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  • 串行程序PBS脚本

    #PBS -N EXCMG32

    #PBS -l vmem=63gb 

    #PBS -q smp
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -j oe
    #PBS -M kjpan@yahoo.cn
    echo "This jobs is on " $PBS_O_HOST
    ifort Console1.f90 -heap-arrays 1024 -mkl -openmp -O3 -fast -parallel -ipo -o main32 && ./main32>32.results

    NOTE: For AVX support, compile with the -xHOST option. Note that -xHOST alone does not enable aggressive optimization, so compilation with -O3 is also suggested. The -fast flag invokes -xHOST, but should be avoided since it also turns on interprocedural optimization (-ipo), which may cause problems in some instances.


    1)、 #PBS -l vmem=63gb 申请大内存

    2)、  -heap-arrays 1024 避开linux中“Stack Overflows in Fortran” 或采用命令:   ulimit -s unlimited

    3)、Vim常用4操作:Esc(切换命令模式)   Insert(切换插入模式)   :wq(退出并保存)   :q!(退出不保存)  

                             gg:回到文件首行, G:回到文件尾行,  dd:删除光标所在行, D:删除光标到行尾的内容
    5)、Linux常用命令:ssh, free, passwd, mkdir, touch, rm -rf, mv

    Problem : compiling with -fast or -static causes a linker error "ld: cannot find -lm"

    Possible workarounds are:
    1) Specify library location using -L option
    ifort -static hello.f90 -L /usr/lib/x86_64-redhat-linux5E/lib64/

    2) Add the location of libraries to LIBRARY_PATH variable

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pankejia/p/3192560.html
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