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  • ArcGIS 空间查询


    Private Sub CB_Search_Click()
        If infofrm.Width = 185 Then
            infofrm.Width = 442
        End If
        Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument
        Dim pMap As IMap
        Dim pActView As IActiveView
        Set pMxDocument = ThisDocument
        Set pMap = pMxDocument.FocusMap
        Set pActView = pMxDocument.ActiveView
        Dim pPointX As Double
        Dim pPointY As Double
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
        pPointX = Right(lrtstoplist.List(12), Len(lrtstoplist.List(12)) - 12) / 1000000
        pPointY = Right(lrtstoplist.List(13), Len(lrtstoplist.List(13)) - 11) / 1000000
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = New Point
        pPoint.X = pPointX
        pPoint.Y = pPointY
        Dim player As ILayer
        Dim pflayer As IFeatureLayer
        Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
        Dim pSpaFilter As ISpatialFilter
        Dim pFSelection As IFeatureSelection
        Dim pSelSet As ISelectionSet
        Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
        Dim pFeature As IFeature
        Dim dDistance As Double
        Dim pUnitConverter  As IUnitConverter
        Set pUnitConverter = New UnitConverter
        dDistance = pUnitConverter.ConvertUnits(200, esriMeters, esriDecimalDegrees)
        'Dim CreateEnvXY As IEnvelope  '矩形
        '以鼠标单击点为中心,边长6像素 创建矩形
        'Set CreateEnvXY = New esriGeometry.Envelope
        'CreateEnvXY.PutCoords pPointX - dDistance, pPointY - dDistance, pPointX + dDistance, pPointY + dDistance
        Dim pCreateCircle As IConstructCircularArc
        Dim pCArc As ICircularArc
        Set pCreateCircle = New CircularArc
        Set pCArc = pCreateCircle
        pCreateCircle.ConstructCircle pPoint, dDistance, True
        Dim pSeg As ISegment
        Dim pSegcoll As ISegmentCollection
        Dim pring As IRing
        Dim pGeomColl As IGeometryCollection
        Set pSeg = pCArc
        Set pSegcoll = New Ring
        pSegcoll.AddSegment pSeg
        Set pring = pSegcoll
        Set pGeomColl = New Polygon
        pGeomColl.AddGeometry pring
        Set player = pMap.Layer(2)
        Set pflayer = player       'QI
        Set pFSelection = pflayer
        Set pFClass = pflayer.FeatureClass
        Set pSpaFilter = New SpatialFilter
        Set pSpaFilter.Geometry = pGeomColl
            pSpaFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelContains
            pFSelection.SelectFeatures pSpaFilter, esriSelectionResultNew, False
        Set pSelSet = pFSelection.SelectionSet
        infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.Clear  '清空ListBox数据
        infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.ForeColor = &H80000012
        If pSelSet.Count < 1 Then
            infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.AddItem ""
            infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.AddItem "没有符合条件的公交站点!"
            infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.ForeColor = &HFF&
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim pfields As IFields
        Set pfields = pFClass.Fields
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim selindex As Integer
        Dim pfield As IField
        pSelSet.Search Nothing, False, pFeatureCursor
        Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
        For selindex = 1 To pSelSet.Count
            For i = 0 To pfields.FieldCount - 1
                Set pfield = pfields.Field(i)
                If pfield.Type <> esriFieldTypeGeometry And pfield.Type <> esriFieldTypeBlob Then
                    infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.AddItem pfield.Name & "—>" & pFeature.Value(i)
                End If
            infofrm.gongjiaolistbox.AddItem "================================"
            Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End Sub

  • 相关阅读:
    Maven 3.3全局配置
    Aspose for Maven 使用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myfaith/p/1921656.html
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