Sigar是Hyperic-hq产品的基础包,是Hyperic HQ主要的数据收集组件。它用来从许多平台收集系统和处理信息.
这些平台包括:Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, FreeBSD and Mac OSX.
Sigar有C,C#,Java和Perl API,java版的API为sigar.jar sigar.jar的底层是用C语言编写的,它通过本地方法来调用操作系统API来获取系统相关数据。Windows操作系统下Sigar.jar 依赖sigar-amd64-winnt.dll或sigar-x86-winnt.dll,linux 操作系统下则依赖libsigar-amd64-linux.so或
由于每个平台都要依赖.dll 所以的GitHub上发现了oshi
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.oshi</groupId> <artifactId>oshi-core</artifactId> <version>3.4.4</version> </dependency>
package com.sundablog.utlis; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import oshi.SystemInfo; import oshi.hardware.Baseboard; import oshi.hardware.CentralProcessor; import oshi.hardware.CentralProcessor.TickType; import oshi.hardware.ComputerSystem; import oshi.hardware.Display; import oshi.hardware.Firmware; import oshi.hardware.GlobalMemory; import oshi.hardware.HWDiskStore; import oshi.hardware.HWPartition; import oshi.hardware.HardwareAbstractionLayer; import oshi.hardware.NetworkIF; import oshi.hardware.PowerSource; import oshi.hardware.Sensors; import oshi.hardware.UsbDevice; import; import; import; import; import; import; import oshi.util.FormatUtil; import oshi.util.Util; /** * Java系统监控测试类 * @ClassName: SystemInfoTest * @Description:TODO(这里用一句话描述这个类的作用) * @author: 哒哒 * @date: 2018年3月1日 下午5:33:51 * * @Copyright: 2018 Inc. All rights reserved. */ public class SystemInfoTest { private static void printComputerSystem(final ComputerSystem computerSystem) { System.out.println("manufacturer: " + computerSystem.getManufacturer()); System.out.println("model: " + computerSystem.getModel()); System.out.println("serialnumber: " + computerSystem.getSerialNumber()); final Firmware firmware = computerSystem.getFirmware(); System.out.println("firmware:"); System.out.println(" manufacturer: " + firmware.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(" name: " + firmware.getName()); System.out.println(" description: " + firmware.getDescription()); System.out.println(" version: " + firmware.getVersion()); System.out.println(" release date: " + (firmware.getReleaseDate() == null ? "unknown" : firmware.getReleaseDate() == null ? "unknown" : FormatUtil.formatDate(firmware.getReleaseDate()))); final Baseboard baseboard = computerSystem.getBaseboard(); System.out.println("baseboard:"); System.out.println(" manufacturer: " + baseboard.getManufacturer()); System.out.println(" model: " + baseboard.getModel()); System.out.println(" version: " + baseboard.getVersion()); System.out.println(" serialnumber: " + baseboard.getSerialNumber()); } private static void printProcessor(CentralProcessor processor) { System.out.println(processor); System.out.println(" " + processor.getPhysicalProcessorCount() + " physical CPU(s)"); System.out.println(" " + processor.getLogicalProcessorCount() + " logical CPU(s)"); System.out.println("Identifier: " + processor.getIdentifier()); System.out.println("ProcessorID: " + processor.getProcessorID()); } private static void printMemory(GlobalMemory memory) { System.out.println("以使用内存: " + FormatUtil.formatBytes(memory.getAvailable()) + "总共内存" + FormatUtil.formatBytes(memory.getTotal())); System.out.println("Swap used: " + FormatUtil.formatBytes(memory.getSwapUsed()) + "/" + FormatUtil.formatBytes(memory.getSwapTotal())); } private static void printCpu(CentralProcessor processor) { System.out.println("Uptime: " + FormatUtil.formatElapsedSecs(processor.getSystemUptime())); long[] prevTicks = processor.getSystemCpuLoadTicks(); System.out.println("CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 0 sec:" + Arrays.toString(prevTicks)); // Wait a second... Util.sleep(1000); long[] ticks = processor.getSystemCpuLoadTicks(); System.out.println("CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 1 sec:" + Arrays.toString(ticks)); long user = ticks[TickType.USER.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.USER.getIndex()]; long nice = ticks[TickType.NICE.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.NICE.getIndex()]; long sys = ticks[TickType.SYSTEM.