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  • 存储过程处理错误数据

    create or replace procedure ERR_REDUCEDATA is

    v_realindiobjid VARCHAR2(100);
    v_indiobjid VARCHAR2(32);
    v_residuemoney number ;
    v_reducemoney number ;
    v_approbjid VARCHAR2(32);
    -- v_indiecoid VARCHAR2(32);
    --v_indiecocode VARCHAR2(32);
    v_Apprecoid VARCHAR2(32);
    --v_Apprecocode VARCHAR2(32);
    v_divid VARCHAR2(32); --单位
    v_acctcode VARCHAR2(32); --功能分类
    v_sourcetypeid VARCHAR2(32); --来源类型
    v_deptid VARCHAR2(32); --处室
    v_paymodeid VARCHAR2(32); --支付方式
    v_fundkindid VARCHAR2(32); --资金性质
    v_projtypeid VARCHAR2(32); --项目类别
    v_projid VARCHAR2(32); --项目
    v_extendcol20 VARCHAR2(32); --政府经济分类
    v_economicprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_fundprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_sourceprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_deptprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_divprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_acctprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_paymodprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_projtypeprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_projprop5 VARCHAR2(1);
    v_extcol205 VARCHAR2(1); -- 政府经济分类是否一致
    v_apprvchrtdate Indi_t_ApprBillDetail.apprvchrtdate%type;
    v_sql VARCHAR2(8000);
    --v_sql1 VARCHAR2(5000);
    --v_sql2 VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_cout number;
    v_ct number ;
    v_sumresiduemoney number;
    TYPE ref_cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; --定义一个动态游标
    indiinfo ref_cursor_type;
    -- v_extct number ;
    v_reducetype VARCHAR2(32);
    v_planobjid VARCHAR2(32);
    v_vchrobjid VARCHAR2(32);

    CURSOR emp_cursor IS
    select --indiobjid,
    l.economictypeid as Apprecoid,
    -- Apprecocode,
    l.acctcode, --功能分类
    l.sourcetypeid, --来源类型
    l.deptid, --处室
    l.paymodeid, --支付方式
    l.fundkindid, --资金性质
    l.projtypeid, --项目类别
    l.projid, --项目
    l.extendcol20, --政府经济分类
    substring(g.ColProp_4,5,1) as economicprop5,
    substring(g.ColProp_5,5,1) as fundprop5,
    substring(g.SourceProp,5,1) as sourceprop5,
    substring(g.DeptProp,5,1) as deptprop5,
    substring(g.DivProp,5,1) as divprop5,
    substring(g.AcctProp,5,1) as acctprop5,
    substring(g.PayModeProp,5,1) as paymodprop5,
    substring(g.ProjTypeProp,5,1) as projtypeprop5,
    substring(g.ProjProp,5,1) as projprop5,
    substring(g.ExtCol20Prop,5,1) as extcol205,
    f.billdate apprvchrtdate
    (select approbjid,sum(reducemoney) reducemoney from temp_t_indireduce group by approbjid ) h
    inner join Indi_t_ApprBillDetail l on h.approbjid = l.approbjid
    inner join Indi_t_ApprBillmain f on l.billobjid = f.billobjid
    inner join Indi_t_ApprBillType g on f.billtype = g.billtypeid ;

    ---创建一个临时表 ----存入错误数据
    -- execute immediate ' create table temp_t_indireduce as (

    -- select * from Indi_t_IndiReduce where approbjid in (select approbjid from
    -- (select e.reducemoney,a.billobjid,b.indiobjid,a.approbjid,a.economictypeid as Apprecoid, (select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=a.economictypeid) as Apprecocode,
    -- b.economictypeid as indiecoid ,(select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=b.economictypeid) as indiecocode
    -- from Indi_t_ApprBillDetail a
    -- inner join Indi_t_IndiReduce e on a.approbjid=e.approbjid
    -- inner join indi_t_indibilldetail b on e.indiobjid=b.indiobjid

    -- where a.economictypeid<>b.economictypeid) tt
    -- where substr(Apprecocode,1,3)<>indiecocode)
    -- )';

    --删除核销表中错误数据 ()

    --delete from Indi_t_IndiReduce where approbjid in (select approbjid from
    -- (select e.reducemoney,a.billobjid,b.indiobjid,a.approbjid,a.economictypeid as Apprecoid, (select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=a.economictypeid) as Apprecocode,
    -- b.economictypeid as indiecoid ,(select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=b.economictypeid) as indiecocode
    -- from Indi_t_ApprBillDetail a --支付信息表 initmoney
    -- inner join Indi_t_IndiReduce e on a.approbjid=e.approbjid --指标核销表
    -- inner join indi_t_indibilldetail b on e.indiobjid=b.indiobjid --指标信息的表

