Mainly the installstion methods follow the url:
there are some notices need to be mentioned:
1: fftw3 download fftw3 here
and then install it using
./configure make make install
download libmseed.2.12 here:
and then
copy all its header files (*.h) to /usr/local/include and libmseed.a to /usr/local/lib
edit the .zshrc in home filefolder
#kiwi export LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib export C_INCLUDE_PATH=${C_INCLUDE_PATH}:/usr/local/include
besides, change the makefile.local as belows:
## ## --- Local build settings for Kiwi Core Tools --- ## ## Copy this file to 'Makefile.local', so that it is included by Makefile. ## ## Fortran 95 compiler: FORTRANC = gfortran ## Select compilation flag preset ('debug' and 'fast' are predefined for g95, ## gfortran and ifort. # PRESET = fast ## The following could be used to create a custom preset: # PRESET = custom # CFLAGS_$(FORTRANC)_custom = ... # LDFLAGS_$(FORTRANC)_custom = ... ## Adjust if HDF5 is installed at a custom location # # INCHDF = -I/bonus/hdf5-$(FORTRANC)/include # LIBHDF = -L/bonus/hdf5-$(FORTRANC)/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lz HDF5DIR = hdf5-1.8.21/hdf5 INCHDF = -I$(HDF5DIR)/include LIBHDF = $(HDF5DIR)/lib/libhdf5_fortran.a $(HDF5DIR)/lib/libhdf5.a -ldl -lz ## Adjust if FFTW is installed at a custom location # INCFFTW = -I/usr/include LIBFFTW = -L/usr -lfftw3f ## Uncomment to disable SAC IO support to not depend on libsacio # LIBSAC = -Ldummy_sacio -lsacio ## Installation prefix # # prefix = /usr/local
edit the makefile (the -lmseed is replaced with '/usr/local/lib/libmseed.a')
# # --- Makefile for Kiwi Core Tools --- # # Override default settings in file 'Makefile.local' # (see 'Makefile.local.example') # #### Basic settings ------------------------------------------------------------ SHELL = /bin/sh MAKEDEPEND = ./ -g -d -i hdf5.mod -i omp_lib.mod -i kiwi_home.mod OBJDEPEND = ./ FORTRANC := gfortran INSTALL := /usr/bin/install #### Preset selection ---------------------------------------------------------- # Can use 'fast' or 'debug' with gfortran, g95 and ifort. You may have to create # a custom preset when using a different compiler (see below and example in # Makefile.local.example). PRESET := fast #### Installation prefixes ----------------------------------------------------- prefix = /usr/local datarootdir= $(prefix)/share datadir = $(datarootdir) exec_prefix = $(prefix) bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin #### Default library includes and linker settings ------------------------------ INCDUMMYOMP = -Idummy_omp_lib LIBDUMMYOMP = dummy_omp_lib/omp_lib.o INCMSEED = LIBMSEED = mseed/mseed_simple.o /usr/local/lib/libmseed.a INCHDF = $(shell pkg-config hdf5 --cflags) LIBHDF = $(shell pkg-config hdf5 --libs-only-L) -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lz INCSAC = LIBSAC = -lsacio INCFFTW = LIBFFTW = -lfftw3f LIBSMINPACK = -Lsminpack -lsminpack #### Compiler and linker flag defaults ----------------------------------------- CFLAGS = $(INCMSEED) $(INCHDF) $(INCSAC) $(INCFFTW) $(CFLAGS_$(FORTRANC)_$(PRESET)) # LDFLAGS = $(LIBMSEED) $(LIBSAC) $(LIBHDF) $(LIBSMINPACK) $(LIBFFTW) $(LDFLAGS_$(FORTRANC)_$(PRESET)) # #### Compiler specific presets ------------------------------------------------ CFLAGS_ifort_fast = -openmp LDFLAGS_ifort_fast = -openmp CFLAGS_ifort_debug = -openmp -g -warn all -ftrapuv -debug all LDFLAGS_ifort_debug = -openmp CFLAGS_g95_fast = $(INCDUMMYOMP) -O3 