#1. #A:类的__str__方法:每次一个实例转换为其打印字符串的时候,此函数会自动调用 #B:类的__repr__方法:提供对象的一种代码低层级显示 class CTest: def __init__(self): self.value = 10 def __str__(self): return "str:%s" % self.value def __repr__(self): return "repr:%s" % self.value Test = CTest() str0 = str(Test) #str0 = 'str:10' str1 = repr(Test) #str1 = 'repr:10' #2. #A:编写代码的时候存在一个很常见的问题:任何时候,当需要复制一段代码,基本上都会使得未来的维护工作倍增 #B:一种功能代码只出现在一个地方,将来需要修改的时候,我们就只需要进行一处修改,这对于代码维护意义重大 #3. #A:类方法总是可以在一个实例中调用(通常python自动把该实例传递给self参数),或者通过类来调用(必须手动传递实例) # instance.method(args) 等价于 class.methon(instance, args) #B:多态是python灵活性的核心:根据传递的对象的类型,自动调用相应的版本 class CFather: def __init__(self): self.str = 'Father' def GetStr(self): return self.str class CChild(CFather): def __init__(self): CFather.__init__(self) self.str1 = 'Child' def GetStr(self): return CFather.GetStr(self) + " " + self.str1 Child = CChild() str0 = Child.GetStr() #str0 = 'Father Child' Father = CFather() str1 = Father.GetStr() #str1 = 'Father' str2 = CFather.GetStr(Father) #str2 = 'Father' #4. #A:若子类定义了__init__函数,并且子类想获得父类的属性,则子类必须调用父类的__init__函数 class CFather: def __init__(self): self.value = 'Father' class CChild0(CFather): pass class CChild1(CFather): def __init__(self): pass class CChild2(CFather): def __init__(self): CFather.__init__(self) #注意点:在类方法中对于self的赋值将为类实例添加对应属性,而不会为类添加对应属性 #类的属性会自动添加给类实例 bValue0 = 'value' in dir(CFather()) #bValue0 = True bValue1 = 'value' in dir(CFather) #bValue1 = False bValue2 = 'value' in dir(CChild0()) #bValue2 = True bValue3 = 'value' in dir(CChild1()) #bValue3 = False bValue4 = 'value' in dir(CChild2()) #bValue4 = True #5. #A:instance.__class__属性提供了一个从实例到创建她的类的链接 #B:类反过来有一个__name__来得到类名 #C:__bases__:列出基类名称 #D:__dict__:提供了属性的列表 class CFather: def __init__(self): self.value = 'Father' class CChild(CFather) : pass Father = CFather() #Father = <__main__.CFather object at 0x0000000002D595F8> v0 = Father.__class__ #v0 = <class '__main__.CFather'> v1 = Father.__class__.__name__ #v1 = 'CFather' v2 = Father.__class__() #v2 = <__main__.CFather object at 0x0000000002D54CF8> str0 = v2.value #str0 = 'Father' str1 = CFather.__name__ #str1 = 'CFather' v3 = CChild.__bases__ #v3 = (<class '__main__.CFather'>,) str2 = v3[0]().value #str2 = 'Father' dict0 = CFather.__dict__ ''' dict0 = mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CFather' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CFather' objects>, '__init__': <function CFather.__init__ at 0x0000000002E140D0>}) ''' dict1 = Father.__dict__ #dict1 = {'value': 'Father'} dict2 = CChild().__dict__ #dict2 = {'value': 'Father'} #6. #A:类和类实例的__dict__:类实例的__dict__只会得到对self的顶层赋值的属性,而类的__dict__属性会得到类定义中的顶层赋值属性,不包括对self赋值的属性 #B:可以用dir内置函数获取全部属性 class CFather(): valueFather = 'Father' def __init__(self): #self.value1 = valueFather #报错 self.value1 = CFather.valueFather class CChild(CFather): def __init__(self): CFather.__init__(self) self.value2 = 'Child' Father = CFather() Child = CChild() str0 = Father.__dict__ #str0 = {'value1': 'Father'} str1 = Child.__dict__ #str1 = {'value1': 'Father', 'value2': 'Child'} b0 = 'valueFather' in CFather.__dict__ #b0 = True b1 = 'value1' in CFather.__dict__ #b1 = False bValue0 = 'value1' in dir(Father) #bValue0 = True bValue1 = 'valueFather' in dir(Father) #bValue1 = True #7. #A:pickle模块是一种非常通用的对象格式化和解格式化工具:对于内存中的任何python对象,都能转化为字符串,这个字符串随后能用于重建python对象 #B:shelve模块提供了一个额外的层结构,允许按照键来存储pickle处理后的对象 import pickle ''' pickle 英[ˈpɪkl] 美[ˈpɪkəl] vt. 腌渍(泡菜等) ''' list0 = {'a':1, 'b':2} file = open('Test.pkl', "wb") pickle.dump(list0, file) file.close() file = open("Test.pkl", "rb") list1 = pickle.load(file) #list1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} file.close() class CTest(): def __init__(self): self.value0 = 'value0' self.value1 = 'value1' Test = CTest() file = open('Test.pkl', "wb") pickle.dump(Test, file) file.close() file = open("Test.pkl", "rb") Test1 = pickle.load(file) value = Test1.value0, Test1.value1 #value = ('value0', 'value1') file.close() import shelve ''' shelve 英[ʃelv] 美[ʃɛlv] vt. 将(书等)放置在架子上; 将…搁在一边; 装搁架于; 罢免; vi. (陆地) 逐渐倾斜 ''' list0 = [CTest(), CTest()] list0[0].value0 = '0' list0[1].value0 = '1' db = shelve.open("Test") #为了载入和使用存储的对象,我们不一定要导入所存储的类,其内部会使用pickle操作来记录self属性,当随后从shelve获取属性的时候,会自动重新载入该类 #上述特性导致了:随后载入一个实例的时候,类及其模块文件都必须被导入,这个模块文件可以通过sys.path所查找 # 当该类的实例再次载入的时候,对类文件的源代码的修改会自动生效 for v in list0: db[v.value0] = v db.close() db = shelve.open("Test") value = len(db) #value = 2 str0 = db['0'].value0 #str0 = '0' str1 = db['1'].value0 #str1 = '1' db.close()