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  • QAbstractTableModel中的data()到底执行几遍???


     1、一个普通的继承 QAbstractTableModel 的类

    1. class CurrencyModel : public QAbstractTableModel    
    2. {    
    3. public:    
    4.     CurrencyModel(QObject *parent = 0);    
    6.     void setCurrencyMap(const QMap<QString, double> &map);    
    7.     int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;    
    8.     int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;    
    9.     QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;    
    10.     QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,    
    11.                         int role) const;    
    13. private:    
    14.     QString currencyAt(int offset) const;    
    16.     QMap<QString, double> currencyMap;    
    17. };    


    1. //返回一个项的任意角色的值,这个项被指定为QModelIndex  
    2. QVariant MoReconQueue::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const  
    3. {  
    4.     qDebug() <<"role:"<< role<< "index : " << index.row() << index.column();  
    5.     //模型索引无效,返回空值  
    6.     if (!index.isValid())  
    7.         return QVariant();  
    8.     //对其角色  
    9.     if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole)  
    10.     {  
    11.         return int(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);  
    12.     }  
    13.     //显示角色  
    14.     else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)  
    15.     {  
    17.         return reconQueueAt(index.row(),index.column());  
    19.     }  
    21.     //返回空值  
    22.     return QVariant();  
    23. }  



    role: 6 index :  0 0

    role: 7 index :  0 0

    role: 9 index :  0 0

    role: 10 index :  0 0

    role: 1 index :  0 0

    role: 0 index :  0 0

    role: 8 index :  0 0 



    enum Qt::ItemDataRole

    Each item in the model has a set of data elements associated with it, each with its own role. The roles are used by the view to indicate to the model which type of data it needs. Custom models should return data in these types.

    The general purpose roles (and the associated types) are:

    Constant Value Description

    Qt::DisplayRole 0 The key data to be rendered in the form of text. (QString)
    Qt::DecorationRole 1 The data to be rendered as a decoration in the form of an icon. (QColorQIcon or QPixmap)
    Qt::EditRole 2 The data in a form suitable for editing in an editor. (QString)
    Qt::ToolTipRole 3 The data displayed in the item's tooltip. (QString)
    Qt::StatusTipRole 4 The data displayed in the status bar. (QString)
    Qt::WhatsThisRole 5 The data displayed for the item in "What's This?" mode. (QString)
    Qt::SizeHintRole 13 The size hint for the item that will be supplied to views. (QSize)

    Roles describing appearance and meta data (with associated types):

    Constant Value Description

    Qt::FontRole 6 The font used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QFont)
    Qt::TextAlignmentRole 7 The alignment of the text for items rendered with the default delegate. (Qt::AlignmentFlag)
    Qt::BackgroundRole 8 The background brush used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QBrush)
    Qt::BackgroundColorRole 8 This role is obsolete. Use BackgroundRole instead.
    Qt::ForegroundRole 9 The foreground brush (text color, typically) used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QBrush)
    Qt::TextColorRole 9 This role is obsolete. Use ForegroundRole instead.
    Qt::CheckStateRole 10 This role is used to obtain the checked state of an item. (Qt::CheckState)

    Accessibility roles (with associated types):

    Constant Value Description

    Qt::AccessibleTextRole 11 The text to be used by accessibility extensions and plugins, such as screen readers. (QString)
    Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole 12 A description of the item for accessibility purposes. (QString)

    User roles:

    Constant Value Description

    Qt::UserRole 32 The first role that can be used for application-specific purposes.






        Paints the table on receipt of the given paint event a event.


    void QTableView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)



        // setup temp variables for the painting

        QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->viewOptionsV4();

        const QPoint offset = d->scrollDelayOffset;

        const bool showGrid = d->showGrid;

        const int gridSize = showGrid ? 1 : 0;

        const int gridHint = style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Table_GridLineColor, &option, this);

        const QColor gridColor = static_cast<QRgb>(gridHint);

        const QPen gridPen = QPen(gridColor, 0, d->gridStyle);

        const QHeaderView *verticalHeader = d->verticalHeader;

        const QHeaderView *horizontalHeader = d->horizontalHeader;

        const QStyle::State state = option.state;

        const bool alternate = d->alternatingColors;

        const bool rightToLeft = isRightToLeft();

        QPainter painter(d->viewport);

        // if there's nothing to do, clear the area and return

        if (horizontalHeader->count() == 0 || verticalHeader->count() == 0 || !d->itemDelegate)


        uint x = horizontalHeader->length() - horizontalHeader->offset() - (rightToLeft ? 0 : 1);

        uint y = verticalHeader->length() - verticalHeader->offset() - 1;

        const QRegion region = event->region().translated(offset);

        const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();

        //firstVisualRow is the visual index of the first visible row.  lastVisualRow is the visual index of the last visible Row.

