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  • jQuery效果之jQuery Color animation 色彩动画扩展

    jQuery 的动画方法(animate)支持各种属性的过渡,但是默认并不支持色彩的过渡,该插件正是来补足这一点!

    PS: 该插件支持 RGBA 颜色的过渡,但是请注意,IE8以下的版本不支持 RGBA 颜色

    • color
    • backgroundColor
    • borderColor
    • borderBottomColor
    • borderLeftColor
    • borderRightColor
    • borderTopColor
    • outlineColor


    载入 JavaScript 文件


    <script src='jquery.animate-colors.js'></script>


    $('#demodiv').animate({ color:'#E4D8B8' })
    $('#demodiv').animate({ backgroundColor:'#400101' })
    $('#demodiv').animate({ borderBottomColor:'#00346B' })
    $('#demodiv').animate({ borderColor:'#F2E2CE' })
    $('#demodiv').animate({ color:'rgba(42, 47, 76, 0.1)' })


    jQuery Animate colors (适用于 jQuery 1.8 以上版本):《下载地址》

    jQuery Animate colors (适用于 jQuery 1.7.2 以下版本):《下载地址》


    (function($) {
         * Check whether the browser supports RGBA color mode.
         * Author Mehdi Kabab <http://pioupioum.fr>
         * @return {boolean} True if the browser support RGBA. False otherwise.
        function isRGBACapable() {
            var $script = $('script:first'),
                    color = $script.css('color'),
                    result = false;
            if (/^rgba/.test(color)) {
                result = true;
            } else {
                try {
                    result = ( color != $script.css('color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)').css('color') );
                    $script.css('color', color);
                } catch (e) {
            return result;
        $.extend(true, $, {
            support: {
                'rgba': isRGBACapable()
        var properties = ['color', 'backgroundColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderTopColor', 'outlineColor'];
        $.each(properties, function(i, property) {
            $.Tween.propHooks[ property ] = {
                get: function(tween) {
                    return $(tween.elem).css(property);
                set: function(tween) {
                    var style = tween.elem.style;
                    var p_begin = parseColor($(tween.elem).css(property));
                    var p_end = parseColor(tween.end);
                    tween.run = function(progress) {
                        style[property] = calculateColor(p_begin, p_end, progress);
        // borderColor doesn't fit in standard fx.step above.
        $.Tween.propHooks.borderColor = {
            set: function(tween) {
                var style = tween.elem.style;
                var p_begin = [];
                var borders = properties.slice(2, 6); // All four border properties
                $.each(borders, function(i, property) {
                    p_begin[property] = parseColor($(tween.elem).css(property));
                var p_end = parseColor(tween.end);
                tween.run = function(progress) {
                    $.each(borders, function(i, property) {
                        style[property] = calculateColor(p_begin[property], p_end, progress);
        // Calculate an in-between color. Returns "#aabbcc"-like string.
        function calculateColor(begin, end, pos) {
            var color = 'rgb' + ($.support['rgba'] ? 'a' : '') + '('
                    + parseInt((begin[0] + pos * (end[0] - begin[0])), 10) + ','
                    + parseInt((begin[1] + pos * (end[1] - begin[1])), 10) + ','
                    + parseInt((begin[2] + pos * (end[2] - begin[2])), 10);
            if ($.support['rgba']) {
                color += ',' + (begin && end ? parseFloat(begin[3] + pos * (end[3] - begin[3])) : 1);
            color += ')';
            return color;
        // Parse an CSS-syntax color. Outputs an array [r, g, b]
        function parseColor(color) {
            var match, triplet;
            // Match #aabbcc
            if (match = /#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/.exec(color)) {
                triplet = [parseInt(match[1], 16), parseInt(match[2], 16), parseInt(match[3], 16), 1];
                // Match #abc
            } else if (match = /#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/.exec(color)) {
                triplet = [parseInt(match[1], 16) * 17, parseInt(match[2], 16) * 17, parseInt(match[3], 16) * 17, 1];
                // Match rgb(n, n, n)
            } else if (match = /rgb(s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*)/.exec(color)) {
                triplet = [parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match[2]), parseInt(match[3]), 1];
            } else if (match = /rgba(s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9]{1,3})s*,s*([0-9.]*)s*)/.exec(color)) {
                triplet = [parseInt(match[1], 10), parseInt(match[2], 10), parseInt(match[3], 10),parseFloat(match[4])];
                // No browser returns rgb(n%, n%, n%), so little reason to support this format.
            return triplet;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moqiutao/p/8036012.html
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