from django.db.models import Count, F, Value from django.db.models.functions import Length, Upper # Find companies that have more employees than chairs. Company.objects.filter(num_employees__gt=F('num_chairs')) # Find companies that have at least twice as many employees # as chairs. Both the querysets below are equivalent. Company.objects.filter(num_employees__gt=F('num_chairs') * 2) Company.objects.filter( num_employees__gt=F('num_chairs') + F('num_chairs')) # How many chairs are needed for each company to seat all employees? >>> company = Company.objects.filter( ... num_employees__gt=F('num_chairs')).annotate( ... chairs_needed=F('num_employees') - F('num_chairs')).first() >>> company.num_employees 120 >>> company.num_chairs 50 >>> company.chairs_needed 70 # Create a new company using expressions. >>> company = Company.objects.create(name='Google', ticker=Upper(Value('goog'))) # Be sure to refresh it if you need to access the field. >>> company.refresh_from_db() >>> company.ticker 'GOOG' # Annotate models with an aggregated value. Both forms # below are equivalent. Company.objects.annotate(num_products=Count('products')) Company.objects.annotate(num_products=Count(F('products'))) # Aggregates can contain complex computations also Company.objects.annotate(num_offerings=Count(F('products') + F('services'))) # Expressions can also be used in order_by(), either directly Company.objects.order_by(Length('name').asc()) Company.objects.order_by(Length('name').desc()) # or using the double underscore lookup syntax. from django.db.models import CharField from django.db.models.functions import Length CharField.register_lookup(Length) Company.objects.order_by('name__length') # Boolean expression can be used directly in filters. from django.db.models import Exists Company.objects.filter( Exists(Employee.objects.filter(company=OuterRef('pk'), salary__gt=10)) )