        //same goes for ...VisualColumn

        int firstVisualRow = qMax(verticalHeader->visualIndexAt(0),0);

        int lastVisualRow = verticalHeader->visualIndexAt(verticalHeader->viewport()->height());

        if (lastVisualRow == -1)

            lastVisualRow = d->model->rowCount(d->root) - 1;

        int firstVisualColumn = horizontalHeader->visualIndexAt(0);

        int lastVisualColumn = horizontalHeader->visualIndexAt(horizontalHeader->viewport()->width());

        if (rightToLeft)

            qSwap(firstVisualColumn, lastVisualColumn);

        if (firstVisualColumn == -1)

            firstVisualColumn = 0;

        if (lastVisualColumn == -1)

            lastVisualColumn = horizontalHeader->count() - 1;

        QBitArray drawn((lastVisualRow - firstVisualRow + 1) * (lastVisualColumn - firstVisualColumn + 1));

        if (d->hasSpans()) {

            d->drawAndClipSpans(region, &painter, option, &drawn,

                                 firstVisualRow, lastVisualRow, firstVisualColumn, lastVisualColumn);


        for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) {

            QRect dirtyArea = rects.at(i);

            dirtyArea.setBottom(qMin(dirtyArea.bottom(), int(y)));

            if (rightToLeft) {

                dirtyArea.setLeft(qMax(dirtyArea.left(), d->viewport->width() - int(x)));

            } else {

                dirtyArea.setRight(qMin(dirtyArea.right(), int(x)));


            // get the horizontal start and end visual sections

            int left = horizontalHeader->visualIndexAt(dirtyArea.left());

            int right = horizontalHeader->visualIndexAt(dirtyArea.right());

            if (rightToLeft)

                qSwap(left, right);

            if (left == -1) left = 0;

            if (right == -1) right = horizontalHeader->count() - 1;

            // get the vertical start and end visual sections and if alternate color

            int bottom = verticalHeader->visualIndexAt(dirtyArea.bottom());

            if (bottom == -1) bottom = verticalHeader->count() - 1;

            int top = 0;

            bool alternateBase = false;

            if (alternate && verticalHeader->sectionsHidden()) {

                uint verticalOffset = verticalHeader->offset();

                int row = verticalHeader->logicalIndex(top);

                for (int y = 0;

                     ((uint)(y += verticalHeader->sectionSize(top)) <= verticalOffset) && (top < bottom);

                     ++top) {

                    row = verticalHeader->logicalIndex(top);

                    if (alternate && !verticalHeader->isSectionHidden(row))

                        alternateBase = !alternateBase;


            } else {

                top = verticalHeader->visualIndexAt(dirtyArea.top());

                alternateBase = (top & 1) && alternate;


            if (top == -1 || top > bottom)


            // Paint each row item

            for (int visualRowIndex = top; visualRowIndex <= bottom; ++visualRowIndex) {

                int row = verticalHeader->logicalIndex(visualRowIndex);

                if (verticalHeader->isSectionHidden(row))


                int rowY = rowViewportPosition(row);

                rowY += offset.y();

                int rowh = rowHeight(row) - gridSize;

                // Paint each column item

                for (int visualColumnIndex = left; visualColumnIndex <= right; ++visualColumnIndex) {

                    int currentBit = (visualRowIndex - firstVisualRow) * (lastVisualColumn - firstVisualColumn + 1)

                            + visualColumnIndex - firstVisualColumn;

                    if (currentBit < 0 || currentBit >= drawn.size() || drawn.testBit(currentBit))



                    int col = horizontalHeader->logicalIndex(visualColumnIndex);

                    if (horizontalHeader->isSectionHidden(col))


                    int colp = columnViewportPosition(col);

                    colp += offset.x();

                    int colw = columnWidth(col) - gridSize;

                    const QModelIndex index = d->model->index(row, col, d->root);

                    if (index.isValid()) {

                        option.rect = QRect(colp + (showGrid && rightToLeft ? 1 : 0), rowY, colw, rowh);

                        if (alternate) {

                            if (alternateBase)

                                option.features |= QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Alternate;


                                option.features &= ~QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Alternate;


                        d->drawCell(&painter, option, index);



                alternateBase = !alternateBase && alternate;


            if (showGrid) {

                // Find the bottom right (the last rows/columns might be hidden)

                while (verticalHeader->isSectionHidden(verticalHeader->logicalIndex(bottom))) --bottom;

                QPen old = painter.pen();


                // Paint each row

                for (int visualIndex = top; visualIndex <= bottom; ++visualIndex) {

                    int row = verticalHeader->logicalIndex(visualIndex);

                    if (verticalHeader->isSectionHidden(row))


                    int rowY = rowViewportPosition(row);

                    rowY += offset.y();

                    int rowh = rowHeight(row) - gridSize;

                    painter.drawLine(dirtyArea.left(), rowY + rowh, dirtyArea.right(), rowY + rowh);


                // Paint each column

                for (int h = left; h <= right; ++h) {

                    int col = horizontalHeader->logicalIndex(h);

                    if (horizontalHeader->isSectionHidden(col))


                    int colp = columnViewportPosition(col);

                    colp += offset.x();

                    if (!rightToLeft)

                        colp +=  columnWidth(col) - gridSize;

                    painter.drawLine(colp, dirtyArea.top(), colp, dirtyArea.bottom());


                //draw the top & left grid lines if the headers are not visible.

                //We do update this line when subsequent scroll happen (see scrollContentsBy)

                if (horizontalHeader->isHidden() && verticalScrollMode() == ScrollPerItem)

                    painter.drawLine(dirtyArea.left(), 0, dirtyArea.right(), 0);

                if (verticalHeader->isHidden() && horizontalScrollMode() == ScrollPerItem)

                    painter.drawLine(0, dirtyArea.top(), 0, dirtyArea.bottom());




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lvdongjie/p/3757512.html
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