The JEDI Visual Component Library (JVCL) consists of a large collection (currently ca 500) visual and non-visual components which can be instantly reused in your Delphi, Kylix and C++ Builder projects. You can visit this website to know more about JVCL: http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org/; you can download JVCL here.Introduce
![1 1](http://neugls.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/8a8016ba05f4_145A4/1_thumb.jpg)
- display and edit the data object
- manage child items
- Ordinals
- Enumerations
- Sets
- Strings
- Floats
In addition it provides an item class that functions as a category holder. A category holder also has no data instance to provide values. Categories can be nested, but each item can belong to only one category.
- How to edit properties of a component?
- How to add a category?
- How to edit a property?
- How to edit a string?
- How to edit font?
- How to edit font name?
- How to edit simple data types?
- How to edit color?
How to edit properties of a component?
By using the AddComponent method of TJvCustomInspector you can edit the properties of the component, like:procedure TSimpleMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin JvInspector1.Clear; JvInspector1.AddComponent(Self, 'A Form Inspecting Itself', True); end;You can also do it like this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var InspCat: TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem; begin InspCat:=TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem.Create(self.JvInspector1.Root,nil); InspCat.DisplayName:='Form1'; TJvInspectorPropData.New(InspCat,Self); end;
How to add a category?
You can also do it like this:procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var InspCat: TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem; begin InspCat:=TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem.Create(self.JvInspector1.Root,nil); InspCat.DisplayName:='Form1'; TJvInspectorPropData.New(InspCat,Self); end;
How to edit a property?
By using the New method of TJvInspectorPropData, we can edit a property of an object, such as:TJvInspectorPropData.New(InspCat, JvInspector1, GetPropInfo(JvInspector1, PropArray[I, 0])).
Detial usage you can consult the help
How to edit a string?
How to edit font?
var Form1: TForm1; FColor:Integer=clRed; MyString:string='aa'; Font:TFont; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var InspCat: TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem; begin InspCat:=TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem.Create(self.JvInspector1.Root,nil); InspCat.DisplayName:='Property'; Font:=TFont.Create; TJvInspectorVarData.New(InspCat,'DisplayName',TypeInfo(String),@MyString); TJvInspectorVarData.New(InspCat,'Font',TypeInfo(TFont),@Font); InspCat.Expanded:=True; end;
Note: The 4th parameters of the procedure TJvInspectorVarData.New could not be local variables.
How to edit font name?
MyFontName:string='Tahoma'; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var InspCat: TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem; begin InspCat:=TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem.Create(self.JvInspector1.Root,nil); InspCat.DisplayName:='Property'; TJvInspectorVarData.ItemRegister.Add(TJvInspectorTypeInfoRegItem.Create(TJvInspectorFontNameItem,TypeInfo(String))); TJvInspectorVarData.New(InspCat,'FontName',TypeInfo(String),@MyFontName); InspCat.Expanded:=True; end;
How to edit simple data types?
With TJvInspectorVarData, we can edit Simple data types, such as:TJvInspectorVarData.New(InspCat,'FontName',TypeInfo(String),@MyFontName);TJvInspectorVarData is the inspector data layer that obtains its data from a simple variable or some value on the heap. The class implements all access properties, but the type info will be used to check the legality of the access (ie. a float can't be accessed as Int64).
How to edit color?
JVCL provider us a class called TJvInspectorColorItem which can let'us edit TColor properties. You can use it like this:FColor:TColor implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var InspCat: TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem; begin InspCat:=TJvInspectorCustomCategoryItem.Create(self.JvInspector1.Root,nil); InspCat.DisplayName:='Property'; TJvInspectorVarData.ItemRegister.Add(TJvInspectorTypeInfoRegItem.Create(TJvInspectorColorItem,TypeInfo(TColor))); TJvInspectorVarData.New(InspCat,'Color',TypeInfo(TColor),@FColor); InspCat.Expanded:=True; end;
How to make your own item?
In this section, I will show you an example to demonstrate how to make your own item. Following shows the code:(* * Author : Neugls. * Website: Http://www.neugls.info * Email : NeuglsWorkStudio@gmail.com *) unit NuColorInspectItem; interface uses JvInspector,Graphics,Types; type TJvInspectorColorItem = class(TJvCustomInspectorItem) private protected function NameForColor(const Color: TColor): string; procedure PaintValue(const Color: TColor; const ColorName: string;const ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect); procedure SetFlags(const Value: TInspectorItemFlags); override; procedure SetRects(const RectKind: TInspectorPaintRect; Value: TRect); override; procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); override; function GetDisplayValue: string; override; procedure SetDisplayValue(const Value: string); override; public constructor Create(const AParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem; const AData: TJvCustomInspectorData); override; procedure BeforeDestruction; override; procedure DrawValue(const ACanvas: TCanvas); override; class procedure RegisterAsDefaultItem; class procedure UnregisterAsDefaultItem; end; implementation uses JvResources,SysUtils,Dialogs,Windows; function Color2RGB(Color:TColor):Integer; begin Result:=0; Result:=Result or((Color and $FF) shl 16); //Result:=Result or(Color shl 16); Result:=Result or(((Color shr 8) and $FF) shl 8); //Result:=Result or(Color and $0000FF00); Result:=Result or(((Color shr 16) and $FF)); end; //=== { TJvInspectorColorItem } ============================================== procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var ColorDlg:TColorDialog; begin ColorDlg:=TColorDialog.Create(nil); try if ColorDlg.Execute then begin //DisplayValue:=NameForColor(FColor); Data.AsOrdinal:=ColorDlg.Color; end; finally ColorDlg.Free; end; inherited; end; constructor TJvInspectorColorItem.Create(const AParent: TJvCustomInspectorItem; const AData: TJvCustomInspectorData); begin inherited Create(AParent, AData); Flags := [iifVisible, iifEditButton,iifEditFixed]; end; function TJvInspectorColorItem.NameForColor(const Color: TColor): string; var RGBColor:Integer; begin RGBColor:=Color2RGB(Color); Result := '0x'+IntToHex(RGBColor,6); end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.PaintValue(const Color: TColor; const ColorName: string; const ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect); var TH: Integer; BoxRect: TRect; bc: TColor; pc: TColor; txtRect: TRect; begin TH := Rects[iprValue].Bottom - Rects[iprValue].Top - 2; BoxRect.Left := ARect.Left + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - TH) div 2; BoxRect.Top := ARect.Top + BoxRect.Left - ARect.Left; BoxRect.Right := BoxRect.Left + TH; BoxRect.Bottom := BoxRect.Top + TH; with ACanvas do begin if Color <> clNone then begin bc := Brush.Color; pc := Pen.Color; try Brush.Color := Color; //Pen.Color := BorderColor(bc, Color); Rectangle(BoxRect); finally Pen.Color := pc; Brush.Color := bc; end; end; txtRect := ARect; txtRect.Left := txtRect.Left + (txtRect.Bottom-txtRect.Top)+ 1; TextRect(txtRect, txtRect.Left, BoxRect.Top, ColorName); end; end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.SetDisplayValue(const Value: string); begin inherited; OutputDebugString(PWideChar(Value)); end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.SetFlags(const Value: TInspectorItemFlags); begin inherited SetFlags(Value + [iifEditButton,iifEditFixed]); end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.SetRects(const RectKind: TInspectorPaintRect; Value: TRect); begin if RectKind = iprValue then Value.Left := Value.Left + (Value.Bottom - Value.Top) + 2; inherited SetRects(RectKind, Value); end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.BeforeDestruction; begin inherited BeforeDestruction; end; procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.DrawValue(const ACanvas: TCanvas); var Color: TColor; S: string; ARect: TRect; SafeColor: TColor; begin Color := clNone; if Data = nil then S := RsJvInspItemUnInitialized else try if not Data.IsInitialized then S := RsJvInspItemUnInitialized else if not Data.HasValue then S := RsJvInspItemNoValue else if not Data.IsAssigned then S := RsJvInspItemUnassigned else begin S := DisplayValue; Color := Data.AsOrdinal; end; except S := RsJvInspItemValueException + ExceptObject.ClassName + ': ' + Exception(ExceptObject).Message; end; ARect := Rects[iprValueArea]; SafeColor := ACanvas.Brush.Color; if Editing then ACanvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; try ACanvas.FillRect(ARect); PaintValue(Color, S, ACanvas, ARect); if Editing then DrawEditor(ACanvas); finally if Editing then ACanvas.Brush.Color := SafeColor; end; end; function TJvInspectorColorItem.GetDisplayValue: string; begin Result:=NameForColor(Data.AsOrdinal); end; class procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.RegisterAsDefaultItem; begin with TJvCustomInspectorData.ItemRegister do if IndexOf(Self) = -1 then Add(TJvInspectorTypeInfoRegItem.Create(Self, TypeInfo(TColor))); end; class procedure TJvInspectorColorItem.UnregisterAsDefaultItem; begin TJvCustomInspectorData.ItemRegister.Delete(Self); end; end.
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