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.SYSTEM.getIndex()]; long idle = ticks[TickType.IDLE.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.IDLE.getIndex()]; long iowait = ticks[TickType.IOWAIT.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.IOWAIT.getIndex()]; long irq = ticks[TickType.IRQ.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.IRQ.getIndex()]; long softirq = ticks[TickType.SOFTIRQ.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.SOFTIRQ.getIndex()]; long steal = ticks[TickType.STEAL.getIndex()] - prevTicks[TickType.STEAL.getIndex()]; long totalCpu = user + nice + sys + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal; System.out.format( "User: %.1f%% Nice: %.1f%% System: %.1f%% Idle: %.1f%% IOwait: %.1f%% IRQ: %.1f%% SoftIRQ: %.1f%% Steal: %.1f%%%n", 100d * user / totalCpu, 100d * nice / totalCpu, 100d * sys / totalCpu, 100d * idle / totalCpu, 100d * iowait / totalCpu, 100d * irq / totalCpu, 100d * softirq / totalCpu, 100d * steal / totalCpu); System.out.format("CPU load: %.1f%% (counting ticks)%n", processor.getSystemCpuLoadBetweenTicks() * 100); System.out.format("CPU load: %.1f%% (OS MXBean)%n", processor.getSystemCpuLoad() * 100); double[] loadAverage = processor.getSystemLoadAverage(3); System.out.println("CPU load averages:" + (loadAverage[0] < 0 ? " N/A" : String.format(" %.2f", loadAverage[0])) + (loadAverage[1] < 0 ? " N/A" : String.format(" %.2f", loadAverage[1])) + (loadAverage[2] < 0 ? " N/A" : String.format(" %.2f", loadAverage[2]))); // per core CPU StringBuilder procCpu = new StringBuilder("CPU load per processor:"); double[] load = processor.getProcessorCpuLoadBetweenTicks(); for (double avg : load) { procCpu.append(String.format(" %.1f%%", avg * 100)); } System.out.println(procCpu.toString()); } private static void printProcesses(OperatingSystem os, GlobalMemory memory) { System.out.println("Processes: " + os.getProcessCount() + ", Threads: " + os.getThreadCount()); // Sort by highest CPU List<OSProcess> procs = Arrays.asList(os.getProcesses(5, ProcessSort.CPU)); System.out.println(" PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS Name"); for (int i = 0; i < procs.size() && i < 5; i++) { OSProcess p = procs.get(i); System.out.format(" %5d %5.1f %4.1f %9s %9s %s%n", p.getProcessID(), 100d * (p.getKernelTime() + p.getUserTime()) / p.getUpTime(), 100d * p.getResidentSetSize() / memory.getTotal(), FormatUtil.formatBytes(p.getVirtualSize()), FormatUtil.formatBytes(p.getResidentSetSize()), p.getName()); } } private static void printSensors(Sensors sensors) { System.out.println("Sensors:"); System.out.format(" CPU Temperature: %.1f°C%n", sensors.getCpuTemperature()); System.out.println(" Fan Speeds: " + Arrays.toString(sensors.getFanSpeeds())); System.out.format(" CPU Voltage: %.1fV%n", sensors.getCpuVoltage()); } private static void printPowerSources(PowerSource[] powerSources) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Power: "); if (powerSources.length == 0) { sb.append("Unknown"); } else { double timeRemaining = powerSources[0].getTimeRemaining(); if (timeRemaining < -1d) { sb.append("Charging"); } else if (timeRemaining < 0d) { sb.append("Calculating time remaining"); } else { sb.append(String.format("%d:%02d remaining", (int) (timeRemaining / 3600), (int) (timeRemaining / 60) % 60)); } } for (PowerSource pSource : powerSources) { sb.append(String.format("%n %s @ %.1f%%", pSource.getName(), pSource.getRemainingCapacity() * 100d)); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } private static void printDisks(HWDiskStore[] diskStores) { System.out.println("Disks:"); for (HWDiskStore disk : diskStores) { boolean readwrite = disk.getReads() > 0 || disk.getWrites() > 0; System.out.format(" %s: (model: %s - S/N: %s) size: %s, reads: %s (%s), writes: %s (%s), xfer: %s ms%n", disk.getName(), disk.getModel(), disk.getSerial(), disk.getSize() > 0 ? FormatUtil.formatBytesDecimal(disk.getSize()) : "?", readwrite ? disk.getReads() : "?", readwrite ? FormatUtil.formatBytes(disk.getReadBytes()) : "?", readwrite ? disk.getWrites() : "?", readwrite ? FormatUtil.formatBytes(disk.getWriteBytes()) : "?", readwrite ? disk.getTransferTime() : "?"); HWPartition[] partitions = disk.getPartitions(); if (partitions == null) { // TODO Remove when all OS's implemented continue; } for (HWPartition part : partitions) { System.out.format(" |-- %s: %s (%s) Maj:Min=%d:%d, size: %s%s%n", part.getIdentification(), part.getName(), part.getType(), part.getMajor(), part.getMinor(), FormatUtil.formatBytesDecimal(part.getSize()), part.getMountPoint().isEmpty() ? "" : " @ " + part.getMountPoint()); } } } private static void printFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem) { System.out.println("File System:"); System.out.format(" File Descriptors: %d/%d%n", fileSystem.getOpenFileDescriptors(), fileSystem.getMaxFileDescriptors()); OSFileStore[] fsArray = fileSystem.getFileStores(); for (OSFileStore fs : fsArray) { long usable = fs.getUsableSpace(); long total = fs.getTotalSpace(); System.out.format( " %s (%s) [%s] %s of %s free (%.1f%%) is %s " + (fs.getLogicalVolume() != null && fs.getLogicalVolume().length() > 0 ? "[%s]" : "%s") + " and is mounted at %s%n", fs.getName(), fs.getDescription().isEmpty() ? "file system" : fs.getDescription(), fs.getType(), FormatUtil.formatBytes(usable), FormatUtil.formatBytes(fs.getTotalSpace()), 100d * usable / total, fs.getVolume(), fs.getLogicalVolume(), fs.getMount()); } } private static void printNetworkInterfaces(NetworkIF[] networkIFs) { System.out.println("Network interfaces:"); for (NetworkIF net : networkIFs) { System.out.format(" Name: %s (%s)%n", net.getName(), net.getDisplayName()); System.out.format(" MAC Address: %s %n", net.getMacaddr()); System.out.format(" MTU: %s, Speed: %s %n", net.getMTU(), FormatUtil.formatValue(net.getSpeed(), "bps")); System.out.format(" IPv4: %s %n", Arrays.toString(net.getIPv4addr())); System.out.format(" IPv6: %s %n", Arrays.toString(net.getIPv6addr())); boolean hasData = net.getBytesRecv() > 0 || net.getBytesSent() > 0 || net.getPacketsRecv() > 0 || net.getPacketsSent() > 0; System.out.format(" Traffic: received %s/%s%s; transmitted %s/%s%s %n", hasData ? net.getPacketsRecv() + " packets" : "?", hasData ? FormatUtil.formatBytes(net.getBytesRecv()) : "?", hasData ? " (" + net.getInErrors() + " err)" : "", hasData ? net.getPacketsSent() + " packets" : "?", hasData ? FormatUtil.formatBytes(net.getBytesSent()) : "?", hasData ? " (" + net.getOutErrors() + " err)" : ""); } } private static void printNetworkParameters(NetworkParams networkParams) { System.out.println("Network parameters:"); System.out.format(" Host name: %s%n", networkParams.getHostName()); System.out.format(" Domain name: %s%n", networkParams.getDomainName()); System.out.format(" DNS servers: %s%n", Arrays.toString(networkParams.getDnsServers())); System.out.format(" IPv4 Gateway: %s%n", networkParams.getIpv4DefaultGateway()); System.out.format(" IPv6 Gateway: %s%n", networkParams.getIpv6DefaultGateway()); } private static void printDisplays(Display[] displays) { System.out.println("Displays:"); int i = 0; for (Display display : displays) { System.out.println(" Display " + i + ":"); System.out.println(display.toString()); i++; } } private static void printUsbDevices(UsbDevice[] usbDevices) { System.out.println("USB Devices:"); for (UsbDevice usbDevice : usbDevices) { System.out.println(usbDevice.toString()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemInfoTest.class);"Initializing System..."); SystemInfo si = new SystemInfo(); HardwareAbstractionLayer hal = si.getHardware(); OperatingSystem os = si.getOperatingSystem(); System.out.println(os);"Checking computer system..."); printComputerSystem(hal.getComputerSystem());"Checking Processor..."); printProcessor(hal.getProcessor());"Checking Memory..."); printMemory(hal.getMemory());"Checking CPU..."); printCpu(hal.getProcessor());"Checking Processes..."); printProcesses(os, hal.getMemory());"Checking Sensors..."); printSensors(hal.getSensors());"Checking Power sources..."); printPowerSources(hal.getPowerSources());"Checking Disks..."); printDisks(hal.getDiskStores());"Checking File System..."); printFileSystem(os.getFileSystem());"Checking Network interfaces..."); printNetworkInterfaces(hal.getNetworkIFs());"Checking Network parameterss..."); printNetworkParameters(os.getNetworkParams()); // hardware: displays"Checking Displays..."); printDisplays(hal.getDisplays()); // hardware: USB devices"Checking USB Devices..."); printUsbDevices(hal.getUsbDevices(true)); } }
