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  • 杂志翻页效果(基于jQuery开源版的修改)

          先看一个开源版本 http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/MoleskineNotebook/ 效果很酷的(所需资源与案例可自行访问)




    首先看下现有的页面 HTML 结构,与 JS 初始化

    HTML 结构

    View Code
     1 <div class="book_wrapper">
    2 <!-- 前后翻页按钮 -->
    3 <a id="next_page_button"></a>
    4 <a id="prev_page_button"></a>
    6 <!-- loading -->
    7 <div id="loading" class="loading">Loading pages...</div>
    9 <!-- 杂志主体 -->
    10 <div id="mybook" style="display:none;">
    11 <div class="b-load">
    13 <!-- 第一个页面 以DIV包围 -->
    14 <div>
    15 <img src="images/1.jpg" alt=""/>
    16 <h1>Slider Gallery</h1>
    17 <p>This tutorial is about creating a creative gallery...</p>
    18 <a href="#" class="article">Article</a>
    19 <a href="#" class="demo">Demo</a>
    20 </div>
    22 <!-- 第二个页面 -->
    23 <div>
    24 ...
    25 </div>
    27 ……
    29 <!-- 第N个页面 -->
    30 <div>
    31 ……
    32 </div>
    34 </div>
    35 </div>
    36 </div>

    初始化 JS

    View Code
      1 //定义变量
    2 var $mybook = $('#mybook');
    3 var $bttn_next = $('#next_page_button');
    4 var $bttn_prev = $('#prev_page_button');
    5 var $loading = $('#loading');
    6 var $mybook_images = $mybook.find('img');
    7 var cnt_images = $mybook_images.length;
    8 var loaded = 0;
    9 //preload all the images in the book,
    10 //and then call the booklet plugin
    12 //遍历每一张图片 图片加载完后 初始化页面
    13 $mybook_images.each(function(){
    14 var $img = $(this);
    15 var source = $img.attr('src');
    16 $('<img/>').load(function(){
    17 ++loaded;
    18 if(loaded == cnt_images){
    19 $loading.hide();
    20 $bttn_next.show();
    21 $bttn_prev.show();
    22 //初始化杂志页面
    23 $mybook.show().booklet({
    24 name: null,
    25 // name of the booklet to display in the document title bar
    26 800,
    27 // container width
    28 height: 500,
    29 // container height
    30 speed: 600,
    31 // speed of the transition between pages
    32 direction: 'LTR',
    33 // direction of the overall content
    34 // organization, default LTR, left to right, can be
    35 // RTL for languages which read right to left
    36 startingPage: 0,
    37 // index of the first page to be displayed
    38 easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
    39 // easing method for complete transition
    40 easeIn: 'easeInQuad',
    41 // easing method for first half of transition
    42 easeOut: 'easeOutQuad',
    43 // easing method for second half of transition
    45 closed: true,
    46 // start with the book "closed", will add empty
    47 // pages to beginning and end of book
    48 closedFrontTitle: null,
    49 // used with "closed", "menu" and "pageSelector",
    50 // determines title of blank starting page
    51 closedFrontChapter: null,
    52 // used with "closed", "menu" and "chapterSelector",
    53 // determines chapter name of blank starting page
    54 closedBackTitle: null,
    55 // used with "closed", "menu" and "pageSelector",
    56 // determines chapter name of blank ending page
    57 closedBackChapter: null,
    58 // used with "closed", "menu" and "chapterSelector",
    59 // determines chapter name of blank ending page
    60 covers: false,
    61 // used with "closed", makes first and last pages
    62 //into covers, without page numbers (if enabled)
    64 pagePadding: 10,
    65 // padding for each page wrapper
    66 pageNumbers: true,
    67 // display page numbers on each page
    69 hovers: false,
    70 // enables preview pageturn hover animation,
    71 // shows a small preview of previous or next page on hover
    72 overlays: false,
    73 // enables navigation using a page sized overlay,
    74 // when enabled links inside the content will
    75 // not be clickable
    76 tabs: false,
    77 // adds tabs along the top of the pages
    78 tabWidth: 60,
    79 // set the width of the tabs
    80 tabHeight: 20,
    81 // set the height of the tabs
    82 arrows: false,
    83 // adds arrows overlayed over the book edges
    84 cursor: 'pointer',
    85 // cursor css setting for side bar areas
    87 hash: false,
    88 // enables navigation using a hash string,
    89 // ex: #/page/1 for page 1, will affect
    90 // all booklets with 'hash' enabled
    91 keyboard: true,
    92 // enables navigation with arrow keys
    93 // (left: previous, right: next)
    94 next: $bttn_next,
    95 // selector for element to use as click
    96 // trigger for next page
    97 prev: $bttn_prev,
    98 // selector for element to use as click
    99 // trigger for previous page
    101 menu: null,
    102 // selector for element to use as the menu area,
    103 // required for 'pageSelector'
    104 pageSelector: false,
    105 // enables navigation with a dropdown menu of pages,
    106 // requires 'menu'
    107 chapterSelector: false,
    108 // enables navigation with a dropdown menu of chapters,
    109 // determined by the "rel" attribute, requires 'menu'
    111 shadows: true,
    112 // display shadows on page animations
    113 shadowTopFwdWidth: 166,
    114 // shadow width for top forward anim
    115 shadowTopBackWidth: 166,
    116 // shadow width for top back anim
    117 shadowBtmWidth: 50,
    118 // shadow width for bottom shadow
    120 before: function(){},
    121 // callback invoked before each page turn animation
    122 after: function(){}
    123 // callback invoked after each page turn animation
    124 });
    125 //字体特效
    126 Cufon.refresh(); // if you want to use cufon
    127 }
    128 }).attr('src',source);
    129 });



