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  • Span<T>结构使用和源码



    在.Net Core中使用Span

    用 Span 对 C# 进程中三大内存区域进行统一访问 ,太厉害了!

    终于,他还是对C# Span 下手了,源码解读和应用实践

    关于C# Span的一些实践

    Dotnet中Span, Memory和ReadOnlySequence之浅见



    Span<T> 是在堆栈上分配的 引用结构 ,而不是在托管堆上分配的。 Ref 结构类型具有多个限制,可确保它们无法升级到托管堆,包括它们不能装箱、不能分配给类型的变量 Object dynamic 或任何接口类型,它们不能是引用类型中的字段,并且不能跨 await 和 yield 边界使用。 此外,对两个方法 Equals(Object) 和的调用将 GetHashCode 引发 NotSupportedException 。

    Span<T>表示任意内存的连续区域。 Span<T>实例通常用于保存数组或某个数组的一部分的元素。 但与数组不同, Span<T> 实例可以指向托管内存、本机内存或在堆栈上管理的内存。




    Span源码文件夹路径:.NET Core runtime-master untime-mastersrclibrariesSystem.Private.CoreLibsrcSystemSpan.cs 

    // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
    // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    using System.Text;
    using EditorBrowsableAttribute = System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute;
    using EditorBrowsableState = System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState;
    using Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    #pragma warning disable 0809  //warning CS0809: Obsolete member 'Span<T>.Equals(object)' overrides non-obsolete member 'object.Equals(object)'
    namespace System
        /// <summary>
        /// Span represents a contiguous region of arbitrary memory. Unlike arrays, it can point to either managed
        /// or native memory, or to memory allocated on the stack. It is type- and memory-safe.
        /// </summary>
        public readonly ref struct Span<T>
            /// <summary>A byref or a native ptr.</summary>
            internal readonly ByReference<T> _pointer;
            /// <summary>The number of elements this Span contains.</summary>
            private readonly int _length;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new span over the entirety of the target array.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="array">The target array.</param>
            /// <remarks>Returns default when <paramref name="array"/> is null.</remarks>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">Thrown when <paramref name="array"/> is covariant and array's type is not exactly T[].</exception>
            public Span(T[]? array)
                if (array == null)
                    this = default;
                    return; // returns default
                if (!typeof(T).IsValueType && array.GetType() != typeof(T[]))
                _pointer = new ByReference<T>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(array));
                _length = array.Length;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new span over the portion of the target array beginning
            /// at 'start' index and ending at 'end' index (exclusive).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="array">The target array.</param>
            /// <param name="start">The index at which to begin the span.</param>
            /// <param name="length">The number of items in the span.</param>
            /// <remarks>Returns default when <paramref name="array"/> is null.</remarks>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">Thrown when <paramref name="array"/> is covariant and array's type is not exactly T[].</exception>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
            /// Thrown when the specified <paramref name="start"/> or end index is not in the range (&lt;0 or &gt;Length).
            /// </exception>
            public Span(T[]? array, int start, int length)
                if (array == null)
                    if (start != 0 || length != 0)
                    this = default;
                    return; // returns default
                if (!typeof(T).IsValueType && array.GetType() != typeof(T[]))
    #if TARGET_64BIT
                // See comment in Span<T>.Slice for how this works.
                if ((ulong)(uint)start + (ulong)(uint)length > (ulong)(uint)array.Length)
                if ((uint)start > (uint)array.Length || (uint)length > (uint)(array.Length - start))
                _pointer = new ByReference<T>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(array), start));
                _length = length;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new span over the target unmanaged buffer.  Clearly this
            /// is quite dangerous, because we are creating arbitrarily typed T's
            /// out of a void*-typed block of memory.  And the length is not checked.
            /// But if this creation is correct, then all subsequent uses are correct.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="pointer">An unmanaged pointer to memory.</param>
            /// <param name="length">The number of <typeparamref name="T"/> elements the memory contains.</param>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
            /// Thrown when <typeparamref name="T"/> is reference type or contains pointers and hence cannot be stored in unmanaged memory.
            /// </exception>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
            /// Thrown when the specified <paramref name="length"/> is negative.
            /// </exception>
            public unsafe Span(void* pointer, int length)
                if (RuntimeHelpers.IsReferenceOrContainsReferences<T>())
                if (length < 0)
                _pointer = new ByReference<T>(ref Unsafe.As<byte, T>(ref *(byte*)pointer));
                _length = length;
            // Constructor for internal use only.
            internal Span(ref T ptr, int length)
                Debug.Assert(length >= 0);
                _pointer = new ByReference<T>(ref ptr);
                _length = length;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a reference to specified element of the Span.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="index"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            /// <exception cref="System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
            /// Thrown when index less than 0 or index greater than or equal to Length
            /// </exception>
            public ref T this[int index]
                    if ((uint)index >= (uint)_length)
                    return ref Unsafe.Add(ref _pointer.Value, index);
            /// <summary>
            /// The number of items in the span.
            /// </summary>
            public int Length
                get => _length;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns true if Length is 0.
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsEmpty
