This will vary from system to system,there are several things that may affect the result on PC-based systems,including the memory model in use,the amount of space in the data and/or stack segment,the amount of available memory on the system,and so forth,the result on Unix systems will depend on the amount of available swap space,among other things.
answer:There are two explanations possible,Requesting smaller chunks may allow more memory to be allocated because the amount of memeory left over after the last allocation will be smaller,this would make the total for the smaller requests larger,More likely,though,is that the total for the smaller requests is smaller:this is due to the overhead of the extra space that malloc attaches to the memory in order to keep track of the size of each allocated chunk.
//linux下可以调用malloc_usable_size函数来获取实际分配的内存 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char *p; p = malloc(500 * sizeof(char)); printf("%u",malloc_usable_size(p)); free(p); p = malloc(5000 * sizeof(char)); printf(" %u",malloc_usable_size(p)); free(p); return 0; }
answer:The primary advantage is that the memory will be automatically freed when the function that allocated it returns,this property occurs because of how stacks work,and it guarantees that there will be no memeory leaks,but this behavior is also a disadvantage,because the allocated memory disappears when the function returns,it cannot be used for data that are passed back to the calling program.
a 用字面值常量2作为整形值的长度。这个值在整形值长度为2个字节的机器上能正常工作。但在4字节整数的机器上,实际分配的内存将只是所需内存的一半,应该换用sizeof
b 从malloc函数返回的值未被检查,如果内存不足,它将是NULL
c 把指针退到数组左边界的左边来调整下标的范围或许行得通,但它违背了标准关于指针不能越过数组左边界的规定
d 指针经过调整以后,第一个元素的下标变成了1,接着for循环将错误的从0开始,在许多系统中,这个错误将破坏malloc所使用的用于追踪堆的信息,常常导致程序奔溃
e 数组增值前并未检查输入值是否位于合适的范围内,非法的输入值可能会以一种有趣的方式导致程序奔溃
f 如果数组应该返回,它不能被free函数释放
//修改后的函数 #include <stdio.h> int *frequency(int size) { int *array; int i; array = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int)); if(array == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = 0; whlie(scanf("%d",&i) == 1){ if(i <= 0 && i > size) return NULL; array[i - 1] += 1; } return array; }
answer:Yes,dynamic allocation will use less stack space because the memory for the arrays will be taken from the heap rather than the stack,Dynamic allocation of scalars will help only if the values being allocated are larger than the size of a pointer,as it would be with a large structure,there is no gain in dynamically allocating an integer because the pointer variable you must have to keep track of it takes just as much space as the integer itself.
answer:Memory leaks would be possible,but only when either the second or third allocations failed,meanning that the program had nearly run out of memory anyway,
void *mycalloc(size_t num_element, size_t element_size){ int i; n_element = num_element * element_size; char *p = malloc(n_element); if(p == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0; i < n_element; i++) p[i] = 0; return p; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DELTA 100 int *read() { int *array; int count; int size; int value; size = DELTA; count = 0; array = malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(int)); if(array == NULL) return NULL; while((scanf("%d",&value)) == 1){ count++; if(count >= size){ size += DELTA; array = realloc(array,(size + 1) * sizeof(int)); if(array == NULL) return NULL; } array[count] = value; } if(count < size){ array = realloc(array,(count + 1) * sizeof(int)); if(array == NULL) return NULL; } array[0] = count; return array; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #define DELTA 256 char *readstring() { static char *buffer = NULL; static int buffer_size = 0; int ch; int len = 0; char *bp = buffer; do{ ch = getchar(); if(ch == ' ' && ch == EOF) ch = '