    然后重写现有的翻页函数(幸好booklet提供了跳页API  $mybook.booklet(pageIndex) ),最后就是在翻页后加载内容了。其中对pageIndex


    如果一次前后翻页(一般翻两页)要顺利,要保证PageCount为偶数,例如为 7 的话,就要加 1 变成 8 。

    注: 其中当前页码(currentPageIndex)和最大页数(pageCount)利用隐藏的 intput 输入标签保存。


    HTML 结构

    View Code
     1   <div class="book_wrapper" style="left: 0px; top: 0px">
    2 <a id="next_page_button"></a><a id="prev_page_button"></a>
    3 <div id="loading" class="loading">
    4 正在加载,请稍后...
    5 </div>
    6 <div id="mybook" style="display: none;">
    7 <!-- 页面内容 ajax 获取(只有页面HTML结构,没有数据,数据ajax获取) -->
    8 <div id="myContent" class="b-load">
    9 <!-- ajax 获得HTML结构 –>
                        <!-- begin -->
    10 <div id='pagefirst' class='page'>封面……</div>
    11 <div id='page-{pageIndex}' class='page'><p>{content}</p></div>
    12 <!-- end -->
    13 </div>
    14 </div>
    15 </div>

    初始化 JS 及控制 JS

    View Code
      1 var $mybook, $bttn_next, $bttn_prev, $loading, $currHold, $pageCount;
    3 $.ajax({
    4 type: 'GET',
    5 url: '{ajax handler}',
    6 data: { params },
    7 dataType: 'json',
    8 success: function (data) {
    9 $("#myContent").html(data.page);
    10 $("#page-1").html(data.pageFirst);
    11 $(document.body).append(data.pageCount);
    12 $pageCount = $("#pageCount").val();
    13 $(document.body).append("<input type='hidden' id='currPage' value='1' />");
    15 $mybook = $('#mybook');
    16 $bttn_next = $('#next_page_button');
    17 $bttn_prev = $('#prev_page_button');
    18 $loading = $('#loading');
    19 $currHold = $('#currPage');
    21 $loading.hide();
    22 $bttn_next.show();
    23 $bttn_prev.show();
    24 //取消默认的翻页响应函数
    25 $bttn_next.click(function (e) { turn("next",null); });
    26 $bttn_prev.click(function (e) { turn("prev",null); });
    28 //var width=parseInt((screen.width * 85) / 100);
    30 $mybook.show().booklet({
    31 name: null, // name of the booklet to display in the document title bar
    32 height: 575, // container height
    33 880, // container width
    34 speed: 600, // speed of the transition between pages
    35 direction: 'LTR', // direction of the overall content organization, default LTR, left to right, can be RTL for languages which
    37 startingPage: 0, // index of the first page to be displayed
    38 easing: 'easeInOutQuad', // easing method for complete transition
    39 easeIn: 'easeInQuad', // easing method for first half of transition
    40 easeOut: 'easeOutQuad', // easing method for second half of transition
    42 closed: true, // start with the book "closed", will add empty pages to beginning and end of book
    43 closedFrontTitle: null, // used with "closed", "menu" and "pageSelector", determines title of blank starting page
    44 closedFrontChapter: null, // used with "closed", "menu" and "chapterSelector", determines chapter name of blank starting page
    45 closedBackTitle: null, // used with "closed", "menu" and "pageSelector", determines chapter name of blank ending page
    46 closedBackChapter: null, // used with "closed", "menu" and "chapterSelector", determines chapter name of blank ending page
    47 covers: false, // used with "closed", makes first and last pages into covers, without page numbers (if enabled)
    49 pagePadding: 10, // padding for each page wrapper
    50 pageNumbers: true, // display page numbers on each page
    52 hovers: false, // enables preview pageturn hover animation, shows a small preview of previous or next page on hover
    53 overlays: false, // enables navigation using a page sized overlay, when enabled links inside the content will not be
    55 tabs: false, // adds tabs along the top of the pages
    56 tabWidth: 60, // set the width of the tabs
    57 tabHeight: 20, // set the height of the tabs
    58 arrows: false, // adds arrows overlayed over the book edges
    59 cursor: 'pointer', // cursor css setting for side bar areas
    61 hash: false, // enables navigation using a hash string, ex: #/page/1 for page 1, will affect all booklets with 'hash'
    63 keyboard: true, // enables navigation with arrow keys (left: previous, right: next)
    64 next: null, // selector for element to use as click trigger for next page
    65 prev: null, // selector for element to use as click trigger for previous page
    67 menu: false, // selector for element to use as the menu area, required for 'pageSelector'
    68 pageSelector: false, // enables navigation with a dropdown menu of pages, requires 'menu'
    69 chapterSelector: false, // enables navigation with a dropdown menu of chapters, determined by the "rel" attribute, requires 'menu'
    71 shadows: true, // display shadows on page animations
    72 shadowTopFwdWidth: 166, // shadow width for top forward anim
    73 shadowTopBackWidth: 166, // shadow width for top back anim
    74 shadowBtmWidth: 50, // shadow width for bottom shadow
    76 before: function () { }, // callback invoked before each page turn animation
    77 after: function () { } // callback invoked after each page turn animation
    78 });
    79 },
    80 error: function (e) { }
    81 });
    83 function getCurr() {
    84 var curr = 1;
    85 if ($currHold) {
    86 var val = parseInt($currHold.val());
    87 if (val != 'NaN') {
    88 curr = val;
    89 }
    90 }
    91 return curr;
    92 }
    94 function setCurr(curr) {
    95 if ($currHold) {
    96 $currHold.val(curr);
    97 }
    98 }
    100 function goPage(curr) {
    101 if (curr > parseInt($pageCount)) {
    102 setATitle("", "最后一页.");
    103 return false;
    104 }
    105 else if (curr < 0) {
    106 setATitle("第一页.", "");
    107 return false;
    108 }
    109 else {
    110 setATitle("上一页", "下一页");
    111 }
    112 $mybook.booklet(curr);
    113 return true;
    114 }
    116 function loadContent(curr) {
    117 if ($('#page-' + (curr - 1))) {
    118 var $currPage = $('#page-' + (curr - 1) + ' p');
    119 var c = $currPage.html();
    120 if (c == null || c == "" || c.length == 0) {
    121 $.ajax({
    122 type: 'GET',
    123 url: 'ajax handler',
    124 data: { params },
    125 dataType: 'html',
    126 success: function (data) {
    127 if (curr > 1) {
    128 var j = $.parseJSON(data);
    129 $currPage.html(j.p1);
    130 $('#page-' + curr + ' p').html(j.p2);
    131 }
    132 },
    133 error: function (e) { }
    134 });
    135 }
    136 }
    137 }
    139 function setATitle(prevTtile, nextTitle) {
    140 $bttn_prev.attr("title", prevTtile);
    141 $bttn_next.attr("title", nextTitle);
    142 }
    144 function turn(action,page) {
    145 var curr;
    147 if(page==null){
    148 curr = getCurr();
    150 if (action == "next")
    151 curr += 2;
    152 if (action == "prev")
    153 curr -= 2;
    154 }
    156 if(action==null){
    157 var pageIndex= parseInt(page);
    158 if(pageIndex%2==0)
    159 curr=pageIndex+1;
    160 else
    161 curr=pageIndex;
    162 }
    164 if (goPage(curr)) {
    165 setCurr(curr);
    166 if(curr>1) loadContent(curr);
    167 }
    168 }

    马马虎虎 粗糙+粗鲁 大功告成。

    注:特别要注意其中的DOM加载顺序,与 JS 执行时机。先Booklet.html(或.aspx)加载完,然后Ajax获得页数HTML结构,Ajax完成回调 booklet 初始化函数。不搞清楚,可能就出不了结果,例如booklet初始化在ajax前或正在ajax的时候。


  • 相关阅读:
    [Err] 1055
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ranmofang/p/2378420.html
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