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  • 【文本摘要项目】4解码算法及模型测试结果评估




       为尽快使baseline完整,本文先采用两种常见的解码算法:Greedy DecodeBeam Serach进行解码,因此后续文中实现也主要围绕这两个内容。训练过程和预测过程代码结构基本差不多,主要在predict.py文件中。



      checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(Seq2Seq=model)
        checkpoint_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(checkpoint, seq2seq_checkpoint_dir, max_to_keep=5)
        # checkpoint.restore('../../data/checkpoints/training_checkpoints_seq2seq/ckpt-6')
        if checkpoint_manager.latest_checkpoint:
            print("Restored from {}".format(checkpoint_manager.latest_checkpoint))
            print("Initializing from scratch.")

       tensorflow中,指定latest_checkpoint方法,可以自动加载最新训练保存的模型。在加载模型后,还需要定义解码算法,本文实现两种解码算法:贪心搜索和beam search,样例代码如下:


    def greedy_decode(model, data_X, batch_size, vocab, params):
        # 存储结果
        results = []
        # 样本数量
        sample_size = len(data_X)
        # batch 操作轮数 math.ceil向上取整 小数 +1
        # 因为最后一个batch可能不足一个batch size 大小 ,但是依然需要计算
        steps_epoch = math.ceil(sample_size / batch_size)
        # [0,steps_epoch)
        for i in tqdm(range(steps_epoch)):
            batch_data = data_X[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
            results += batch_greedy_decode(model, batch_data, vocab, params)
        return results
    b = beam_test_batch_generator(params["beam_size"])
    results = []
    for batch in b:
        best_hyp = beam_decode(model, batch, vocab, params)
    #         get_rouge(results)  # 模型生成结果衡量,后续展开

        beam search代码分为两部分,数据加载和模型解码。

    def beam_decode(model, batch_data, vocab, params):
        # 初始化mask
        start_index = vocab.STOP_DECODING_INDEX
        stop_index = vocab.STOP_DECODING_INDEX
        unk_index = vocab.UNKNOWN_TOKEN_INDEX
        batch_size = params['batch_size']
        # 单步decoder
        def decoder_one_step(enc_output, dec_input, dec_hidden):
            final_pred, dec_hidden, attention_weights = model.decoder(dec_input, dec_hidden, enc_output)
            # 取top K个index及其对应的概率
            top_k_probs, top_k_idx = tf.nn.top_k(tf.squeeze(final_pred), k=params['beam_size'] * 2)
            # 重新计算概率分布
            top_k_log_probs = tf.math.log(top_k_probs)
            results = {
                'dec_hidden': dec_hidden,
                'attention_weights': attention_weights,
                'top_k_idx': top_k_idx,
                'top_k_log_probs': top_k_log_probs
            return results
        # 测试数据的输入
        enc_input = batch_data
        init_enc_hidden = model.encoder.initialize_hidden_state()
        # 计算encoder的输出
        enc_output, enc_hidden = model.encoder(enc_input, init_enc_hidden)
        hyps_batch = [Hypothesis(tokens=[start_index],
                                 attn_dists=[]) for _ in range(batch_size)]
        # 初始化结果集合
        results = []
        steps = 0  # 遍历步数
        # 当长度不够或者结果还不够时,继续搜索
        while steps < params['max_dec_len'] and len(results) < params['beam_size']:
            # 获取最新待使用的token
            latest_tokens = [hyps.latest_token for hyps in hyps_batch]
            # 替换掉oov token为unk token
            latest_tokens = [token if token in vocab.index2word else unk_index for token in latest_tokens]
            # 获取隐变量
            hiddens = [hyps.hidden for hyps in hyps_batch]
            dec_input = tf.expand_dims(latest_tokens, axis=1)
            dec_hidden = tf.stack(hiddens, axis=0)
            # 单步运行decoder
            decoder_results = decoder_one_step(enc_output, dec_input, dec_hidden)
            dec_hidden = decoder_results['dec_hidden']
            attention_weights = decoder_results['attention_weights']
            top_k_log_probs = decoder_results['top_k_log_probs']
            top_k_idx = decoder_results['top_k_idx']
            # 现阶段全部可能的情况
            all_hyps = []
            # 原有的所有可能情况
            num_ori_hyps = 1 if steps == 0 else len(hyps_batch)
            # 便利添加所有可能的结果
            for i in range(num_ori_hyps):
                hyps, new_hidden, attn_dist = hyps_batch[i], dec_hidden[i], attention_weights[i]
                for j in range(params['beam_size'] * 2):
                    new_hyps = hyps.extend(
                        token=top_k_idx[i, j].numpy(),
                        log_prob=top_k_log_probs[i, j],
            # 重置
            hyps_batch = []
            sorted_hyps = sorted(all_hyps, key=lambda h: h.ave_log_prob, reverse=True)
            # 筛选
            for h in sorted_hyps:
                if h.latest_token == stop_index:
                    # 长度符合预测,遇到居委,添加到结果集
                    if steps >= params['min_dec_steps']:
                        h.tokens = h.tokens[1: -1]
                if len(hyps) == params['beam_size'] or len(results) == params['beam_size']:
            steps += 1
        if len(results) == 0:
            results = hyps
        hyps_sorted = sorted(results, key=lambda h: h.ave_log_prob, reverse=True)
        print_top_k(hyps_sorted, 3, vocab, batch_data)
        best_hyp = hyps_sorted[0]
        best_hyp.abstract = ' '.join([vocab.index_to_word(index) for index in best_hyp.tokens])
        return best_hyp
    def batch_greedy_decode(model, batch_data, vocab, params):
        # 判断输入长度
        batch_size = len(batch_data)
        # 存储预测结果
        predictions = [''] * batch_size
        inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_data)
        # 0. 初始化隐层输入
        init_hidden = tf.zeros(shape=(batch_size, params['enc_units']))
        # 1. 构造encoder
        enc_output, enc_hidden = model.encoder(inputs, init_hidden)
        # 2. 复制到解码器
        dec_hidden = enc_hidden
        # 3. <START> * batch_size
        dec_input = tf.expand_dims([vocab.word_to_index(vocab.START_DECODING)] * batch_size, 1)
        # 4. 解码
        for t in range(params['max_dec_len']):
            # 4.0. 预测
            predictions, dec_hidden, attention_weights = model.decoder(dec_input, dec_hidden, enc_output)
            # 4.1. 取预测结果,概率最大值所对应的index
            predictions_idx = tf.argmax(predictions, axis=1).numpy()  # 最大值所对应的角标
            # 4.2. 根据index,取相应的词,存放到列表
            for index, predict_idx in enumerate(predictions_idx):
                predictions[index] += vocab.index_to_word(predict_idx) + ' '
            # 4.3. 继续下一个词的预测(用上一步预测的结果)
            dec_input = tf.expand_dims(predictions_idx)
        # 5. 解码结果处理
        results = []
        for prediction in predictions:
            prediction = prediction.strip()
            if vocab.STOP_DECODING in prediction:
                prediction = prediction[:prediction.index(vocab.STOP_DECODING)]
        return results
    class Hypothesis:
        def __init__(self, tokens, log_probs, hidden, attn_dists):
            self.tokens = tokens
            self.log_probs = log_probs
            self.hidden = hidden
            self.attn_dists = attn_dists
            self.abstract = ''
        def extend(self, token, log_prob, hidden, attn_dist):
            return Hypothesis(
                tokens=self.tokens + [token],
                log_probs=self.log_probs + [log_prob],
                attn_dists=self.attn_dists + [attn_dist]
        def latest_token(self):
            return self.tokens[-1]
        def total_log_prob(self):
            return sum(self.log_probs)
        def avg_log_prob(self):
            return self.total_log_prob / len(self.tokens)


    def get_rouge(results):
        # 读取结果
        seg_test_report = pd.read_csv(test_seg_path, header=None).iloc[:, 5].tolist()
        seg_test_report = [' '.join(str(token) for token in str(line).split()) for line in seg_test_report]
        rouge_scores = Rouge().get_scores(results, seg_test_report, avg=True)
        print_rouge = json.dumps(rouge_scores, indent=2)
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_seg_path), 'results.csv'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
            json.dump(list(zip(results, seg_test_report)), f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
        print('*' * 8 + ' rouge score ' + '*' * 8)



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/miners/p/14973627.html
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