector will try to use (calling TCP/IP BIND) each port in sequence until it finds one that works. The collector will
communicate back to the Extract pump and instructs the Extract pump to use this port for communication. Notes: You can check which ports are used on the target using the GGSCI > SEND MGR GETPORTINFO. Prior to Version 11, the manager searched for a port for the server instead of the server locating a useable port.
那么对于投递进程参数中的目标OGG端口写谁? 一般是写OGG 目标环境的MGR PORT端口,目标库OGG MGR PORT作为一个监听端口。
2.4 如何诊断OGG端口的问题?
一、案例一,OGG MGR可以认为目标库没有启动,导致源端OGG投递进程投递IP+ OGG MGR PORT在对应主机端口不通!
首选OGG投递进程可用的情况是,目标库OGG MGR 端口在主机层面是存在的,程序MGR进程没启动则端口并没有开启!
OGG Troubleshooting TCP/IP Errors In Open Systems (Doc ID 966227.1)
主机层面确认OGG MGR端口已开启
有个朋友之前沟通过这个问题,没有截图保留。 这个问题如何排查呢?
OGG GGS Error 150: No Dynamic Ports Available Orphan Ports Server Collector (Doc ID 965356.1)
# netstat -tunlp|grep 784
如果可用,“lsof”命令可能更易于使用。例如,给定“DYNAMICPORTLIST 7841-7899”,使用:
lsof -ni:7890-7919
send mgr childstatus debug
之前报错的源端OGG投递进程启动,如果正常启动。 基本上可以确认是端口不足导致的!
另外一个问题,OGG一个投递进程占用一个端口吗? 不是的
三、案例三,MOS 截取,端口不通! 源端到目标端MGR端口不通也会导致这个问题!
防火墙 Or 端口没开都会导致这个情况。
If running, check that MGR is responding to connection requests and commands:
GGSCI (remote_system) 4> send mgr getportinfo detail
Sending GETPORTINFO, request to MANAGER ...
Dynamic Port List
Starting Index 0
Reassign Delay 3 seconds
Entry Port Error Process Assigned Program
----- ----- ----- ---------- ------------------- -------
0 7891 0
1 7892 0
2 7893 0
3 7894 0
4 7895 0
5 7896 0
6 7897 0
7 7898 0
8 7899 0
If the comand times out, kill and restart MGR:
执行MGR端口列表查询,正常的命令执行超时,那么MOS建议Kill mgr,重新open
An often overlooked issue is that any error that kills the server collector process appears as a TCP error to the sending extract.
If a server does not have write privileges to the trail or if a disk is full, the server dies. A dying server looks like a lost connection to TCP.
The user should always verify the ability to write trails as part of the troubleshooting process. This is particularly applicable for the case: