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  • 统计SQL

    select * from( SELECT case sa.ActivityTimeType when 1 then sc.EndDate else sa.EndDate end as EndDate, sa.BeginDate, si.Sort, case si.SeckillItemsType when 1 then ii.ItemStatus when 2 then '1' end as ItemStatus, si.ItemCount, si.SaleVolume FROM SeckillItems si WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN SeckillActivitys sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON si.ActivityNo = sa.ActivityNo AND si.CustId = sa.CustId left JOIN ItemInfo ii WITH(NOLOCK) ON si.ObjItemNo = ii.ItemNo AND si.CustId = ii.CustId and ii.ItemType = 3 left JOIN TicketCls tc WITH(NOLOCK) ON si.ObjItemNo = tc.TicketClsNo AND si.CustId = tc.CustId left join SeckillActivityCycle sc WITH(NOLOCK) on sa.CustId=sc.CustId and sa.ActivityNo=sc.ActivityNo WHERE sa.Status = 1 and si.CustId=249217 and ('000' is null or ISNULL(si.BranchNo,'')='' or CHARINDEX(',000,' , ',' + si.BranchNo +',')>0) )a where a.ItemStatus='1' and GETDATE() between a.BeginDate and a.EndDate ) m


    select a.CreateDate,convert(varchar,datepart(year,a.CreateDate)) Year,convert(varchar,datepart(month,a.CreateDate)) Month, convert(varchar,datepart(day,a.CreateDate)) Day,convert(varchar,datepart(hour,a.CreateDate)) Hour ,
                    {branchNoStr} ISNULL(PayCount,0) NumResult, ISNULL(b.CustID,@custid) CustId, @ModuleType ModuleType 
                    from (
                    SELECT substring(convert(char(32),DATEADD(HH,number,@beginDT),120),1,16) AS CreateDate
    		          ,type FROM master..spt_values 
                    WHERE type = 'p' AND DATEDIFF(HH,DATEADD(HH,number,@beginDT),@endDT)>=0 
                    ) a 
                   left join (
                     substring(convert(char(32),DATEADD(HH,datepart(hh,CreateDate),convert(char(32),CreateDate,23)),120),1,16) as st,
                     Count(CustId) PayCount,BranchNo,CustId from OrderMaster where PayFlag = 1 and  CustId = @custid {whereStr} and CreateDate between @beginDT and @endDT 
                   group by convert(char(32),CreateDate,23),datepart(hh,CreateDate),BranchNo,CustId) b 
                   on b.st=a.CreateDate order by CreateDate


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/opts/p/13229424.html
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