    -- where a.economictypeid<>b.economictypeid) tt
    -- where substr(Apprecocode,1,3)<>indiecocode);

    v_cout := 0 ;
    -- v_sql1 :='select indiobjid,residuemoney ';
    -- v_sql2 :='select count(*) ';--符合条件的指标
    -- v_sql := 'select indiobjid, residuemoney from (select aa.*, aa.indimoney - nvl(reducemoney, 0) residuemoney, mm.saudittime from indi_t_indibilldetail aa join indi_t_indibillmain mm on aa.billobjid = mm.billobjid left join ( select indiobjid, sum(reducemoney) reducemoney from Indi_t_IndiReduce where approbjid not in ( select approbjid from (select e.reducemoney,a.billobjid,b.indiobjid,a.approbjid,a.economictypeid as Apprecoid, (select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=a.economictypeid) as Apprecocode, b.economictypeid as indiecoid ,(select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=b.economictypeid) as indiecocode from Indi_t_ApprBillDetail a inner join Indi_t_IndiReduce e on a.approbjid=e.approbjid inner join indi_t_indibilldetail b on e.indiobjid=b.indiobjid where a.economictypeid<>b.economictypeid) tt where substr(Apprecocode,1,3)<>indiecocode) group by indiobjid ) bb on aa.indiobjid = bb.indiobjid where (aa.indimoney - nvl(reducemoney, 0)) > 0 and aa.billtypeobjid in (SELECT billtypeid FROM Indi_t_Indibilltype where typeisuse = ''2'') and mm.auditstate = ''2'') where 1 = 1 ';
    v_sql := ' select indiobjid, residuemoney from (select aa.*, aa.indimoney - nvl(aa.adjustmoney, 0) - nvl(aa.planmoney, 0) - nvl(aa.apprnmoney, 0) residuemoney, mm.saudittime from indi_t_indibilldetail aa join indi_t_indibillmain mm on aa.billobjid = mm.billobjid where aa.indimoney - nvl(aa.adjustmoney, 0) - nvl(aa.planmoney, 0) - nvl(aa.apprnmoney, 0) > 0 and aa.billtypeobjid in (SELECT billtypeid FROM Indi_t_Indibilltype where typeisuse = ''2'') and mm.auditstate = ''2'') where 1 = 1';
    --v_sql := 'select indiobjid,residuemoney from (select aa.*,aa.indimoney - nvl(reducemoney, 0) residuemoney ,mm.saudittime from indi_t_indibilldetail aa join indi_t_indibillmain mm on aa.billobjid = mm.billobjid left join (select indiobjid,sum(reducemoney) reducemoney from (select (select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=a.economictypeid) as Appr2, (select acctcode from efm_t_acctitem k where k.acctid=b.economictypeid) as indi2, b.indiobjid,e.reducemoney from Indi_t_ApprBillDetail a inner join Indi_t_IndiReduce e on a.approbjid=e.approbjid inner join indi_t_indibilldetail b on e.indiobjid=b.indiobjid ) tt where substr(tt.appr2,1,3)= tt.indi2 or tt.appr2 = tt.indi2 group by indiobjid ) bb on aa.indiobjid = bb.indiobjid where (aa.indimoney - nvl(reducemoney,0))>0 and aa.billtypeobjid in(SELECT billtypeid FROM Indi_t_Indibilltype where typeisuse = ''2'' ) and mm.auditstate = ''2'' ) where 1 = 1 ';
    --v_sql := 'select * from indi_t_indibilldetail where 1 = 1 ';
    IF NOT emp_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
    OPEN emp_cursor;
    END IF;

    FETCH emp_cursor INTO
    -- v_indiobjid,
    -- v_indiecoid,
    -- v_indiecocode,
    v_Apprecoid ,
    -- v_Apprecocode,
    v_divid , --单位
    v_acctcode , --功能分类
    v_sourcetypeid , --来源类型
    v_deptid , --处室
    v_paymodeid , --支付方式
    v_fundkindid , --资金性质
    v_projtypeid , --项目类别
    v_projid , --项目
    v_extendcol20 , --政府经济分类
    v_economicprop5 ,
    v_fundprop5 ,
    v_sourceprop5 ,
    v_deptprop5 ,
    v_divprop5 ,
    EXIT WHEN emp_cursor%NOTFOUND OR emp_cursor%NOTFOUND IS NULL;

    v_cout := v_cout + 1 ;

