2.1 Define

1 class ZCTR0600 definition 2 public 3 final 4 create public . 5 6 public section. 7 8 types: 9 begin of ty_html_head, 10 hfgcolor type wwwcolor, 11 hbgcolor type wwwcolor, 12 lfgcolor type wwwcolor, 13 lbgcolor type wwwcolor, 14 size type w3size, 15 attrb type w3html, 16 tabhd type w3head, 17 end of ty_html_head . 18 types: 19 begin of ty_html_fcat, 20 text type w3head-text, 21 end of ty_html_fcat . 22 types: 23 tt_html_fcat type table of ty_html_fcat . 24 types: 25 tt_html_html type table of w3html . 26 types: 27 begin of ty_mail_head, 28 sender type ad_smtpadr, 29 mailtype type so_obj_tp, 30 subject type so_obj_des, 31 atta_subject type so_obj_des, 32 end of ty_mail_head . 33 types TY_MAIL_RECE type ADR6 . 34 types TY_MAIL_ATTA type RMPS_POST_CONTENT . 35 types TY_MAIL_BODY type SOLI . 36 types: 37 tt_mail_rece type table of ty_mail_rece . 38 types: 39 tt_mail_atta type table of ty_mail_atta . 40 types: 41 tt_mail_body type table of ty_mail_body . 42 43 class-methods SEND_MAIL 44 importing 45 value(IS_MAIL_HEAD) type TY_MAIL_HEAD optional 46 value(IT_MAIL_BODY) type TT_MAIL_BODY optional 47 value(IT_MAIL_ATTA) type TT_MAIL_ATTA optional 48 value(IT_MAIL_RECE) type TT_MAIL_RECE optional 49 exporting 50 value(ER_ROOT) type ref to ZCX_ROOT . 51 class-methods MAIL_HTML 52 importing 53 value(IS_HTML_HEAD) type TY_HTML_HEAD optional 54 value(IT_HTML_FCAT) type TT_HTML_FCAT optional 55 value(IT_HTML_ANY) type ANY optional 56 exporting 57 value(ER_ROOT) type ref to ZCX_ROOT 58 value(ET_HTML) type TT_HTML_HTML . 59 class-methods MAIL_ATTA 60 importing 61 value(IV_STRING) type STRING optional 62 exporting 63 value(ES_ATTA) type RMPS_POST_CONTENT 64 value(ER_ROOT) type ref to ZCX_ROOT .

1 method mail_atta. 2 data: lv_size type so_obj_len. 3 try. 4 try. 5 cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_solix( 6 exporting 7 iv_string = iv_string 8 iv_codepage = '4103' "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty 9 iv_add_bom = abap_true "for other doc types 10 importing 11 et_solix = es_atta-cont_hex 12 ev_size = lv_size 13 ). 14 15 "es_atta-docsize = lv_size. 16 catch cx_bcs into data(lr_cx_bcs). 17 data(lv_txt) = lr_cx_bcs->get_text( ). 18 raise exception type zcx_root 19 exporting 20 textid = value #( 21 msgid = '00' 22 msgno = '001' 23 attr1 = lv_txt 24 ). 25 endtry. 26 catch zcx_root into data(lr_root). 27 er_root = lr_root. 28 endtry. 29 endmethod.

1 method mail_html. 2 data: lr_ref type ref to data. 3 data: lt_header type table of w3head, 4 lt_fields type table of w3fields, 5 lt_html type table of w3html. 6 7 try. 8 9 data: 10 lr_any_t type ref to data, 11 lr_any_s type ref to data. 12 data: 13 lr_dref type ref to data, 14 lr_stru type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, 15 lr_table type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr, 16 lr_elem type ref to cl_abap_elemdescr, 17 lt_para type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table, 18 lt_comp type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table. 19 field-symbols: 20 <fs_tab> type any, 21 <ft_tab> type standard table. 22 23 try. 24 25 lr_table ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( it_html_any ). 26 27 * loop at lr_stru->components[] into data(ls_comps). 28 * if ls_comps-type_kind = 'P' 29 * or ls_comps-type_kind = 'X'. 30 * else. 31 * ls_comps-length = ls_comps-length / 2. 32 * endif. 33 * 34 * append initial line to lt_comp assigning field-symbol(<fs_comp>). 35 * <fs_comp>-name = ls_comps-name. 36 * <fs_comp>-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_by_kind( 37 * p_type_kind = ls_comps-type_kind 38 * p_length = ls_comps-length 39 * p_decimals = ls_comps-decimals ). 40 * unassign <fs_comp>. 41 * endloop. 42 * 43 * if lt_comp[] is not initial. 44 * clear:lr_stru,lr_table. 45 * lr_stru = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( lt_comp ). 46 * lr_table = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( lr_stru ). 47 * 48 * create data lr_any_s type handle lr_stru. 49 * assign lr_any_s->* to <fs_tab>. 50 * 51 * create data lr_any_t type handle lr_table. 52 * assign lr_any_t->* to <ft_tab>. 53 * endif. 54 55 if lr_table is not initial. 56 create data lr_any_t type handle lr_table. 57 assign lr_any_t->* to <ft_tab>. 58 endif. 59 60 move-corresponding it_html_any to <ft_tab>[]. 61 62 catch cx_root into data(lr_rt). 63 data(lv_txt) = lr_rt->get_text( ). 64 raise exception type zcx_root 65 exporting 66 textid = value #( 67 msgid = '00' 68 msgno = '001' 69 attr1 = lv_txt 70 ). 71 endtry. 72 73 loop at it_html_fcat into data(ls_html_fcat). 74 call function 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_HEADERS' 75 exporting 76 field_nr = sy-tabix 77 text = ls_html_fcat-text 78 fgcolor = is_html_head-hfgcolor 79 bgcolor = is_html_head-hbgcolor 80 tables 81 header = lt_header. 82 83 call function 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML_LAYOUT' 84 exporting 85 field_nr = sy-tabix 86 fgcolor = is_html_head-lfgcolor 87 bgcolor = is_html_head-lbgcolor 88 size = is_html_head-size 89 tables 90 fields = lt_fields. 91 endloop. 92 93 call function 'WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML' 94 exporting 95 table_attributes = is_html_head-attrb 96 table_header = is_html_head-tabhd 97 tables 98 html = lt_html 99 fields = lt_fields 100 row_header = lt_header 101 itable = <ft_tab>[]. 102 103 et_html[] = lt_html[]. 104 105 catch zcx_root into data(lr_root). 106 er_root = lr_root. 107 endtry. 108 endmethod.

1 method mail_atta. 2 data: lv_size type so_obj_len. 3 try. 4 try. 5 cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_solix( 6 exporting 7 iv_string = iv_string 8 iv_codepage = '4103' "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty 9 iv_add_bom = abap_true "for other doc types 10 importing 11 et_solix = es_atta-cont_hex 12 ev_size = lv_size 13 ). 14 15 "es_atta-docsize = lv_size. 16 catch cx_bcs into data(lr_cx_bcs). 17 data(lv_txt) = lr_cx_bcs->get_text( ). 18 raise exception type zcx_root 19 exporting 20 textid = value #( 21 msgid = '00' 22 msgno = '001' 23 attr1 = lv_txt 24 ). 25 endtry. 26 catch zcx_root into data(lr_root). 27 er_root = lr_root. 28 endtry. 29 endmethod.

1 form frm_mail_send_b tables ft_item structure wa_alv 2 ft_return structure bapiret2 3 using fs_head like wa_alv. 4 5 constants: lc_tab type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. 6 data: lr_root type ref to zcx_root. 7 data: ls_mail_head type zctr0600=>ty_mail_head. 8 data: lt_mail_body type zctr0600=>tt_mail_body, 9 lt_mail_atta type zctr0600=>tt_mail_atta, 10 lt_mail_rece type zctr0600=>tt_mail_rece. 11 data: ls_html_head type zctr0600=>ty_html_head. 12 data: lt_html_fcat type zctr0600=>tt_html_fcat, 13 lt_html_any like table of wa_mail, 14 lt_html type table of w3html. 15 data: lv_string type string, 16 ls_atta type zctr0600=>ty_mail_atta. 17 18 check fs_head-smtp_type = 'B'. 19 20 try. 21 22 ls_html_head-hfgcolor = 'white'. 23 ls_html_head-hbgcolor = 'blue'. 24 ls_html_head-lfgcolor = 'black'. 25 ls_html_head-lbgcolor = ''. 26 ls_html_head-size = '3'. 27 ls_html_head-attrb-line = 'BORDER=0'. 28 ls_html_head-tabhd-text = text-101. 29 ls_html_head-tabhd-font = 'Arial'. 30 ls_html_head-tabhd-size = '2'. 31 32 loop at ft_item into data(ls_item). 33 append initial line to lt_html_any assigning field-symbol(<fs_html_any>). 34 move-corresponding ls_item to <fs_html_any>. 35 unassign <fs_html_any>. 36 endloop. 37 38 perform frm_mail_send_fcat tables lt_html_fcat. 39 40 zctr0600=>mail_html( 41 exporting 42 is_html_head = ls_html_head 43 it_html_fcat = lt_html_fcat 44 it_html_any = lt_html_any 45 importing 46 er_root = lr_root 47 et_html = lt_html 48 ). 49 if lr_root is not initial. 50 raise exception lr_root. 51 endif. 52 53 loop at lt_html into data(ls_html). 54 lv_string = lv_string && ls_html-line. 55 endloop. 56 57 zctr0600=>mail_atta( 58 exporting 59 iv_string = lv_string 60 importing 61 es_atta = ls_atta 62 er_root = lr_root 63 ). 64 if lr_root is not initial. 65 raise exception lr_root. 66 endif. 67 68 ls_mail_head-subject = text-100. 69 ls_mail_head-sender = space. 70 ls_mail_head-mailtype = 'HTM'. 71 ls_mail_head-atta_subject = space. 72 73 append initial line to lt_mail_atta assigning field-symbol(<fs_mail_atta>). 74 <fs_mail_atta>-doc_type = 'HTM'. 75 <fs_mail_atta>-subject = text-102. 76 <fs_mail_atta>-filename = text-102. 77 <fs_mail_atta>-objtp = 'HTML'. 78 <fs_mail_atta>-cont_hex = ls_atta-cont_hex. 79 unassign <fs_mail_atta>. 80 81 append initial line to lt_mail_rece assigning field-symbol(<fs_mail_rece>). 82 <fs_mail_rece>-smtp_addr = fs_head-smtp_addr. 83 unassign <fs_mail_rece>. 84 85 zctr0600=>send_mail( 86 exporting 87 is_mail_head = ls_mail_head 88 it_mail_rece = lt_mail_rece 89 it_mail_body = lt_mail_body 90 it_mail_atta = lt_mail_atta 91 importing 92 er_root = lr_root 93 ). 94 if lr_root is not initial. 95 raise exception lr_root. 96 endif. 97 catch zcx_root into lr_root. 98 data(lv_err) = lr_root->get_text( ). 99 perform frm_get_message 100 tables ft_return 101 using 'E' 102 '00' 103 '001' 104 fs_head-smtp_addr 105 lv_err 106 space 107 space. 108 endtry. 109 endform.