#chapter 3#### attach(mtcars) plot(wt,mpg) abline(lm(mpg~wt)) #adds a line of best fit title("regression of mpg on weight") detach(mtcars) pdf("mygraph.pdf") attach(mtcars) plot(wt,mpg) abline(lm(mpg~wt)) #adds a line of best fit title("regression of mpg on weight") detach(mtcars) dev.off() #3.2 one simple example### dose<-c(20,30,40,45,60) drugA<-c(16,20,27,40,60) drugB<-c(15,18,25,31,40) plot(dose,drugA,type = "b") #3.3graphical parameters### opar<-par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(lty=2,pch=17) plot(dose,drugA,type = "b") par(opar) plot(dose,drugA,type = "b",lty=2,pch=17) #3.3.1 plot(dose,drugA,type = "b",lty=3,lwd=3,pch=20,cex=2,col="lightseagreen") #3.3.2 colors() rainbow(10) sqrt(81) x<-c(1,2) underline(x)