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  • mapper.xml中 一些解释




      当实体类中的字段与数据库表中的字段不相同时,就需要在resultMap标签中将实体类字段与数据库字段一 一进行关联映射,或者开启驼峰规则,让它自动转换

     2: resultType 与 resultMap不能同时使用



     单独使用  无错

    <!-- 返回满足条件的设备的数量 -->
        <select id="getDevicesCountByParams"  resultType="java.lang.Integer">
            SELECT count(*) FROM wg_devices where user_id in
            <foreach item="userIdList" index="index" collection="userIdList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
            <if test="deptId != ''">
                <if test="deptId != '未知'.toString()">
                    and dept_id=#{deptId}
                <if test="deptId == '未知'.toString()">
                    and dept_id = ''
            <if test="onlineStatus != '' and onlineStatus == '在线'.toString()">
                and TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND ,update_at,DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) &lt;=remark1 and ip1&lt;&gt; ''
            <if test="onlineStatus != '' and onlineStatus == '离线'.toString()">
                and TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,update_at,DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) &gt;remark1 and ip1&lt;&gt; ''
            <if test="onlineStatus != '' and onlineStatus == '未注册'.toString()">
                and ip= ''
            <if test="onlineStatus != '' and onlineStatus == '未录入'.toString()">
                and another_name= ''
            <if test="operator1 != ''">
                <if test="operator1 != '未知'.toString()">
                    and operator1 like CONCAT('%',#{operator1},'%')
                <if test="operator1 == '未知'.toString()">
                    and operator1 = ''
            <if test="businessDeviceModel != ''">
                <if test="businessDeviceModel != '未知'.toString()">
                    and business_device_model like CONCAT('%',#{businessDeviceModel},'%')
                <if test="businessDeviceModel == '未知'.toString()">
                    and business_device_model = ''
            <if test="ip1 != ''">
                <if test="ip1 != '未知'.toString()">
                    and ip1 like CONCAT('%',#{ip1},'%')
                <if test="ip1 == '未知'.toString()">
                    and ip1 = ''
            <if test="alarmInfo != ''">
                <if test="alarmInfo != '未知'.toString()">
                    and alarm_info like CONCAT('%',#{alarmInfo},'%')
                <if test="alarmInfo == '未知'.toString()">
                    and alarm_info = ''
            <if test="venderName != ''">
                <if test="venderName != '未知'.toString()">
                    and vender_name like CONCAT('%',#{venderName},'%')
                <if test="venderName == '未知'.toString()">
                    and vender_name = ''
            <if test="anotherName != ''">
                <if test="anotherName != '未知'.toString()">
                    and another_name like CONCAT('%',#{anotherName},'%')
                <if test="anotherName == '未知'.toString()">
                    and another_name = ''
            <if test="groupId != ''">
                <if test="groupId != '未知'.toString()">
                    and group_id=#{groupId}
                <if test="groupId == '未知'.toString()">
                    and group_id = ''
            <if test="installPlace != ''">
                <if test="installPlace != '未知'.toString()">
                    and install_place=#{installPlace}
                <if test="installPlace == '未知'.toString()">
                    and install_place = ''
            <if test="area != ''">
                <if test="area != '未知'.toString()">
                    and area=#{area}
                <if test="area == '未知'.toString()">
                    and area = ''
            <if test="networkType != '' and networkType == '2'.toString()">
                and (network_type1 = 'EDGE' OR  network_type1 = 'CDMA')
            <if test="networkType != '' and networkType == '3'.toString()">
                and (network_type1 = 'WCDMA' OR  network_type1 = 'TD-SCDMA' OR  network_type1 = 'CDMA2000' OR  network_type1 = 'HSPA+')
            <if test="networkType != '' and networkType == '4'.toString()">
                and (network_type1 = 'FDD-LTE' OR  network_type1 = 'TDD-LTE' OR  network_type1 = 'LTE-1.8GHz' OR  network_type1 = 'LTE-230MHz')
            <if test="networkType != '' and networkType == '未知'.toString()">
                and network_type1 = ''
            <if test="signal != '' and signal == '0'.toString()">
                and (rssi1&lt;=-130)
            <if test="signal != '' and signal == '1'.toString()">
                and (rssi1&gt;-130 and rssi1&lt;=-100)
            <if test="signal != '' and signal == '2'.toString()">
                and (rssi1&gt;=-99 and rssi1&lt;=-90)
            <if test="signal != '' and signal == '3'.toString()">
                and (rssi1&gt;=-89 and rssi1&lt;=-70)
            <if test="signal != '' and signal == '4'.toString()">
                and rssi1&gt;=-69
            and is_delete &lt;&gt; '1'
            <if test="flowOrder != '' and flowOrder == 'max'.toString()">
                order by  wireless_flow1*1 desc
            <if test="flowOrder != '' and flowOrder == 'min'.toString()">
                order by  wireless_flow1*1 ASC
            <if test="flowOrder == ''">
                order by  update_at desc
    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/s6-b/p/11436481.html
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