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  • 【leetcode】174. Dungeon Game


    The demons had captured the princess (P) and imprisoned her in the bottom-right corner of a dungeon. The dungeon consists of M x N rooms laid out in a 2D grid. Our valiant knight (K) was initially positioned in the top-left room and must fight his way through the dungeon to rescue the princess.

    The knight has an initial health point represented by a positive integer. If at any point his health point drops to 0 or below, he dies immediately.

    Some of the rooms are guarded by demons, so the knight loses health (negative integers) upon entering these rooms; other rooms are either empty (0's) or contain magic orbs that increase the knight's health (positive integers).

    In order to reach the princess as quickly as possible, the knight decides to move only rightward or downward in each step.

    Write a function to determine the knight's minimum initial health so that he is able to rescue the princess.

    For example, given the dungeon below, the initial health of the knight must be at least 7 if he follows the optimal path RIGHT-> RIGHT -> DOWN -> DOWN.

    -2 (K) -3 3
    -5 -10 1
    10 30 -5 (P)


    • The knight's health has no upper bound.
    • Any room can contain threats or power-ups, even the first room the knight enters and the bottom-right room where the princess is imprisoned.


    ·dungeon[i-1][j] < 0: 因为dungeon[i-1][j] 小于0,骑士在这里是损耗health的,而且又要保证有足够的health到下一个位置,得出表达式dp[i-1][j] = min(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j] - dungeon[i-1][j] )

    ·1 + dungeon[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j]:dungeon[i - 1][j] 是正数,而且足够补充health到下一个位置,因为骑士到这里的health只有满足最小值1即可,得出表达式dp[i - 1][j] = min(dp[i - 1][j], 1)

    ·其他: 这种情况是dp[i - 1][j]是正数,但是自身不足以补充足够的health到下一个位置,因此需要骑士到达自身的时候自己带一部分health,得出表达式dp[i - 1][j] = min(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j] - dungeon[i - 1][j] )


    class Solution(object):
        def calculateMinimumHP(self, dungeon):
            :type dungeon: List[List[int]]
            :rtype: int
            dp = []
            for i in dungeon:
                dp.append([float('inf')] * len(i))
            dp[-1][-1] = 1 if dungeon[-1][-1] >= 0 else 1 - dungeon[-1][-1]
            for i in range(len(dungeon) - 1,-1,-1):
                for j in range(len(dungeon[i])-1,-1,-1):
                    if i - 1 >= 0 :
                        if dungeon[i-1][j] < 0:
                            dp[i-1][j] = min(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j] - dungeon[i-1][j] )
                        elif 1 + dungeon[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j]:
                            dp[i - 1][j] = min(dp[i - 1][j], 1)
                            dp[i - 1][j] = min(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j] - dungeon[i - 1][j] )
                    if j - 1 >= 0 :
                        if dungeon[i][j-1] < 0:
                            dp[i][j-1] = min(dp[i][j-1],dp[i][j] - dungeon[i][j-1])
                        elif 1 + dungeon[i][j-1] > dp[i][j]:
                            dp[i][j-1] = min(dp[i][j-1], 1)
                            dp[i][j-1] = min(dp[i][j-1], dp[i][j] - dungeon[i][j-1])
            #print dp
            return dp[0][0]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/seyjs/p/10509000.html
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