                get => 0 >= (uint)_length; // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/10950
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns false if left and right point at the same memory and have the same length.  Note that
            /// this does *not* check to see if the *contents* are equal.
            /// </summary>
            public static bool operator !=(Span<T> left, Span<T> right) => !(left == right);
            /// <summary>
            /// This method is not supported as spans cannot be boxed. To compare two spans, use operator==.
            /// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
            /// Always thrown by this method.
            /// </exception>
            /// </summary>
            [Obsolete("Equals() on Span will always throw an exception. Use == instead.")]
            public override bool Equals(object? obj) =>
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_CannotCallEqualsOnSpan);
            /// <summary>
            /// This method is not supported as spans cannot be boxed.
            /// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
            /// Always thrown by this method.
            /// </exception>
            /// </summary>
            [Obsolete("GetHashCode() on Span will always throw an exception.")]
            public override int GetHashCode() =>
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_CannotCallGetHashCodeOnSpan);
            /// <summary>
            /// Defines an implicit conversion of an array to a <see cref="Span{T}"/>
            /// </summary>
            public static implicit operator Span<T>(T[]? array) => new Span<T>(array);
            /// <summary>
            /// Defines an implicit conversion of a <see cref="ArraySegment{T}"/> to a <see cref="Span{T}"/>
            /// </summary>
            public static implicit operator Span<T>(ArraySegment<T> segment) =>
                new Span<T>(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count);
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns an empty <see cref="Span{T}"/>
            /// </summary>
            public static Span<T> Empty => default;
            /// <summary>Gets an enumerator for this span.</summary>
            public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(this);
            /// <summary>Enumerates the elements of a <see cref="Span{T}"/>.</summary>
            public ref struct Enumerator
                /// <summary>The span being enumerated.</summary>
                private readonly Span<T> _span;
                /// <summary>The next index to yield.</summary>
                private int _index;
                /// <summary>Initialize the enumerator.</summary>
                /// <param name="span">The span to enumerate.</param>
                internal Enumerator(Span<T> span)
                    _span = span;
                    _index = -1;
                /// <summary>Advances the enumerator to the next element of the span.</summary>
                public bool MoveNext()
                    int index = _index + 1;
                    if (index < _span.Length)
                        _index = index;
                        return true;
                    return false;
                /// <summary>Gets the element at the current position of the enumerator.</summary>
                public ref T Current
                    get => ref _span[_index];
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a reference to the 0th element of the Span. If the Span is empty, returns null reference.
            /// It can be used for pinning and is required to support the use of span within a fixed statement.
            /// </summary>
            public ref T GetPinnableReference()
                // Ensure that the native code has just one forward branch that is predicted-not-taken.
                ref T ret = ref Unsafe.NullRef<T>();
                if (_length != 0) ret = ref _pointer.Value;
                return ref ret;
            /// <summary>
            /// Clears the contents of this span.
            /// </summary>
            public unsafe void Clear()
                if (RuntimeHelpers.IsReferenceOrContainsReferences<T>())
                    SpanHelpers.ClearWithReferences(ref Unsafe.As<T, IntPtr>(ref _pointer.Value), (nuint)_length * (nuint)(Unsafe.SizeOf<T>() / sizeof(nuint)));
                    SpanHelpers.ClearWithoutReferences(ref Unsafe.As<T, byte>(ref _pointer.Value), (nuint)_length * (nuint)Unsafe.SizeOf<T>());
            /// <summary>
            /// Fills the contents of this span with the given value.
            /// </summary>
            public void Fill(T value)
                if (Unsafe.SizeOf<T>() == 1)
                    uint length = (uint)_length;
                    if (length == 0)
                    T tmp = value; // Avoid taking address of the "value" argument. It would regress performance of the loop below.
                    Unsafe.InitBlockUnaligned(ref Unsafe.As<T, byte>(ref _pointer.Value), Unsafe.As<T, byte>(ref tmp), length);
                    // Do all math as nuint to avoid unnecessary 64->32->64 bit integer truncations
                    nuint length = (uint)_length;
                    if (length == 0)
                    ref T r = ref _pointer.Value;
                    // TODO: Create block fill for value types of power of two sizes e.g. 2,4,8,16
                    nuint elementSize = (uint)Unsafe.SizeOf<T>();
                    nuint i = 0;
                    for (; i < (length & ~(nuint)7); i += 8)
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 0) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 1) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 2) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 3) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 4) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 5) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 6) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 7) * elementSize) = value;
                    if (i < (length & ~(nuint)3))
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 0) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 1) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 2) * elementSize) = value;
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, (i + 3) * elementSize) = value;
                        i += 4;
                    for (; i < length; i++)
                        Unsafe.AddByteOffset<T>(ref r, i * elementSize) = value;
            /// <summary>
