1. 按顺序聚合,逗号分隔,并计数
group_concat( number order by number asc)
2. 根据逗号拆分,判断奇偶数去截取中间位置的那个数
SELECT doctor_name doctor, -- 分组 count(1) patientNum, -- 总数 group_concat(dnt order by dnt asc), substring_index(SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(dnt order by dnt asc),',',(count(1)+1) div 2),',',-1) dnt, case when count(1)%2=1 then substring_index(SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(dnt order by dnt asc),',',(count(1)+1) div 2),',',-1) else (substring_index(SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(dnt order by dnt asc),',',(count(1)+2) div 2),',',-1) + substring_index(SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(dnt order by dnt asc),',',count(1) div 2),',',-1))/2 end mid_dnt FROM ( SELECT distinct doctor_name, record_id, dnt from rp_green_channel_patient_detaile where dnt is not null AND visit_day >= '2020-03-30' AND visit_day <= '2020-06-27' ) AS a group by doctor_name