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  • ExportGeo

    -- export by sssa2000
    macroScript ExportGeo category:"HowTo2"
        fn GetGeometry o =
        Superclassof o == Geometryclass and classof o != TargetObject

        fn DumpMaterial m file=
        --获得diffuse and diffuse map
            ismat=iskindof m material
            if ismat then
                format "Material Name-> %\n" name to: file
                class_of_mat=classof m
                --messagebox class_of_mat
                if (class_of_mat )==Standardmaterial then
                    format "Material Type->%\n" type to: file
                    format "Ambient Value->%\n" _ambient to:file
                    format "Diffuse Value->%\n" diffuse_value to:file
                    format "Specular Value->%\n" _specular to:file
                    _specularLevel =m.specularLevel
                    format "SpecularLevel Value->%\n" _specularLevel to:file
                    format "Glossiness Value->%\n" _Glossiness to:file
                    _selfIllumColor =m.selfIllumColor
                    format "SelfIllumColor Value->%\n" _selfIllumColor to:file
                    _selfIllumAmount =m.selfIllumAmount
                    format "SelfIllumAmount Value->%\n" _selfIllumAmount to:file
                    format "Diffuse Map Path->%\n" diffuse_map_path to:file
            format "\n" to: file
        obj = pickobject filter:GetGeometry
        if isValidNode obj then
            --First export the matrix
            tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj
            out_name = GetSaveFileName()
            if out_name != undefined then
                out_file = createfile out_name

                format "Node Name: %\n" nodename to: out_file
                format "\n" to: out_file
                -- material info
                num_sub_material=getNumSubMtls obj.material
                DumpMaterial obj.material out_file
                for y=1 to num_sub_material do
                    sub_mat=getSubMtl obj.material y
                    DumpMaterial sub_mat= out_file

                format "Node TM Row1: %\n" row1 to: out_file
                format "Node TM Row2: %\n" row2 to: out_file
                format "Node TM Row3: %\n" row3 to: out_file
                format "Node TM Row4: %\n" row4 to: out_file
                -- vertex info
                num_verts = tmesh.numverts
                num_faces = tmesh.numfaces
                format "Number of Ver: %\n" num_verts to:out_file
                for v = 1 to num_verts do
                    format "Ver%: %\n" v (getVert tmesh v) to:out_file
                format "\n" to:out_file
                --face info
                format "Number of Face: %\n" num_faces to:out_file
                for f = 1 to num_faces do
                    face = getFace tmesh f
                    sgroup = getFaceSmoothGroup tmesh f
                    matid = getFaceMatId tmesh f
                    edge1 = getEdgeVis tmesh f 1
                    edge2 = getEdgeVis tmesh f 2
                    edge3 = getEdgeVis tmesh f 3
                    format "%,%,%,%,%,%\n" face sgroup matid edge1 edge2 edge3 to:out_file
                --uv info
                channel=meshop.getnummaps tmesh --number of texture
                format "\n" to: out_file
                format "Channel Number:%\n" channel to:out_file
                for i=1 to (channel-1) do
                    -- channel的计数从0开始
                    --channel 0 is vertex color so do not export it
                    IsSupport=meshop.getMapSupport tmesh i
                    if IsSupport==true then
                        format "Channel ID:%\n" i to:out_file
                        if classof obj.material.maps[i+1]==Bitmaptexture then
                            format "Map File Path->%\n" obj.material.maps[i+1].filename to: out_file
                            format "Map File Path->Null\n" to: out_file
                        num_uv_ver=meshop.getNumMapVerts tmesh i
                        num_uv_face=meshop.getNumMapFaces tmesh i
                        format "UVW Vertex Number:%\n" num_uv_ver to:out_file
                        for j=1 to num_uv_ver do
                            vert_uvw=meshop.getMapVert tmesh i j
                            --messagebox (vert_uvw as string)
                            format "% \n" vert_uvw to: out_file
                        format "UVW Face Number:%\n" num_uv_face to:out_file
                        for o=1 to num_uv_face do
                            uvw_face=meshop.getMapFace tmesh i o
                            format "% \n" uvw_face to: out_file
                        --format "Do Not Support Channel %\n" i to:out_file
            close out_file
            edit out_name


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    Business Object 开发
    HFish 蜜罐搭建测试
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softimagewht/p/1783818.html
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