    IF v_economicprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (economictypeid = '''||v_Apprecoid||''' or economictypeid = (select superid from pub_t_economictype where economictypeid = ''' ||v_Apprecoid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_fundprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (fundkindid = '''||v_fundkindid||''' or fundkindid = (select superid from Pub_t_FundType where fundkindid = ''' ||v_fundkindid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_sourceprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (sourcetypeid = '''||v_sourcetypeid||''' or sourcetypeid = (select superid from Indi_t_SourceType where sourcetypeid = ''' ||v_sourcetypeid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_deptprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (deptid = '''||v_deptid ||''' or deptid = (select superid from Sys_t_Dept where deptid = ''' ||v_deptid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_divprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (divid = '''||v_divid ||''' or divid = (select superid from Indi_v_Division where divid = ''' ||v_divid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_acctprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (acctcode = '''||v_acctcode ||''' or acctcode = (select superid from indi_v_acctitem where acctid = '''||v_acctcode||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_paymodprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (paymodeid = '''||v_paymodeid||''' or paymodeid = (select superid from Indi_t_PayMode where paymodeid = '''||v_paymodeid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_projtypeprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and projtype = '''||v_projtypeid||''''; --Indi_t_ProjType
    END IF ;
    IF v_projprop5 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (projid = '''||v_projid ||''' or projid = (select superid from Indi_t_Project where projid = '''||v_projid||'''))';
    END IF ;
    IF v_extcol205 = '1' then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and (extendcol20 = '''||v_extendcol20||''' or extendcol20 = (select superid from pub_t_govecotype where govecotypeid = '''||v_extendcol20||'''))';
    END IF ;

    IF v_apprvchrtdate is not null then
    v_sql := v_sql || ' and saudittime <= '''||v_apprvchrtdate||'''';
    END IF ;

    v_sql := v_sql || ' order by saudittime asc ';

    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V_SQL INTO v_extct; --v_sql2||

    --if true then --v_extct > 0 then --存在数据不判断 indiinfo 报错

    --if len(v_realindiobjid) = 32 then

    -----///--delete from Indi_t_IndiReduce where approbjid = :v_approbjid;

    -- dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'行数据有一条--'||v_realindiobjid);
    --elsif len(v_realindiobjid) > 32 then
    -- dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'行有多条--'||v_realindiobjid);
    -- else
    -- dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'行无数据--'||v_realindiobjid);
    -- end if ;
    --v_sql := 'select * from dual where 1 = 2 ';
    open indiinfo for v_sql ; --v_sql1||
    v_ct :=0 ;
    v_sumresiduemoney := 0 ;
    v_realindiobjid := '' ;


    fetch indiinfo into v_indiobjid,v_residuemoney;
    exit when indiinfo%notfound;
    v_ct := v_ct + 1 ;
    v_sumresiduemoney := v_sumresiduemoney + v_residuemoney ; -----有多少钱
    v_realindiobjid := v_realindiobjid ||v_indiobjid ;

    if v_ct = 1 then

    select reducetype,planobjid,vchrobjid into v_reducetype,v_planobjid,v_vchrobjid from temp_t_IndiReduce where approbjid = v_approbjid and rownum = 1 ;

    delete from temp_t_IndiReduce where approbjid = v_approbjid ;

    end if ;

    if v_residuemoney >= v_reducemoney then
    insert into Indi_t_IndiReduce(indiobjid,reducetype,planobjid,approbjid,reducemoney,remainmoney,vchrobjid) values ( v_indiobjid,v_reducetype,v_planobjid,v_approbjid,v_reducemoney,0,v_vchrobjid ) ;

    commit ; --符合条件了提交
    v_ct := -1 ;
    insert into Indi_t_IndiReduce(indiobjid,reducetype,planobjid,approbjid,reducemoney,remainmoney,vchrobjid) values ( v_indiobjid,v_reducetype,v_planobjid,v_approbjid,v_residuemoney,0,v_vchrobjid ) ;
    v_reducemoney := v_reducemoney - v_residuemoney ;

    end if ;

    -- dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'行--');
    end loop;

    -- if v_sumresiduemoney < v_reducemoney then
    -- dbms_output.put_line(v_ct||'无匹配'||v_cout||v_approbjid);

    -- end if ;

    if v_ct = 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'条无匹配,approbjid = '||v_approbjid);
    elsif v_ct > 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('第'||v_cout||'条核销金额不够,approbjid = '||v_approbjid);
    rollback ; --钱不够 回滚

    end if ;

    close indiinfo;



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sx2zx/p/9264507.html
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