LDFLAGS_g95_fast = $(LIBDUMMYOMP) CFLAGS_g95_debug = $(INCDUMMYOMP) -g -Wall -ftrace=full -fbounds-check LDFLAGS_g95_debug = $(LIBDUMMYOMP) -g -Wall -ftrace=full -fbounds-check CFLAGS_gfortran_fast = $(INCDUMMYOMP) -O3 LDFLAGS_gfortran_fast = $(LIBDUMMYOMP) CFLAGS_gfortran_debug = $(INCDUMMYOMP) -g -Wall LDFLAGS_gfortran_debug = $(LIBDUMMYOMP) #### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINE := $(shell ./ --machine) OS := $(shell ./ --os) -include Makefile.local # communicate compiler settings to submake (for sminpack) export FORTRANC SRCS := $(shell ls *.f90) TARGETS := eulermt source_info minimizer gfdb_build gfdb_extract gfdb_redeploy gfdb_info gfdb_specialextract gfdb_build_ahfull differential_azidist eikonal_benchmark crust ahfull TESTS_SRCS := $(shell ls test_*.f90) TESTS = $(TESTS_SRCS:.f90=) .PHONY : clean clean-deps tests targets all check install uninstall # reset make's default suffix list for implicit rules, set our own .SUFFIXES : .SUFFIXES : .f90 .o .d .mod all : targets $(TARGETS) $(TESTS) : .sminpackdone .mseedsimple .dummyomplib .dummysacio kiwi_home.f90 : echo "module kiwi_home" > kiwi_home.f90 echo "character (len=*), parameter :: kiwi_home_dir = "$(datadir)/kiwi"" >> kiwi_home.f90 echo "end module" >> kiwi_home.f90 .sminpackdone : $(MAKE) -C sminpack/ && touch .sminpackdone .mseedsimple : $(MAKE) -C mseed/ && touch .mseedsimple .dummyomplib : $(MAKE) -C dummy_omp_lib/ && touch .dummyomplib .dummysacio : $(MAKE) -C dummy_sacio/ && touch .dummysacio targets : $(TARGETS) install : targets $(INSTALL) -d $(bindir) $(INSTALL) $(TARGETS) $(bindir) $(INSTALL) -d $(datadir)/kiwi for f in `find aux -type d -and -not -path '*/.svn*'` ; do $(INSTALL) -d $(datadir)/kiwi/$$f ; done for f in `find aux -type f -and -not -path '*/.svn/*'` ; do $(INSTALL) $$f $(datadir)/kiwi/$$f ; done @echo @echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------' @echo ' Installation complete.' @echo ' Please adjust your environment variables:' @echo @echo ' * PATH should contain:' @echo ' ' $(bindir) @echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------' uninstall : rm -rf -d $(datadir)/kiwi cd $(bindir) ; rm -f $(TARGETS) tests : $(TESTS) printvars : @echo FORTRANC = $(FORTRANC) @echo CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) @echo LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) check : tests @for t in $(TESTS); do ./$$t ; done $(TARGETS) $(TESTS) : $(FORTRANC) $(filter %.o,$^) $(OMPLIB_$(FORTRANC)) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ # implicit rules for generating depfiles %.d : %.f90 @$(MAKEDEPEND) $< @echo determining dependencies for $<... : $(SRCS:.f90=.d) @$(OBJDEPEND) $(TARGETS) $(TESTS) -- $(SRCS:.f90=.d) > $@ @echo determining dependencies for executables... # implicit rule for compiling %.o : %.f90 $(FORTRANC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< kiwi_home.o kiwi_home.mod : kiwi_home.f90 $(FORTRANC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< minimizer.o : kiwi_home.mod clean : rm -f *.o *.mod $(TESTS) $(TARGETS) .sminpackdone .mseedsimple .dummysacio .dummyomplib dummy_omp_lib/omp_lib.o dummy_omp_lib/omp_lib.mod kiwi_home.f90 $(MAKE) -C sminpack/ clean $(MAKE) -C mseed/ clean $(MAKE) -C dummy_omp_lib/ clean $(MAKE) -C dummy_sacio/ clean clean-deps : clean rm -f *.d *.do # include auto-created dependencies -include -include $(SRCS:.f90=.d)
then 'make' in the folder of kiwi and the output is as belows: