Improving Your App’s Performance with PerfView
Tools For Performance Analyzing WPA/WPR 微软WINDOS PERFORMANCE跟踪分析工具包
Windows Sysinternals——system utilities and technical information such as process dump,TCP View and so on 微软内置工具集,用于系统各方面的性能跟踪分析调试
Contention, poor performance, and deadlocks when you make calls to Web services from an ASP.NET application .NET线程池及死锁的调优
Beware of HttpClient HttpClient TCP连接限制
How To Do Production Debugging on the Fly 生产环境调试
How CPU Sampling Works CPU采样原理
Tuning .NET Application Performance
Diagnosing .NET Core ThreadPool Starvation with PerfView (Why my service is not saturating all cores or seems to stall) 解释了线程池饥饿导致性能瓶颈及使用Perfview监测该问题