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.sundablog.utlis.SystemInfoTest). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See for more info. Apple macOS 10.13.3 (High Sierra) build 17D47 manufacturer: Apple Inc. model: MacBook Pro (MacBookPro11,2) serialnumber: C02P91B3G3QC firmware: manufacturer: Apple Inc. name: EFI description: unknown version: MBP112.0142.B00 release date: unknown baseboard: manufacturer: Apple Inc. model: SMC version: 2.18f15 serialnumber: C02P91B3G3QC Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz 4 physical CPU(s) 8 logical CPU(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 70 Stepping 1 ProcessorID: BFEBFBFF00040661 以使用内存: 6.6 GiB总共内存16 GiB Swap used: 0 bytes/0 bytes Uptime: 0 days, 07:58:21 CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 0 sec:[839666, 0, 372626, 10847395, 0, 0, 0, 0] CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 1 sec:[839753, 0, 372649, 10848088, 0, 0, 0, 0] User: 10.8% Nice: 0.0% System: 2.9% Idle: 86.3% IOwait: 0.0% IRQ: 0.0% SoftIRQ: 0.0% Steal: 0.0% CPU load: 14.3% (counting ticks) CPU load: 14.3% (OS MXBean) CPU load averages: 3.57 2.64 2.48 CPU load per processor: 27.2% 3.9% 23.5% 4.0% 21.6% 4.9% 25.5% 3.9% Processes: 345, Threads: 772 PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS Name 1430 47.1 0.3 9.6 GiB 56.9 MiB java 1361 19.1 1.1 5.3 GiB 183.3 MiB Google Chrome Helper 1112 16.5 3.5 6.0 GiB 566.1 MiB Google Chrome Helper 1101 13.8 10.8 9.2 GiB 1.7 GiB eclipse 700 7.9 1.8 5.2 GiB 294.2 MiB Google Chrome Sensors: CPU Temperature: 52.5°C Fan Speeds: [2157, 2000] CPU Voltage: 3.7V Power: Charging InternalBattery-0 @ 100.0% Disks: disk0: (model: APPLE SSD SM0256F - S/N: S1K4NYCG163027) size: 251.0 GB, reads: 192337 (5.4 GiB), writes: 195838 (2.6 GiB), xfer: 134350 ms |-- disk0s1: EFI (EFI System Partition) Maj:Min=1:1, size: 209.7 MB |-- disk0s2: Untitled 2 (Untitled 2) Maj:Min=1:2, size: 250.8 GB disk1: (model: APPLE SSD SM0256F - S/N: S1K4NYCG163027) size: 250.8 GB, reads: ? (?), writes: ? (?), xfer: ? ms |-- disk1s1: sunda (sunda) Maj:Min=1:4, size: 250.8 GB @ / |-- disk1s2: Preboot (Preboot) Maj:Min=1:6, size: 250.8 GB |-- disk1s3: Recovery (Recovery) Maj:Min=1:5, size: 250.8 GB |-- disk1s4: VM (VM) Maj:Min=1:7, size: 250.8 GB @ /private/var/vm disk2: (model: Disk Image - S/N: ) size: 66.6 MB, reads: 172 (23.8 MiB), writes: 0 (0 bytes), xfer: 2854 ms |-- disk2s1: Lantern 4.4.2 (disk image) Maj:Min=1:9, size: 66.5 MB @ /Volumes/Lantern 4.4.2 File System: File Descriptors: 4017/49152 sunda (Volume) [apfs] 191.1 GiB of 233.6 GiB free (81.8%) is /dev/disk1s1 and is mounted at / VM (Volume) [apfs] 191.1 GiB of 233.6 GiB free (81.8%) is /dev/disk1s4 and is mounted at /private/var/vm Lantern 4.4.2 (Volume) [hfs] 40.1 MiB of 63.5 MiB free (63.3%) is /dev/disk2s1 and is mounted at /Volumes/Lantern 4.4.2 Network interfaces: Name: en3 (en3) MAC Address: 9c:eb:e8:22:d3:e1 MTU: 1500, Speed: 100 Mbps IPv4: [] IPv6: [fe80:0:0:0:c17:690e:4922:2a0a] Traffic: received 412320 packets/377.0 MiB (0 err); transmitted 400139 packets/55.9 MiB (14 err) Network parameters: Host name: localhost Domain name: DNS servers: [,] IPv4 Gateway: IPv6 Gateway: fe80:: Displays: Display 0: Manuf. ID=A, Product ID=a022, Analog, Serial=00000000, ManufDate=1/2013, EDID v1.4 33 x 21 cm (13.0 x 8.3 in) Preferred Timing: Clock -317MHz, Active Pixels 3840x1920 Monitor Name: Color LCD Preferred Timing: Clock 0MHz, Active Pixels 0x0 Preferred Timing: Clock 0MHz, Active Pixels 0x0 USB Devices: AppleUSBXHCI |-- AppleUSBXHCI Root Hub Simulation (Apple Inc.) |-- Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Apple Inc.) |-- BRCM20702 Hub (Apple Inc.) |-- Bluetooth USB Host Controller (Apple Inc.) |-- USB 10/100 LAN (Xiaomi) [s/n: 9CEBE822D3E1]