            /// Copies the contents of this span into destination span. If the source
            /// and destinations overlap, this method behaves as if the original values in
            /// a temporary location before the destination is overwritten.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="destination">The span to copy items into.</param>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
            /// Thrown when the destination Span is shorter than the source Span.
            /// </exception>
            public void CopyTo(Span<T> destination)
                // Using "if (!TryCopyTo(...))" results in two branches: one for the length
                // check, and one for the result of TryCopyTo. Since these checks are equivalent,
                // we can optimize by performing the check once ourselves then calling Memmove directly.
                if ((uint)_length <= (uint)destination.Length)
                    Buffer.Memmove(ref destination._pointer.Value, ref _pointer.Value, (nuint)_length);
            /// <summary>
            /// Copies the contents of this span into destination span. If the source
            /// and destinations overlap, this method behaves as if the original values in
            /// a temporary location before the destination is overwritten.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="destination">The span to copy items into.</param>
            /// <returns>If the destination span is shorter than the source span, this method
            /// return false and no data is written to the destination.</returns>
            public bool TryCopyTo(Span<T> destination)
                bool retVal = false;
                if ((uint)_length <= (uint)destination.Length)
                    Buffer.Memmove(ref destination._pointer.Value, ref _pointer.Value, (nuint)_length);
                    retVal = true;
                return retVal;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns true if left and right point at the same memory and have the same length.  Note that
            /// this does *not* check to see if the *contents* are equal.
            /// </summary>
            public static bool operator ==(Span<T> left, Span<T> right) =>
                left._length == right._length &&
                Unsafe.AreSame<T>(ref left._pointer.Value, ref right._pointer.Value);
            /// <summary>
            /// Defines an implicit conversion of a <see cref="Span{T}"/> to a <see cref="ReadOnlySpan{T}"/>
            /// </summary>
            public static implicit operator ReadOnlySpan<T>(Span<T> span) =>
                new ReadOnlySpan<T>(ref span._pointer.Value, span._length);
            /// <summary>
            /// For <see cref="Span{Char}"/>, returns a new instance of string that represents the characters pointed to by the span.
            /// Otherwise, returns a <see cref="string"/> with the name of the type and the number of elements.
            /// </summary>
            public override string ToString()
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(char))
                    return new string(new ReadOnlySpan<char>(ref Unsafe.As<T, char>(ref _pointer.Value), _length));
                else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Char8))
                    // TODO_UTF8STRING: Call into optimized transcoding routine when it's available.
                    return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(ref Unsafe.As<T, byte>(ref _pointer.Value), _length));
    #endif // FEATURE_UTF8STRING
                return string.Format("System.Span<{0}>[{1}]", typeof(T).Name, _length);
            /// <summary>
            /// Forms a slice out of the given span, beginning at 'start'.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="start">The index at which to begin this slice.</param>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
            /// Thrown when the specified <paramref name="start"/> index is not in range (&lt;0 or &gt;Length).
            /// </exception>
            public Span<T> Slice(int start)
                if ((uint)start > (uint)_length)
                return new Span<T>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref _pointer.Value, start), _length - start);
            /// <summary>
            /// Forms a slice out of the given span, beginning at 'start', of given length
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="start">The index at which to begin this slice.</param>
            /// <param name="length">The desired length for the slice (exclusive).</param>
            /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
            /// Thrown when the specified <paramref name="start"/> or end index is not in range (&lt;0 or &gt;Length).
            /// </exception>
            public Span<T> Slice(int start, int length)
    #if TARGET_64BIT
                // Since start and length are both 32-bit, their sum can be computed across a 64-bit domain
                // without loss of fidelity. The cast to uint before the cast to ulong ensures that the
                // extension from 32- to 64-bit is zero-extending rather than sign-extending. The end result
                // of this is that if either input is negative or if the input sum overflows past Int32.MaxValue,
                // that information is captured correctly in the comparison against the backing _length field.
                // We don't use this same mechanism in a 32-bit process due to the overhead of 64-bit arithmetic.
                if ((ulong)(uint)start + (ulong)(uint)length > (ulong)(uint)_length)
                if ((uint)start > (uint)_length || (uint)length > (uint)(_length - start))
                return new Span<T>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref _pointer.Value, start), length);
            /// <summary>
            /// Copies the contents of this span into a new array.  This heap
            /// allocates, so should generally be avoided, however it is sometimes
            /// necessary to bridge the gap with APIs written in terms of arrays.
            /// </summary>
            public T[] ToArray()
                if (_length == 0)
                    return Array.Empty<T>();
                var destination = new T[_length];
                Buffer.Memmove(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(destination), ref _pointer.Value, (nuint)_length);
                return destination;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qingyunye/p/13674642.html
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