# snippet int integer # snippet lo longint # snippet var var ${1:i}:${2:integer} # snippet array var ${1:a}:array[1..${2:num}] of ${3:integer} #comment snippet comment //================================================================== // ${1} //================================================================== # snippet comau //================================================================== // author:Rainboy // QQ:597872644 // date:`strftime("%Y-%m-%d")` // `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "?" : "(c)"` Copyright `strftime("%Y")` ${1:`g:snips_author`}. All Rights Reserved.${2} //================================================================== # begin end snippet be begin ${1} end; snippet be. begin ${1} end. # If Condition snippet if if ${1:/* condition */} then ${2:/* code */} ################## snippet ife if ${1:/* condition */} then ${2:/* code */} else ${3:/* code */} ##################### snippet elif else if else if ${1:/* condition */} then ${2:/* code */} snippet elb else begin ${1} end; # writeln write snippet wn writeln(${1:/* content */}); snippet w write(${1:/* content */}); # readln read snippet rn readln(${1:/* content */}); snippet r read(${1:/* content */}); # Do While Loop snippet do do begin ${2:/* code */} end while (${1:/* condition */}); # While Loop snippet wh while ${1:/* condition */} do begin ${2:/* code */} end; # For Loop snippet for for ${2:i} := ${1:1} to ${3:10} do ${4:/* code */} snippet forb for ${2:i} := ${1:1} to ${3:10} do begin ${4:/* code */} end; # Custom For Loop # #sinppet 函数 snippet fun function ${1:fun_name}(${3}):${2:Integer} begin ${4:/* code */}
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